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Chapter Forty-Seven of 'The Boy In The Basement':

"Alice? Alice, open the door." I could hear Zayn banging on my front door and all I could so was stop staring at the words "I love you" and turn my head towards the door. Zayn continued knocking and banging on my door, yelling for me open the door. Slowly I got up and stuffed the note in my pocket. That may be the last thing I've ever received from Harry.

I made my way over to the door and opened it. The knocking continued even as I opened the door. Zayn froze, his fist balled up in the air. His eyes were wide, looking up and down at me. Not in a sexual way, but a way of which he was observing me.

"What happened?" he whispered, walking into the house and slamming the door behind him. He stood tall in front of me. I had to look up at him.

I hesitantly grabbed he note out from my pocket, and handed it to Zayn. He slowly took it while looking at me with a skeptical look. "J-just. . . read it." I sighed, wiping my nose with my sleeve. Zayn nodded and opened the note, his eyes scanning over Harry's words.

Those words I will never forget. They are engraved in my heart. My mind. My soul.

After Zayn was finished reading he looked up from the paper, looking past me. "We need to find him." he whispered. He said it so quietly I barely could hear him. "What? I don't know where he is Zayn. How are we going to find him?"

"Because," he paused, shuffling across the house to the back door. During the process he handed me the note back, and I held it in my hands, not wanting it out of my sight. My heart was throbbing in my chest and my face was hot from crying. My body was shaking horribly and I really couldn't control it.

"I've been through the turning. I know the process. I know where to go." he said, looking back at me. He paused at the door. I nodded, remembering that he had turned. It's sad how for a few minutes that I forgot Zayn had gone through that.

"Come on," he said, taking my hand in his. "We're going to find Harry."

We somehow ended up at the fast flowing river where I first saw Gemma hanging herself. My mouth was parched and I wiped my dried lips. My face was hot from crying, and my eyes burned. I wasn't crying anymore, I wasn't feeling anything. All I felt was pain.

"Zayn, why are we here?" My mind raced with thoughts trying to figure out why we'd be here to get to Harry. Zayn let go of my hand, and stood at the edge of the river, water flying up onto his pant legs.

"Don't you want to find Harry?" he asked me.

"Of course I do, why would you even ask that? I asked why are we here because why would we be at a river to find him?"

"Because, the Warriors don't want mortals to know we exist. It's beyond this river, just grab my hand, follow me, and most importantly, trust me." I nodded, linking my fingers with him. I was just thinking we'd be walking across the river to get to the other side.

But I thought wrong when Zayn walked into the water- no, on top of the water. What the hell? How is he doing that? Zayn tugged on my hand, causing me to move slightly but not enough for me to move into the freezing water. I could feel the water through my jeans.

"How are you doing that? How are you even sure I'll be able to do that? Why can't we take rocks, or or a bridge?" I was freaking out and Zayn chuckled quietly.

"Don't you trust me?" he asks, looking back at me.

"Yes, but aren't you afraid of water?" Zayn gulped and his face looked shallow.

"Well since you reminded me, thanks." he rolled his eyes and tugged on my hand. This time I walking into the water. I closed my eyes, waiting for my shoes to be filled with cold water. But I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes getting confused and I looked down, gasping.

The Boy In The Basement// h.s AU✅Where stories live. Discover now