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Chapter Forty-Four of 'The Boy In The Basement':

We've been driving for almost fifteen minutes, and the city lights disappeared a long time ago. My eyes were strained at the moving geographical features outside, and faint pop music filled the cars quietness.

Occasionally I would look over at Harry and just observe him. Half the time, he wouldn't notice me, the other half he would smile back at me. Then I'd freak out because his eyes weren't on the road.

We started driving up a slope, which made me squint my eyes a tad. My eyes wandered around on the other side of the window, and I realized that we were becoming higher and higher off from the flat surface.

"Harry? Are we on a mountain?" I asked dumbly as my eyes swept over the area in front of us.

"Yes we are." Harry chuckled. He looked out the window then his eyes met back to the road. I continued to stare at the scenery, wanting to take in the natural beauty.

About three minutes later we were coming to a stop. Harry put the car in park, then he took the keys out from the ignition. He turned his head and smiled at me, and I smiled at him too. I wonder why he even took me out here? I mean, it's getting late, and I know that I'm pretty tired.

But if I'm spending time at night on a mountain in the middle of nowhere with Harry Styles, I don't mind one bit.

Without a second thought, Harry exited the car, slamming the door shut. I saw his dark figure walking around the car up front to my side. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt, and waited for Harry's arrival.

The door opened and I was instantly met with the cold summer air. I shivered almost immediately. "Told ya to wear something comfy." Harry said jokingly as he held his hand out for me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

I grasped his hand, and pulled myself out from the car. "I did, smart ass. What, did you want me to wear a bed?" I know for a fact that would make a badass Halloween costume.

"Nah, you look perfect just the way you are, babe." Harry answered my question. He shut the car door as I blushed. When he saw the pink in my cheeks, he chuckled.

His warm hands intertwined with mine even more as Harry began walking with me following behind him. I looked around us, astonished. This was magnificent. I've never seem so much beauty in my entire life. Well, besides Harry Styles.

Aww, you think I'm beautiful? Newsflash babe, it's all you, and don't try to deny it!

"You're such a dork." I laughed after Harry was done talking in my head. I head him lightly chuckle, making my heart skip a few beats. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Harry's laughs/chuckles are the most cutest things you will ever hear in your life period.

"Come on, I have something I want to show you." Harry whispered. That sent shivers down my body, making goosebumps appear under my clothing. Why would he be whispering in the first place, when we're perhaps the only people here?

I guess it's a weird guy thing.

Harry and I were walking for a few more minutes when I heard the rushing of water. My mind raced of thoughts. Where would he be taking me? Even if I can't guess what it is, I'm pretty sure that I'll still love it. Even if we are digging in dirt I would cherish every second of it.

Soon Harry was pulling me through some bushes, and I started laughing because the branches and leaves were tickling my face. "Harry, where are you taking me?" I ask as I pushed a branch away from my face.

Harry looked back at me for a split second before smiling and saying, "You'll just have to wait and see."

"Gosh, I feel like you're kidnapping me." I mumbled quietly.

I heard that, smart ass.


Harry pushed his way through some more bushes as did I, and that's when we stepped out into a clear landscape, and I swear I was going to die from beauty.

There was a small river of rushing water, heading towards a small pond where frogs and crickets were heard perfectly from our distance. Lilly pads covered the pond, and the moon was able to have access to reflecting off from it due to the cloudless sky.

Next I was we were on a cliff which made me feel a bit scared because I'm not entirely keen with heights. 

There was a checkered blanket laid out near the pond with candles and flower petals around the outside of it. There was nothing on the blanket, so I'm starting to assume things.

"Wow this is. . ." I couldn't finish my sentence because the view was just spectacular.

"I know." Harry smiled, understanding my lack of words. I smiled and looks at him. "Why did you do this? This is like. . . Amazing." I breathed, shaking my head and looking around.

Harry walked up to me. He wrapped his fingers underneath my chin, making me look up into his delicate green orbs, while he stared down at my blue ones. His look was serious, and it made my knees buckle.

"It's because I love you, Alice." he whispered softly to me. I blinked my eyes, trying to comprehend what he just said to me.

"Y-You love me?" Of course I know he loves me, but does he actually mean it? I'm just so scared of loving someone because I've learned that once you start gaining feelings towards someone/something, it can be taken away from you in a snap of the fingers. And I know I love Harry, I really do. But, with the whole turning thing going on, I could loose him and never see him again.

And that's what worries me the most.

"Of course." he smiled at me softly. I smiled back. He ran his thumb over my lips, making them part ever so slightly. His eyes flickered between my eyes and lips before he crashed them onto mine. I instantly kissed back, grabbing his neck softly.

I heard rustling in the bushes, but I ignored it because I assumed that it was a rabbit or something. So, I continued kissing Harry with no care in the world. But the noises soon grew louder, making my panic level rise even higher then before.

I pulled back and screamed as loud as I could when I saw two tall, black figures emerge from the bushes.

Muahaha I know I'm evil because of this cliffhanger! Who do you think it it? Hehe, you'll just have to find out in the nect update which may be Friday because I'm having my best friend over tomorrow until Thursday! I HAVEN'T SEEN MY BEST FRIEND FOR A MONTH!!! It's been killing me.

Anywhore, THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 400,000 READS! That is just AMAZAYN! Like, I think that's better then Nutella and Oreos combined... So, thank you all! I love you

-Tasha xoxo

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