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Chapter Forty-nine of 'The Boy In The Basement':

Have you ever wondered, what would life be like if this person was gone? You've went through everything you'd do without that person. Then you realize, life would be a mistake with him/her.

That's how it is with Harry. If he were to die in front of my eyes, I don't think I'd make it out of that room. I'd just cradle his body against mine and cry. No one would make me move; they'd have to leave me there to drown myself in tears.

I'd give up on life if he didn't make it. No one would be able to help me, not even a therapist. Because no one has gone through what I have, and I ever told someone about it, I'd be shipped off to a insane asylum.

In all honestly, I am so happy he's back. But, he's not how I expected him to be. He's still partly dead, and alive. It's weird, but I'm still getting used to the whole situation.

Zayn has been a wonderful help. He's been so nice and caring, and I think Harry is fond of him hanging around the house. My Dad is too.

We explained to him everything that has happened, and he said he was proud of Harry for making it. That's the best thing about Dad; he isn't like other Dads out there. He's perfect.

No, we still haven't asked him about going to Wolverhampton to see Liam. We'll holding that off hopefully for a few more days. I know Harry is eager to go, and so am I, not gonna lie. But, I'm nervous, cause they said Liam isn't too fond of people.

Harry's been a lazy ass for the past two days. I know he is suppose to take it easy, but he's stepping over the line. He's making Zayn and I be his servants. He made Zayn carry him to the bathroom- three times I might add. And he even demanded that we made him a chocolate cake since he's never had one.

The boy is killing us! But Zayn and I are cool with it since we know he's doing it to us just cause, and he made it past the turning, which takes up 99.76% of hid energy- according to Zayn.

Now, he's laying on the couch, watching 'Jessie' while Zayn and I prepare dinner for the 4 of us- counting Dad. Harry didn't ask us to, we just thought it'd be a great idea to do since everyone is gonna be home.

I haven't heard about Jocelyn for awhile, but I know they're still seeing each other. She acts like the mother I never had, and I'm quite fond if her being around. I know Dad wouldn't see her if I didn't like her, but that's not the case.

Speaking of devils, I haven't heard from Kathy for a few weeks. I don't know if that's a good sign, or what, but I haven't questioned it. I know her and Dad have a meeting tomorrow, and I'm suppose to come, I believe. It has something to do with the house.

"How's it going at your station?" Zayn asked. I smiled, stirring the cut up chicken breast around in the pan.

"Great! How's yours?" I returned. Zayn grunted in response, and I laughed. Zayn told me how much he hates cooking, but he's great at it. His Mum taught him how to cook, but he prefers to eat the food he makes her instead of making his own.

"Zayn, it's not that hard." I rolled my eyes.

"But, it's so much work!" he whined and I widened my eyes.

"Good grief Zayn! You're worse then a little girl wanting a pony." I heard him snicker.

"Lemme guess, you were a girl who's always wanted a pony?" He threw a glance over his shoulder in my direction and I sighed nodding sadly.

"Yup. But plot twist," I banged the spatula on the side of the pan, and turned down the oven. "I've always wanted to be a cowgirl princess."

Zayn howled with laughter and I nodded, pursing my lips into a small smile. "Yeah, yeah, make fun of me all you want." I said sarcastically.

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