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Chapter sixty-two of 'The Boy In The Basement':

If everyone is always there for me nowadays, I know I need to reuturn the favor. I've done that a couple of times already, but I think I owe Zayn the most. He's been there for me ever since we met--so has Niall but I'll get to my reasonings in a minute--and I'm so thankful for that. I know everything happens for a reason; I've been living by that motto lately, because it's true.

Zayn is basically like a big brother to me; something I've never had but always wanted. I know some people always complain about how annoying their older siblings are, or how rude and mean they are. But, it's hard to believe that. Just because I don't have an older sibling doesn't mean I don't know they should love you deep down inside. It's just hiding behind the rude comments they're telling you. Deep down, they love you and would do anything for you to keep you safe and happy.

That's what Zayn is to me right now. He's my older brother, from another mother from a long time ago. He takes care of me like a little sister, and he treats me like one. That's all I ask from him: just be there for me and care for me. I'll do the same back.

"Zayn, do you want to talk about it?" I asked quietly, moving my eyes onto him. He still hasn't looked at me, and I don't blame him really. He's been acting so strange lately. I know it's the little things that I notice that other people not might notice but I see he acts different. He doesn't mess with his hair like he used to--which used to be a lot.

"I'm okay." He told me. But my mind was saying, "I know you aren't." If someone is feeling down and they say they're just okay or fine, you automatically assume or know something is off/wrong with them. Most times you won't be able to get them to talk right away. Don't get upset over it; that never helps. Just let them take their time; they'll show eventually. Trust me.

"I know you want to talk about it, Zayn. Everyone always wants to talk to someone about their problems. I can be that person for you," I rested my hand on his bicep, and hs eyes began tearing up slightly. The sun was making this obvious to my world.

I heard him swallow, and shake his head. He rested one elbow on the door while he turned down a long dirt road, pulling over to the side. When he stopped the truck, he burried his h=face in both of his hands, his shoulders jerking the whole time as he sobbed.

I quickly unbuckled myself from the seat and moved over to the middle seat, throwing my hands over his back, then resting the side of my face against his back too. My body moved with his shaking one, and this was all I could do right now. To be here to let it out.

"Let it out, Zayn. Just let it, I'm here for you." I whispered to him softly. Yet he still continued to cry. It broke my heart, but I knew this was normal for a person with a broken heart. I will not cry; I need to be strong for Zayn right now. He has been for me for a long time. All I can do it repay him.

"I'm sorry, Alice. This is embarrasing," He sat up making me move myself off from his back. I smiled and watched as he wiped his face with his sleeves of the hoodie he's been wearing today. His carmel eyes were bloodshot from all the tears he let spill over. Pieces of his hair from the quiff fell out, and was hanging over his forehead. He didn't fix his hair.

"Don't be embarrassed. You've seen me at my worst and now I get to see you at yours," I tried joking. This got him to crack a small smile.

"True. But isn't is not-manly to cry?" whispered Zayn, his voice cracking from his tight throat. I smiled, shaking my head.

"No, I think it's not manly when guys pretend they don't give two shits about anything besides their friends and their selfs." Zayn nodded, sitting back in the seat. It looked like he was staring at the stirring wheele seeing he was playing with the end of it with his fingers.

"It's just really hard," he began off quietly. "Not being able to see the person you love--loved-- with all your heart and they just get taken away from you without you even realising it. She meant the world to me. She took my world--hell she was was my world! My world is gone now. It has been for too damn long."

"I want to try moving on, I really do. Because I know that's what she would want me to do, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I feel like if I even touch another girl, I'm dissapointing Perrie. Although I'm not."

"I understand," I told him quietly. Zayn looked over at me. I lifted my head to meet his eye level. That's when he smiled, and fixed his hair. He finally fixed his hair.

"You are amazing, thank you." That's when we hugged for a long time. It feels good to help people instead of them always helping you all the time.

Here's a quick short update for you lovely readers. Sorry it's like really short... I have a ton of hw to catch up on to get my grades back up (I'm only failing one class -.-) but I just finished my hw and I will start on the next chapter tonight maybe, but it more than likely won't be done lol

Where have all my amazing commenters gone??? I miss you! I'm back! Let's reunite in the comments! Lol but thank you to everyone who has commented on the last few chapters I've posted this week. Y'all are amazing

I love you, UniKitties xoxo -Tasha

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