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Chapter Nineteen of 'The Boy In The Basement':

I told Harry that I'd be right back as I went to see what my parents needed. I slowly walked down the steps, trying not to damage my feet worse then what they already are. I wiped my face once again, hoping that my stained tears have went away.

Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, crying. Dad was also sitting at the table, looking away from Mom. "What's going on?" I asked and leaned up against the door frame of kitchen door. Mom snapped her head up and looked at me. Dad also looked at me, and his eyes were clouded with frustration.

"Can you sit down please?" Dad asked and nodded at the chair. I sat down and folded my arms across my chest, looking at my Dad, trying my best to ignore Mom. "What?" I asked. Dad sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Your Mom is saying that you are lying to me, and you just want me to end it with her. Is that true?" Dad asked and bit his thumbnail. I scoffed. "Why would I lie about that? That is just plain evil, I'd never, ever lie about that. It's just not human. So no, I did not lie about it." I said bravely.

"Oh, whatever! You just don't like me because I yelled at you, and slapped you!" Mom yelled from across the table. I sighed. "Mother. I would not lie about it. Aren't you the one who begged me not to tell Dad? Yes, because you didn't want him to leave you, or be upset with you." I snapped.

"Girls, please stop biting at each others necks!" Dad slammed the table with his palm and I jumped. "Kathy, please. Did you sleep with that guy?" Dad asked. I looked over at Mom, waiting for her answer.

"No." she stated. "Wow. You really are pathetic. Why won't you just tell him? The longer you keep it from him, the longer the guilt will be bottled up inside of you. Just tell him the truth!" I said. Mom looked at me. "Why are you such a little bitch?" she snapped and glared at me.

I gasped. She has never said something that cruel to me ever, ever. "I'm sorry I don't want you to end up hurting Dad." I whispered. Something just snapped inside of me when she called me a bitch. It hurt so much..

Alice, don't listen to her. She's just doing that so she doesn't have to say she slept with someone.

Harry is the one that I needed right now. Mom just took a step too far. You may be thinking that she already took too many steps too far, but no. When she called me a bitch, I just couldn't believe it. No. Remember what Harry told you. She's only doing this to you so she doesn't have to admit the cold truth.

"I'm not hurting your father!" Mom yelled, slamming her hands down onto the kitchen table, just like Dad did, but with more anger behind it. I jumped and sighed. "So, by lying to his face is not hurting him?" asking, I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at Mom.

Mom opened her mouth to speak, but Dad had beat her to it "Kathy, I believe Alice." I widened my eyes and looked over at Dad. He nodded at me, and smiled a small smile. I did the same back and looked back over to Mom.

"Now why would you believe her?" Mom asked, getting more and more angry by the passing second. Dad breathed out deeply through his nose. "Because I know when you are lying, or not. Same goes for Alice, but I know you are lying." Dad answered.

Can I meet your dad?

I silently laughed and shook my head. Unfortunately, Harry cannot meet my Dad, because well.. He's dead. It pains me to say that about Harry when I knew deep inside my heart, that he is slowly coming back from the dead, and back to a human life.

But what if Harry was a new human again, and he met my dad? I wonder, if Harry were to come back, would we still have the connection we have right now? Or would we have to start from scratch, and not discovering him in a basement, but a boy somewhere else.

I hope you know Alice, when I do come back to life- if I ever do, which I'm hoping will happen soon- we won't have to restart our relationship. I'd just have to be a whole new person, and hopefully no one would remember the Styles family besides you.

I nodded my head, because that makes a lot of sense. Soon I was being ripped from my conversation with Harry when I heard Dad yelling. "Do you really want to know how I know you're fucking lying?! Because I saw someone's, preferably a mans belt in the bathroom! And, it wasn't mine! I don't wear belts with designs on them!"

"So, I basically caught you red-handed, and we both know that you are fucking men behind my back!" I've never heard Dad raise his voice like that to Mom. Ever, so it surprised me by a lot.

"Okay, fine! I admit that I was sleeping around, but I promise you that I won't do it again." Mom said. "If you did it to begin with, you are going to do it again! You'll get bored with me, and find some other rich guy to fulfill your needs, and pleasure. It's sick, Kathy." Dad spat.

Like I said, can I meet your dad? He is too awesome!

I smiled. I bet my Dad would have liked him too, if he wasn't a ghost. They would've became good friends. But, until that day, I will have to keep Harry in the dark. Unless Harry wants to come out of his shell and meet my Dad while he's a ghost. I don't know how Dad feels about ghosts.

"Well, I'm sorry, okay?" said Mom. I rolled my eyes. "If you were, you wouldn't have done it in the first place." Dad said. "Since she finally admitted it, what are you going to do about it?" I was very curious to know.

Dad looked at Mom, back to me, then back to Mom, and so on. Finally he sighed, and rubbed his face. "I think it would be best if we were to just get a divorce."

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