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Chapter eighty-two of 'The Boy In the Basement':


Harry came back over today telling me Gemma went to go have a look around Wolver Hamptom. She decided she wanted to go look around a little bit. That's okay, I mean, I just hope she'll be alright. All the events have been piling on my shoulders and the weight is becoming too much to handle.

Everyone was gone from my house besides Harry. Zayn stayed with Olive last night, Dad had to run some errands so it was just us two.

I've been thinking a lot lately. When can I live a normal life? There is no such thing as normal truthfully. My life right now is a roller coaster and it is just going up. I'm wondering when it'll slow down and halt to a complete spot. Maybe when I die.

Don't say that, Alice.

I closed my eyes. Harry, you life must be much worse than mine. So I won't.

That may be true. But you're here with me now, and I got my sister back. My roller coaster is completely fine. Your ride will become slow too. It just takes time. Trust me on this.

Okay. I trust you.

Good. And um, I think someone is here. . .

I heard some dishes being banged around and Harry emerged from the kitchen to the front door, looking through the peephole. "It's just Liam, Alice."

Liam? I wonder why he is here.

Harry opened the door and let him in. "Hey man, what's up?"

"Nothing, just needed to get get out of the damn house. It's so boring there. I think I was loosing my mind." Liam laughed and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well, come on in, mate."

Harry moved out of the way and Liam stepped him. His brown eyes darted at me causing him to smile. "Hey Alice!" Liam walked towards me.

I heard the sound of the door being shut as I stood up to hug Liam back. Even though Liam hid in the shadows like a damn vampire, he became part of the family. It was like a true family I have never had.

"Where's Zayn?" He asked.

"Think he might be with Olive still. He went there last night." Liam nodded.

"And how have you two been?" Liam asked.

"We're good. I'm almost done with school, so happy,"

"Yeah then you go straight to college." Liam winked then laughed.

"Yeah shut up Liam."

"Rude, Alice."

"It's okay."

Lia went and sat in the recliner while Harry sat besides me on the couch. The TV was on but no one was watching it; used as background noise more than anything. All three of us made small talk. I slowly tuned myself out and held onto Harry's hand.

Both Liam and Harry were talking non stop. And that's all I want in life. I just want to have get togethers with friends and enjoy life. But now I know literally anything can happen when you least expect it, it's hard to do those things because you're just scared.

I'm just scared.

"Oh, guess what happened yesterday!" Harry said to Liam.

"Wolves attacked you?" Liam joked.

"Shut up. No but seriously. Zayn went on a business trip and he brought back a special guest,"

"Wait wasn't he with Olive?" Liam cocked his head to the side and I face palmed.

The Boy In The Basement// h.s AU✅Where stories live. Discover now