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Chapter fifty-four of 'The Boy In The Basement':

 The familiar aroma of my house filled my nostrils as I walked through the door. Zayn followed in behind me, shutting the door to keep the cold fall weather outside. I didn't see Harry's car in the driveway, and Zayn noticed me staring. He told me not to worry about him; I lied and said I wasn't worried.

It was nice and warm in here. Dad must've had the started the fire place. The smell of pumpkin spice filled the rooms as Zayn and I walked towards the living room. That smell always made me feel warm inside; it's the best smell anyone can experience.

"Hey, sweetie." Dad greeted. Dad was dressed in baggy track pants, and a sweater. His warm smile brought one to my face.

"Hi, Dad." I met him half way, and crushed him into a hug. It was good to be back, and with my Dad. Not that I didn't have a good time up north with Liam; I just hated going to the hospital, and Zayn having to be the one to bring me back. Harry and I went up there together, we should've came back together. Though I do have a feeling Harry drove all the way back here to see Dad, and take care of whatever he needed to take care of.

"Are you okay?" Dad looked at me, his old eyes being filled with concern like water to a hole. "You seem a bit pale, and not yourself." I nodded, smiling brighter then what I was before. Seriously, I need to stop worrying so much over Harry.

"Okay, because Harry said something along the lines of 'I'm going away for awhile, make sure the boys take good care of her.' Then he was off." Dad shrugged, his arms departing away from me. I stepped back, looking at my Dad like he was crazy. He gave me a weird look- but after a few moments of studying my face, he got the hint of what was going on and his face fell.

Zayn walked up behind me. He placed on my shoulder, "Alice, I wanted to tell you but-" I slapped his hand away from my shoulder harshly, turning my body to glare at him. His eyes softened, and his jaw got hard.

"You knew. You knew he left, and you didn't even tell me! You're such a asshole, Zayn!" I yelled. I don't know where all this built up anger has come from. Maybe it's because I opened my eyes and saw Harry was gone; he probably realized how he could have a much better life without me, so he ran away to make that dream happen.

"Alice, calm down." Dad said quietly, I could hear him from behind me, my back facing him. My eyes prickled with tears, and my throat starting to tightened. I licked my lips, turning to my Dad.

"Don't tell me to calm down," I whispered. "Please." I begged. The love of my life just left me, and I had no idea why. He didn't give me any clues about him just leaving me so suddenly. That really hurts; I'm now realizing how much pain that is. I guess the quote from the The Fault In Our Stars is real: Pain is demanded to be felt.

"Harry said he went away was so he could protect you," Zayn began speaking, but I never turned around to watch him. My heart is aching with unbearable pain that I never knew was there. He's the other half of my heart, and he's gone. How is this suppose to protect me? I'm broken; tore to pieces little by little.

"From Miles." Now this- this made me turn. My eyes were still brimming with tears that were ready to fall over the bottom of my eye like water falls over a cliff: forming a waterfall. How could running away, leaving me exposed, protect me? It doesn't make sense.

"He told me that Miles and him made a deal," Zayn's dark caramel eyes searched mine as he spoke so smoothly. A tear silently ran down my cheek, but I didn't have the courage to wipe it away: I didn't want to prove how strong I am, because I am not strong whatsoever.

"And in that deal, Harry had to go far away, not mentioning it to you, and Miles will spare your soul."

"He could be lying, you know that right?" I snapped. Zayn cringed, pursing his lips: keeping his cool.

The Boy In The Basement// h.s AU✅Where stories live. Discover now