34. Thoughts

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The next day, Taehyung woke up in a panic when he realized he'd been alone in bed. He doesn't remember anything from last night aside from the scary face of the nun from the movie they watched. He can still clearly remember how the ghost looks, and without a second thought, he ran towards the bathroom to take a bath faster than his normal 25 minutes of showering.
After taking a bath, he dried himself and ran towards their walk-in closet, hoping that the nun wouldn't show up out of nowhere. Taehyung just grabbed whatever clothes were in the closet without even looking to see if they were decent or not before he ran out of the walk-in closet and picked up his phone, then hurried his way downstairs. 

Taehyung went to the kitchen first because he knew that someone would be there, and as expected, Mela was already there cooking. 
"What happened to you, Mr. Taehyung? You looked pale. Are you sick?" Mela asked, worried.
"N-no, I'm fine," Taehyung said, panting because he was running and doing his morning routine at a fast pace. 
Taehyung sat in the chair and placed his hands on top of the island table. He doesn't want to go anywhere without anyone because he feels unsafe and scared.
"Are you hungry? I'm preparing chicken teriyaki for lunch," Mela stated. 
"Lunch? Is it lunch time already?" Taehyung asked, a bit shocked because he slept well even though they watched a horror movie last night. 

Normally, Taehyung would be up all night and wouldn't be able to get some sleep after watching a horror film because every time he closes his eyes, he can clearly see the image of the ghost from the film he watched.
Upon trying to forget the image of the nun on his mind, something popped up in Taehyung's mind that made him a bit alarmed. 
"How did I go to bed??" Taehyung thought to himself. 
"Oh no! Don't tell me Jungkook carried me?!!" Taehyung was lost in his thoughts when Mela spoke again. 
"You looked adorable last night, Mr. Taehyung," Mela said, making Taehyung tilt his head in confusion.
"What do you mean??" Taehyung asked. 
"I think you fell asleep while watching a movie," Mela said. 

"Oh, yeah, I did. It's not cute though; I always finish every movie I watch unless it's horror," Taehyung said as he sipped on the milk Mela served him. 
"I mean, you're clinging like a cute sleeping koala to your husband; it's—oh my god, are you alright?" Mela wasn't able to finish what she was saying when Taehyung started coughing because he chocked on his milk. Mela immediately ran towards the coughing boy as she rubbed comforting circles on his back. 
Taehyung tried his best to calm himself before starting to talk again.
"You mean he carried me towards our room?" Taehyung asked, his eyes widening, but his face was blushing.

"Yes. You two looked really like a lovey-dovey couple last night," Mela said.
"Oh my gosh!! It's so embarrassing," Taehyung said, making Mela confused. 
"What's embarrassing? I mean, he's your husband," Mela stated, and she went back to prepare Taehyung's lunch. 
"I mean... uhmm. You guys seeing it, it's embarrassing that you have to see that side of us," Taehyung stated. Yes, he felt embarrassed because their maids saw them, but what bothered him was Jungkook carrying him, and he felt embarrassed because he remembered crying while sitting on top of Jungkook. 
"Damn Taehyung! What the fuck! You embarrassing piece of art!" Taehyung cursed himself through his thoughts. 

Then he remembered that he just had a peaceful sleep last night, not the other way around after watching a horror film. Last night, God knows why, but he felt so warm. He felt safe and protected, as if no one could ever harm him. He just felt something, but he doesn't remember what or why.
"Oh, you look hot wearing your husband's shirt. Are you even wearing shorts?" Kitty said, eyeing Taehyung from head to toe. 
"Kitty! Where's your manners?!" Mela exclaimed in annoyance.

Taehyung's eyes widen as he looks at his outfit. That's when he realized that he's actually wearing Jungkook's black shirt, which's way too big for his size, and that his boxer was nowhere to be found since the shirt ended at his mid-thigh. Although it's not new to Taehyung since that's the exact definition of comfortable for him, it's just that he's bothered that Jungkook would get mad at him if the older man saw that Taehyung was wearing his shirt. He wanted to change his clothes but couldn't since he's too scared to be somewhere alone.

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