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Chapter Forty-Five of 'The Boy In The Basement':

"Hey! Calm down, it's just us!" That accent sounded familiar, and I stopped screaming and let go of Harry's arm. Never noticed the death grip I had on his bicep, but he didn't seem to mind.

Harry's deep chuckle vibrated through his body, and I could feel it against my shoulder. The two boys stepped fully into view, so I didn't have to keep screaming my head off.

"You scared the absolute shit outta her!" Harry scolded, but ended up laughing anyways. My head shook back and forth and I crossed my arms over my chest. The two boys grinned.

"Yeah, we didn't mean to startle you, love." he said.

"Well, Harry should've warned me about you guys being here so I didn't have to cause a scene." I rubbed the back of my neck. All the guys smiled at me.

"Anyways, it's nice to see you two again." I smiled, changing the subject. I stepped forward to hug them each, enjoying the warmth their hugs provided. But they didn't beat Harry's hugs.

"You too. How are you doing after you know?" asked Zayn.

"I'm doing better." I nodded. Niall stepped forward and gave me another hug, and I didn't mind.

"I heard what happened, and I am so sorry. I hope you two can go for another try." he said with a small smile.

"Thank you, Niall." Harry nodded his way, and Niall nodded his head back.

"So, why are those two here anyways?" I asked quietly. I didn't want to disturb the silence in the midnight air. Harry and I were laying on the blanket near the pond, and we could hear the crickets and frogs clearly. It was relaxing.

My head was laying on Harry's moving chest, and his one hand was running up and down my arm, dragging his fingertips behind, leaving goosebumps along where he touched. His other hand was tucked beneath his head for support.

The night was dark, but you could see everything so clearly due to the cloudless sky and the bright full moon. It looked like a few miles away, but in reality, it was much farther then that. When I was a kid, I've always thought that I could reach up and just grab it out from the sky.

There was that theory. But my other theory, the same as most other kids, I used to always think that the Sun and Moon was following me wherever I went when I was in the car. I used to get so amazed at how that worked, but then I went to school and my dreams were crushed by reality once again.

"They're here to serve us food, but I think they got lost while trying to find their way down to the car." Harry craned his neck in the middle of his sentence, towards the bushes where Niall and Zayn went through the grab the picnic baskets or something.

"Why didn't they just grab the food while they were coming up?" I asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I know Zayn would've remembered, but then you have Niall, and shit goes downhill." I chuckled at this and patted Harry's chest.

"This is nice." I commented as I saw a shooting star zip across the stary night. It made me smile and I closed my eyes, making a wish. My wish was for Harry to make it safely through the turning, and that the baby (if we try again) will be healthy, and won't have any complications during and after birth.

"What?" he asked.

"This. Just being out here with you. We have no worries, those were left behind a few hours ago. Anyways, it's just peaceful and romantic, in my opinion."

I felt like a complete idiot when I spilled all of that to him. To me, it just seemed like a bunch of random words being thrown into a sentence, and it made no sense whatsoever.

"It is nice, I agree. I enjoy your company the greatest." he said nonetheless. And I smiled like a fool.

Moments later, we heard the two boys stumbling past the bushes, and one of them cursing under their breath. It sounded like they tripped over a lone stick they hadn't noticed. I sat up off from Harry's arm, and turned to look at them.

Harry sat up too, and he made a face to the boys that read, "What the hell were you?"

"Yeah, um Zayn got us lost." Niall rubbed his neck and Zayn gasped.

"What the fuck, dude? You're the one who said you knew the way! So I followed you, so you got us lost you piece of shit." he rolled his eyes. Harry looked over at me.

Told ya they got lost.

I smirked and shook my head at the boys.

"My point is made. You took my directions, so it's your fault for listening to an dumb ass like me." He has a point.

Zayn and Niall soon left after Harry got them to stop bickering at each other. I must say, it was quite entertaining. Where's popcorn when you need it the most?

Now, Harry and I were sitting with our legs crossed under us, as we ate in the silence. But, it was a enjoyable silence. I couldn't ask for anything better then this moment right now. 

Harry cleared his throat and stood up, brushing off spare crumbs that had fallen on him. I smiled and watched him. He smiled back at me, and offered me his hand. I set down my plate that was still filed with food, and grasped his hand.

He pulled me up in a swift moment, and I was on my feet. Harry grabbed my other hand in his, and lowered them. The smiled never left his lips, and I didn't mind because neither did mine.

"So, I have a reason why I set all of this up." he said quietly. His lips turned down slightly, making that amazing smile hide away in the dark. I looked at him for him to continue.

"I really hope you enjoyed all of this, and with the delay of food because of two idiots who got lost," we both laughed, and we collected our selves again.

"But, aside from that, I really need to ask you something I've been needing to ask you for a really long time. And, I thought right now would be the perfect time to do so."

Harry, still holding my hands, got down on one knee and looked up at me. I licked my lips as I looked into his glowing green orbs, due to the moonlight. Thank God for that, because his eyes have never looked so amazing.

"Will you, Alice Dawson, take the honor of making me the happiest ghost in the world, and become my girlfriend?"

My head nodded up and down rapidly as my eyes teared up with joy.

"Yes, a thousand times, yes!" I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. Harry smiled widely and stood up, crushing me in a hug, making him the happiest ghost ever.

Omg, the Halice feels. I loved this chapter, especially with Ziall xD. So sorry I am updating today, and not earlier, it's just that I've been busy and I had a friend over. And the night before yesterday my friend and I were on Chatroulette, and I SAW MY FAVORITE FAMOUS YOUTUBER, Dominic fucking DeAngelis!!!! I was crying! And I think I scared him off by like freaking out, oops lol. BUT BEST NIGHT EVER!

I just saw that I had 407.2K reads........ Somebody please grab me some Nutella and Oreos so I can cry! That is spectacular! Thank you! I love you xxx

-Tasha xoxo

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