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Chapter Twelve of 'The Boy In The Basement':

"Harry. You feel warm." I commented as I ran my hand up and down his long torso. I could see his stomach tremble beneath my touch, and it made me smile. My head laid lightly on his chest. I could not hear a single heart-beat.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Harry asked. He ran his long fingers along my skin on my arm. Goosebumps appeared because he just has that effect on me, I suppose. "Honestly, Harry? I do not know. I have never interacted with a ghost before. I have never came into contact with a fucking demon. I have never almost died from that demon, and-"

"Babe, babe. You need to stop. You are going to pass out." Harry stopped me. He rested his hand up against my forehead, feeling the temperature. I must admit, I do feel a little hot, and sweaty. I sat up and hung my head in my hands.

I have no idea what is happening to me. I have became a bitch towards my mum, and now I am running a fever. Harry says that if I don't stop complaining, that I could pass out- or so he says. He may be saying that just to get me to shut the hell up with my complaining.

"I'm a bitch." I whispered into my hands. I wasn't sure if Harry could hear me, and I didn't really care whether he did or not. I just want to let him know that I am a complete bitch at times. "You are not a bitch. You are just stressed." Harry assured me, rubbing my leg.

A crack of thunder erupted, making me jump. I looked over at Harry who was sitting up, looking out the window with his legs crossed. The window was open slightly, and the wind was blowing into the room, running through Harry's curls. He looked like an angel.

"Are you an angel?" I asked, without thinking. Harry turned to me with a smile. "What?" he chuckled, as if he hadn't heard the question. I shook my head, not wanting to repeat the embarrassing question.

"Tell me." Harry demanded, though I could hear the smile in his voice. I looked over at Harry, trying hard not to smile widely. A flash of green zipped across Harry's eyes. Then, it was gone. I store into his eyes, wanting to see it again, to make sure that I didn't just imagine it.

"Um, I asked if you an angel." I rubbed my chin nervously and in embarrassment. Harry's smile even grew. He sat back against my pillows and shrugged. "I do not know." he answered. "How can you not know?" I asked again.

Harry shrugged. "Maybe God just didn't want me to know just yet. Maybe he wants me to go through some easy and hard obstacles with my ghost-self. Than maybe I would go up into Heaven with my family. That's when I'd be an angel."

He never made eye contact with me, he was smiling at the wall as he spoke with his deep, angelic voice. But what if he was right? What if God was waiting for the perfect moment to send Harry on his way to Heaven? What would I be left with he were to go?

Wow. How selfish do I sound there? I can't just say that. I bet Harry doesn't even consider me his friend. I bet that I am just some girl that he just-so-happened to run into, and I was an obstacle. Not an easy one, but a fucking hard one that seemed impossible to get through.

I sat back, looking back down at my legs. I didn't know what to say, or do. I liked just sitting here with Harry, not speaking a word, just enjoying each other. A sharp pain in my head made itself known. I whimpered and grabbed my head in my hands.

"Alice? Are you okay?" Harry asked, moving over towards me. A wave of nausea blew over me, making me loose my sight for a few seconds, and it made my head throb even more. Once the nausea passed, I looked back up at Harry.

"I don't know. I think I may just have a light headache." I suggested. I didn't want to think about it right now because it hurt to think. Harry insisted on me to lie down. I did, and I felt much better already. Harry sat on the end of the bed, where he was before.

His thighs were near my face. His back was pressed up against the metal, and he was running his fingers through my fallen hair in soft, simple stroked. I closed my eyes, the pain in my head being driven away just from Harry's touch.

"Harry?" my voice lingered in the air for a brief second before disappearing due from the sound of Harry's voice. "What is it, princess?" I ignored the butterflied whirling around in my stomach due to the cute, and cheesy pet name.

"If you were an angel," I paused, trying to find the right words to say. "what would happen? Would you leave me?" I sounded so desperate at the end. My questions were desperate. I mean, I sound that way. I'm starting school soon, I'm not the best at making friends, and I guess that he is my only friend. Of course I don't want him to go.

Who would I talk to about my problems when I get home each night? Who will read me The Fault In Our Stars before bed, and making me fall asleep? And, who is going to be there for me when I just want a friend?

"You know how you can hear me in your head?" asked Harry. "Yes," I nodded, agreeing to his question. "Well, you won't be able to physically see me, but I'd probably still be able to talk to you through your head. But, I won't be there with you."

I didn't answer back right away. I took time letting the information I have just received, sink into my body. I needed to contemplate what it would be like without seeing him, and just hearing him. It wouldn't be as thrilling, or as exciting as it is when I see him. It'd be too boring.

Besides, I would miss looking into those dull eyes each and everyday- which I am not sure what colour his eyes really are. I craned my neck to look up at him. His eyes peered down at me, and I could see lust fill them.

"What is your true eye colour?" I asked quietly. I searched his eyes for any sign of the colour green that has been zipping right across his eyes for past few days. Nothing happened. I was sad about that, it made it more of a mystery each and every time I see the process happen.

"Green," Harry answered slowly. "My eye colour is green."

Oh my gosh! Thank you so, so much for the 10K reads! You know, I would never expected this story to get so many likes, comments and reads! It amazes me at how much all you guys enjoy my work! And I really enjoy writing for you! Thank you for the support xx

Okay, so I have some things to tell you.....

1. For now on, I am calling al you amazing readers, voters, and comment-ers(?) my Lovelies! I just like the name haha.

2. If you want to talk, or give me some fresh new ideas, you can contact me at---

Kik: Tasha_Smitty

Instagram: loveless_lovers

Twitter: TashaLoves1D69

3. I am thinking about publishing this book.... And I repeat: THINKING ABOUT IT. So many people have told me in the comments and or private messages, that I should really publish this book because my work is amazing. I will be thinking about it!

4. Some people in the begining of the story asked me if I could post some paranormal experiences that I've had. And, I was wondering if you guys would like to hear some in the next chapter? If so PLEASE COMMENT!

Thank you, Lovelies :* xx

-Tasha x

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