23. Fake relationship

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"Live together under one roof for six months and put on a show."
"hell no!"
"Fuck no!"
The two said it in sync. I definitely do not agree with the lawyer's suggestion.
"We won't definitely do that. First, we're both in a relationship, second, I'm staying with my brother, and right now guilt is eating me alive every time I lie to him, same with my fiancé. What would I say for 6 months that I'm not with them? Oh gosh!" Taehyung stated before drinking water, almost emptying the glass.
"Is there any other option?" Jungkook asked.

"We have a lot, as we have mentioned. We can do fault grounds for divorce, and then again, your names will be for saken." Beomgyu said. 
"It is the safest, Mr. Jeon. Safest, for everyone of us." Yeonjun said. 
Taehyung sighed, he was so lost at that moment. He doesn't know what's the right thing to do. He wanted to be free from Jungkook, but he doesn't want anyone to get involved. All he wanted to do was fix the mess they made—that one mistake that's keeping him from marrying Bogum. 
"Let's do it." Taehyung said, making everyone look at him.
"What?! Are you crazy??? Taehyung, we'll be staying under one roof for six damn months!" Jungkook stated.

Jungkook was looking at Taehyung, who looked so stressed. Taehyung was on the verge of crying, his eyes full of emotions—all negative emotions. 
"I'm desperate, Jungkook." Taehyung whispered with his head hanging low.
Jungkook doesn't know what to feel. Seeing Taehyung with his pouty lips on the verge of crying, he looks so fragile and seems like he might break down at any moment. 
"He's indeed desperate." Jungkook thought to himself, and without thinking, he nodded his head, agreeing to spend six months under one roof with Taehyung.
The younger, on the other hand, looked at Jungkook with wide eyes, he's not believing that Jungkook would agree to such a kind of agreement. He knew that Jungkook has a girlfriend, and it would be risky for both parties if their families found out about this set-up, but then again, he was desperate.

With teary eyes and a hopeful smile, Taehyung held Jungkook's hand that's laying on top of the table as he said his thank you like a mantra.
"Thank you, Jungkook. Thank you for agreeing with this set-up. I know it will be risky, but you still agreed. I know you're not doing this because of me, but still, thank you. Thank you so much, Jungkook." Taehyung said, almost tears escaping his eyes.
Jungkook just nodded, he doesn't really know what to say. Of course, he also wanted to get a divorce, but as much as possible in a way that it wouldn't be risky to anyone, especially his relationship with Jennie.
Jungkook sighed as he thought of the possibilities that might happen if their family found out about them. Their partners might also think that they are cheating when, in the first place, they are the reason why the two wanted to get a divorce, no matter how risky it would be. 

"Great. So I suggest you guys buy a house first, or a penthouse will do. Mr. Kim should be the co-owner, and his last name, of course, should be Jeon." Beomgyu stated. 
"I agree. And Mr. Kim, since it's already the fifth month of the year, we can make it up until your wedding date. After 6 months of staying under one roof with Mr. Jeon, you can already file a divorce. They will probably give it 2 months to process. Like I said, investigating your relationship is also part of the process, which they called reconciliation. Once granted, you still have time for the waiting period before you can marry your fiancé." Yeonjun added. 
"So you're saying we should do it as soon as possible?" Jungkook said with an expressionless face. Then the two lawyers just nodded their heads.
"To be honest, it will be risky for me and Mr. Yeonjun, it might lead us to disbarment when the court finds out that we are faking this whole thing." Beomgyu stated.

"But it is also the safest since you two will be staying under one roof. This is the least we can do. But then again, for you to get a divorce, it will depend on you and your actions." Yeonjun added.
"So you mean we should really act as if we're not compatible?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes. But during the first month or two, you should act like a lovely couple. After that, you can start acting as if you're always fighting and not agreeing with each other's opinions. It would be less suspicious." Yeonjun responded, and the two Jeons nodded their heads in understanding.
"You should start looking for a place by tomorrow, so Mr. Kim will have a divorce right on time for their wedding." Yeonjun added. 
The four continue to have their late lunch as they discuss more about their set-up. Something they should not do for the first two months of their fake relationship.

 Something they should not do for the first two months of their fake relationship

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Uh oh. Acting workshop
101. 😂😂

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