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Chapter Thirty of 'The Boy In The Basement'"

Dad looked at the door with a confused look, so did Harry and I as well. "Who could be here at 9 at night?" I asked, my eyes never leaving the door.

Dad set down his newspaper and got up, walking over to the door. He unlocked the locks, and turned the door handle, making it open. "Oh, my God." Harry gasped.

Mile's P.O.V

"Where is the girl?" I looked down at my feet, hate raging through my blood. I never answered Him. I was afraid of what he might do to me, or say to me, when I answered, "I don't have the girl."

We were talking about Alice. And He wanted her soul. I failed him. Twice. The first time was when we were making out in my room, and that damn Harry kid ruined it. I was going to take over her, and get her soul right then and there.

The second time.. Well, I'm pretty sure you all know what I tried to do. But that douche was there to save her. I don't get why Harry won't just give her up. What does she mean to him? I know I acted like she meant everything to me, but honestly, she didn't mean shit to me.

"I failed you again, Sir. Harry came again, and saved her." I looked upi into his big, glowing red eyes. Those eyes scare me. I know I'm a demon, and is pretty frightening myself, but his eyes just take "frightening" to a whole new level.

"Why don't you do something about it?" He asked. I never thought about that. What if I tried eliminating him, and get Alice? That just might work.

"I will get planning immediately, Sir." And with that, I walked away, plotting revenge in my mind.

Harry's P.O.V

No. It's not her. It can't be her. It seems impossible. I swear, I haven't seen her in almost 200 years. I just store at her. Into her blue eyes.

She wore her blonde hair down, and it fell over her shoulders. She smiled at Steven- never once taking notice in me. I just store, trying to figure out if it's really her. I guess the turning worked for her.

"What a pleasant surprise! Please, come in, love." Steven smiled at her, and opened the door wider for her to walk through. She smiled brightly, showing off those perfectly straight, white teeth. She walked in, and examined around the living room.

"This is such a beautiful home, Steven. It's more beautiful then what you described it to be." she smiled at Steven.

I looked at her, really focusing on her. That's when I got inside of her head. I got inside of her thoughts: "It's been so long since I've been here.. Could he have come back? I never saw him again after he passed, and I never been able to say my good byes.. I did visit his grave though; every second of everyday. I couldn't leave. I wouldn't leave. But, I am really hoping he is here. Even if he isn't I'd feel better if Steven and his daughter knows what happened here."

It really is her. It is Jocelyn. My ex girlfriend. She broke up with me, two weeks before the murdering of me. It wasn't anything against me, though. Her Mom wanted her to focus on getting a good job, and good grades during high school.

She felt so terrible. But I smiled, and hugged her. I told her that it didn't bother me, because I wanted that to happen to her as well. I never figured out if it happened or not. I really hope it did, because I know she deserved it. She worked so hard.

We were best friends since Sophomore year of high school. Ever since then, we were attached at the hip. She'd always come over and study with me in the tree house when Gemma wasn't home. My Mom and Dad adored Jocelyn, and I did too. 

She was older then me by one day. So, she always teased me about it, and I would just laugh it off. We never really had fights. We'd argue though. Over the stupidest things. Most of them consisted of homework answers, and date ideas. 

But, I am just glad to know that she pushed through the turning. I have never been more proud of her.

"Thank you, Jocelyn." Steven smiled at her. He closed the door, and all Alice and I could do was just stare at her. That's when she looked down at Alice and I, and gasped. She recognized me.

"H-Harry? Is that you?" she asked, her voice shaking. I nodded and smiled. "It's been so long." she looked at me. Her eyes held so much happiness, knowing that she found me. I stood up and walked over to her, and we met in the middle, and hugged.

"You know each other?" we heard Alice ask us. That's when we pulled back and smiled. "She used to be my girlfriend," I said.

"But, my Mom wanted me to concentrate on school, so I had to end things with him, sadly." Jocelyn sadly smiled. Alice nodded, and smiled. I really hope she likes Jocelyn...

Alice's P.O.V

I watched as they hugged each other. I was happy for them, but more shocked then anything. It confused me how she looked like a healthy 48 year old women, and she and him used to be a... item?

That's when they sat down (next to each other, I might add) and explained everything to Dad and I. I listened very carefully, and found that I was smiling through the entire back story of Harry and Jocelyn. If she was younger, I could picture them two together.

After ten more minutes of listening to random memories they've shared, I finally spoke up, asking, "How are you here if you died like, 200 years ago, like Harry?"

"I made it passed the turning." she smiled at me. I widened my eyes. She made it past? Well, no duh. If she didn't she wouldn't be here. But, still. I can't believe she made it passed! So, could that like automatically mean Harry will make it through?

Not exactly.

To be honest, I have missed Harry invading my head. But I can't focus on that right now. "Not everyone makes it, though. . . But, if they know someone will be waiting on the other side for them, it helps them out ten times more. I didn't have anyone waiting for me, but I used every ounce of strength I had in my body to push past it. Now look where I am at." I smiled.

I'm happy for her. I'm happy she made it. I'm happy she's here, and I got to hear about her and Harry. I'm happy she found my Dad.

I really liked this chapter. Most of you guys guessed Jocelyn correctly... Then I got some weird guesses xD. I'll name some: Tony the Tiger, Chucky, Santa Claus, 5SOS or 1D, Casper, and yeah. Those were weird, but made me laugh!

So, I got some questions on the last chapter! I'll answer them:

Q: Do you like Iggy Azalea?

A. Yes, I do like her because she's so fancy xD

Q. Favorite country?

A. United Kingdom

Q. Witch or Mermaid?

A. I honestly prefer to be a Mermaid xD

Q. 20 or 21 century?

A. 21 Century

Q. Fire, water, Earth or Air?

A. Probably Air

Q. Choose your superpower.

A. I'd choose to be able to read people's minds

So, that was it, but please ask more questions! I love you all, and remember that I don't bite! Don't be afraid to talk to me, Lovelies! <3

I love you

-Tasha xoxo

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