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Chapter fifty-three of 'The Boy In The Basement':

"The miscarriage is taking place," Those five words were the ones I wasn't ready to hear from the doctor. They were nerve racking like nails on a chalk board. The doctor brought me outside her room, she fell asleep while talking to me. They put her through some tests, then gave her sleep medicine so she could rest.

"She needs rest, and she may experience a lot of physical pain, just noting that," I nodded, arms crossed over my chest, my hand gripping my chin and mouth. Never once did I make eye contact with the doctor, who was a girl.

"Harry, are you okay?" I looked up, and nodded. My hands became sweaty, and my breathing was uneven. The doctor didn't look satisfied with my answer, though she only nodded and said, "You may go in and see her, but visiting hours are ending soon. Good luck." She touched my shoulder and walked off.

I watched her for a moment and wiped my hands on my pants. I could hear her heart monitor from outside the room, which made me turn my head and look through the small window to see her sleeping body lay there on the  bed. My heart ached; I didn't like seeing her this way.

Walking into the room, I pulled up a chair near her bed, and sat down, grabbing her cold hand in mine.

"Where's Alice?" Steve looked up from his phone, I'm assuming her was texting Jocelyn. I closed the front door with my foot and threw my jacket on a small table near the doorway,  that held pictures.

I strolled through the living room and plopped down on the couch, rubbing my face. "In the hospital; they're keeping her overnight." Steve nodded and sighed.

"Poor girl." I nodded in agreement. While Alice was in running some tests, I made sure to contact her Dad because that was the right thing to do. I told him he didn't need to come, because I'd bring her back. Though I forgot to tell him before I left, that they'd be keeping her for at least tonight-I hope its only for tonight.

"What time is it?" Steve looked down at his watch checking the time. He has his phone in his hand, I don't know why he doesn't just look from there, I'm too tired to even question him on it.

"Almost midnight, so I need to head to bed." He turned off his phone and wished me a goodnight. I said I'd have one, but that's a cold lie. I wasn't going to have a goodnight knowing Alice will be in the hospital, and I can't protect her.

Laying on the couch alone didn't feel right at all. Something was missing, and everyone who looked at me could probably tell what that piece was: Alice Dawson. Maybe if I lay in her bed, I'll sleep. Making my wish come to a reality, I got up and walked up to Alice's room.

When I closed the door, a deep, dark chuckle was heard. I stopped, and froze. My back was facing the door, and I gritted my teeth. My hands balled up into fists near my legs, and I knew who was in the same room with me. Miles.

"Can't always protect her, you know," I closed my eyes, my hands beginning to shake in anger. He needs to get far away from here, he needs to be away from Alice. I will not let him touch her. Never in a million years will I allow that to happen.

"Where is the pretty little girl?" I turned on my heel to see Miles leaning up against her bedroom door, arms folded over his chest. His lips held a smirk while mine were pursed in a straight line in anger.

"No where what concerns you." I said sternly. He smiled and pushed his back off from the door, walking around me slowly with his arms still folded.

"Well, anything that has to deal with her, certainly concerns me."

"Bullshit. You only need her for her soul; if you didn't, you wouldn't give a two shits about her." I snapped. He chuckled evilly, and it sickened my insides.

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