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Chapter sixty-six of 'The Boy In The Basement':

"Harry, why are back here? This is not helping any of us!" I growled as Niall, Louis, Harry and I walked towards the back of the house. We saw Liam there walking to us. Within each passing minute, I want to scream so hard that my head flies off. I'm so damn worried about Alice. I know the other guys are too.

"Because back here pass the treehouse is a river which my sister commite suicide," I did not know of this. "And in the middle of this river is the passage way to the Guardians palace."

I didn't answer. Liam walked up to us nodding our way for introduction. "What's the plan now?" Louis asks. All our heads snap to Harry. He got us this far, he may lead us from now on.

"Let's go to the river and think I'll think of something on the way there and discuss when we get there." Harry said to us. We nodded and began walking. Harry and I were in the back, Niall and Louis in the middle, them talking quietly to themselves. Liam was in the back keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

My thoughs are running wild without anyone talking directlt to me. There's one vague voice deep inside my head that keeps making me squeeze my eyes shut then open them. I remember who it is. It's Perrie. My eyes tear up.

"Alice needs you, Zayn. . ." her voice kept fading in and out, my tears were about to pour over my eyes. I bring my hand up to one of my eyes and rub it with the heel of my hand pretending that something was irritating it. Thought something was: it was Perrie; the love of my life who I couldn't get to.

"I know you can do it, just keep your head held high and remember how much she loves you. . ." Dammit, Perrie. I wipe my eyes again, this time with my arm.

"Woah, you okay there, mate?" Harry nudged my arm a little. I didn't really expect it and I ended up leaning towards my right slightly.

"Yeah," I nod. "Just the wind is making my eyes dry."

Harry looked at me and nodded, probably not really believing me, but my problems right now don't matter. I love Perrie so damn much but right now, it's the real world and Alice is more important to all of us right now.

We walked past the treehouse and we heard shuffling up above in it. All of us looked up. gave each other weird looks and continued walking. I don't know if anyone else was, but I kept looking back over my shoulder. And I swear I saw movement in there. God, am I really loosing it?

"Oh shit, guys it's Miles!" I froze up, turn around and my breath began to get heavy. I glared right at him and so did Harry.

"Well, well, well. Where's the bitch of yours at, Harry? I thought we had an agreement." His eyes narrowed, making me bite the inside of my cheek.


My eyes slowly open, bright lights invade the darkness I once saw. Just like a wave crashing down into the ocean I kept closing them so my eyes could adjust. Once they were fine, I lift my head up and it killed me to do that. I move my jaw up and down. I feel something sticky on my forehead that made a trail down to the end of my jaw.

I look down at myself. I'm sitting in a chair. My legs are tied up to the legs, my hand are tied behind my back and chair. There was extra rope wraped tightly around my torso. I was really sore all over my body. What happened? I close my eyes tightly trying to think back to when I got here.

I remember. The last thing I saw was bright lights and that's it. I was on my way home from Harry's to my house where Zayn was. Zayn. Zayn! Oh my god, he is going to kill me! I wonder how long I've been here? Forget that, where the hell am I? If this is Miles, I am dead and so is Harry.

I look around. It's cold. The walls are grey bricks, with one light on the ceiling which is directly above my head. The floor was a ugly white color tile, which looked like many dirty things have been dragged over it numerous times.

I heard the door handle moving and my eyes went wide.

This would be longer but I just found out that my boyfriend got into a car accident and I have no idea if he's okay or not... I am crying so hard. I've been so close to loosing him once I don't want that to happen again... I will try writing again asap

I love you, I hope you understand x

-Tasha xoxo

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