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Chapter Ten of 'The Boy In The Basement':

 Friendships are always nice. They are wonderful. But, all friendships always have fights. Whether they are dumb, or very serious. Many people fear that their relationship with their friend might be over, because of stupid, or serious fights. You are afraid to share how you are feeling, because you are upset about making the friend mad, or upset.

That's Harry and I right now. We act like a old married couple; fighting, and wanting to take a nip at one others neck. We couldn't seem to discuss things without one of us being an asshole, or dumbass. Then we want each other out of our lives. But we both know that after a long period of time without one another, we are going to be regretting everything that we had said to their faces.

I sigh, deeply. Making sure that Harry knows I am very irritated, and he makes me want to punch the wall beside me. "Why can't we have a normal friendship?" I asked. I rubbed my closed eyes, and shook my head lightly.

 The sound of Harry's uneven breathing filled my ears with pain. I can't help but feel just a bit sorry for making him completely upset. Although it's technically not just my fault. He is the one who began being a smartass, and having a smart reply for a stupid thing I was saying in my head.

It still dawns me how easily he can get into whoever's mind he wants. He may do it whenever he wants, and no one can really stop him. So, I guess that I can't blame him for always wanting to hear what I am thinking. At least I know that he cares and that he is concerned.

"It's because I am dead, Alice," he said. I didn't look at him. It's because I already knew the look he would be giving me at this very moment. His eyebrows would be pushed together. His lips would be pursed in a tight, thin line, making his dimples sink. His eyes would be darker than usual, due to anxiety.

"Nothing will be normal when you're with me." Harry finished. That's when I looked up at him; surprised at the words that came rolling off from his tongue. When he says, "when you're with me," I can't help but stop and detract what it'd be like if we were... together together.

But Harry is sadly right. We are never going to be normal. Even with a regular best friend/friend friendship. Since he's basically a living/dead corpse, we'll never live normal lives. 

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch." I murmured. I broke eye contact with him and looked down at my fumbling hands. My head began throbbing with pain once again. Those pills didn't do much to help ease the pain. If anything, I believe that it produced more pain.

"You are not a bitch, Alice. Sometimes you are just stubborn and you get to my head." Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. You can't help but wonder how he gets his hair styled to perfection like that...

I decided to ignore what Harry just said to me. I wanted to wash away everything that has happened to my body in the last day or so. It's been emotionally draining me. And, it doesn't help that I have to go get registered for school tomorrow as well.

I sat up and slid out of bed. As I stood up, all the blood began rushing up to my head, causing nausea, and my vision to go white for five seconds. A annoying ringing sound buzzed in my ears as these events happened to me.

"Babe, you okay?" Harry asked and rushed over to me. He held onto my wrist, and his left hand met my waist. My heart fluttered at the little pet name Harry has given me. I know it won't last long, so I cherished the moment as much as possible.

"Um, yeah," I said and closed my eyes. "Just dizzy, is all. I am going to go take a warm bath." I said to Harry. I looked over at Harry. His face looked so real, besides the discolouring in his face. Grey is starting to work well on him. I guess it't because I am slowly getting used to Harry being around.

Harry led me into the bathroom, because he is a "wonderful gentlemen" according to him. Harry made me sit up on the sink counter, a ways from the actual sink itself. I watched as Harry turned on the water for me, and the room immediately filling with cloud y fog.

I leaned over and flicked the light switch up for the fan. The ceiling fans are so annoying, but they actually do help. I saw Harry shake his hand trying to dry it. He turned around and walked over to me. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

He walked up to me so close that my knees were touching his torso. He wasn't freezing like he used tube, which is quite strange if you ask me. "What?" I asked dumbly as I watched Harry smile at me like a idiot.

"I wanna try something." He whispered, his smile slowly fading. At least it doesn't vanish as instantly like he does when he's upset with me. "What do you want to try?" I asked. Harry shushed me, putting his index finger up to his lips.

I nodded understandingly. Harry slowly parted my legs, and walked into them. I could feel myself being pressed up against him. I was shaking so bad. What is he going to do?

You're shivering love. Knock it off.

Harry chuckled as he spoke clearly in my head. I bit my lip and watched Harry. His fairly large hands met at my waist, and slipped under my shirt. Goosebumps flied all over my skin at where he was touching me.

Harry leaned his head in, and connecting his lips to mine. I slowly moved my lips with his. Bursts of excitement and electricity rocked my body as he touched me. His fingernails dug into my side, making me squirm and crush into him more. 

Harry opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, and quite frankly, I am honored that he did. I never felt this in my entire life. This was such a whole new experience for me to basically experience.

Harry pulled back, and I missed the warmth of this lips on mine. He rested his forehead against mine and we were both panting. "I've been wanting to try that for awhile now." He whispered. I opened my eyes, and I swear I saw a tint of green shine in his eyes. But it quickly disappeared. 

"I'll see you in a bit." Harry pulled back and kissed my forehead. I looked up and licked my lips. I could still taste his mouth on my lips. Harry looked at me as he slowly disappeared. What was that?

The Boy In The Basement// h.s AU✅Where stories live. Discover now