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Chapter seventy-six of 'The Boy In The Basement':

        The park was calming. Green grass slowly getting covered with leaves. The wind blowing softly making hair sway softly with it and leaves fly off the trees. The sun's light, when it wasn't cpvered with the fast moving clouds, sliced through the trees creating shadows on the ground. The tress danced with their own shadow.

        Dad, yet again, had to work this morning. Now his only day off is Monday. The day almost everyone hates. Zayn said he had to get to his tattoo shop since he hasn't been there for awhile. I smiled when he told me this. That's where we first met, and how everything untangled even now.

        Harry never came back this morning. I don't know whether to be mad or upset. He was a dick, don't get me wrong. I guess he just needs space and I respect that. I need my time as well so Olive and I are hanging out. Olive tagged Tessa along —which I was fine with— but then Niall somehow found out so he's with us now.

        We're having a picnic at a picnic table in the middle of the grass, the sidewalk almost 20 feet away from us. The four of us were the only one's here in the park. I'm glad because within each passing day, I'm starting to grow to dislike more and more people. The ones I do keep around are lucky.

"Next time you need to bring Harry," Tessa was saying, bitting into her turkey and cheese sandwich. "Cause then he'd bring Zayn for Olive here."

        Olive turned a bright shade of pink and we all chuckled, sipping our soda. Earlier, I gave Olive Zayn's number and half the time today, her face has been in her phone. Not as bad as Niall the other day, thank gosh.

"They are having problems right now," Niall said. "That's what Harry said."

        I gave Niall a look. I knew I told Olive and Tessa but I would've thought that Tessa told Niall rather than Harry telling him. I wonder who else he told?

"And when did he say this?" I asked.

        The girls exchanged looks and continued slowly chewing on their sandwiches. Niall looked at me, his blue eyes lookng lighter today then what they did yesterday. Maybe it's the sun being in and out at the most random times.

"Before I met up with you guys," he said, looking at me. "He was complaining a lot though, chewing off my ear!"

"Men are just complicated." I told him, shaking my head and sighing. Olive and Tessa hummed in response. Niall shot Tessa a look and she only winked at him.

        Perhaps right this very second, Harry is staying wherever he's staying, listening in on my converdations. Maybe he made Niall come just to hear me complain then crawl back to him and tell Harry what I said. No. Niall would tell me by now. Plus, Harrry isn't like that; I know this for a fact. It's a good thing he's not like that because I would get ticked so easily.

        Later that evening, we all split are seperate ways. Niall came with me though. The both of us drove off the Zayn's shop. When we walked in, the bell above our heads jingled, letting him know he had customers awaiting him.

"Smells weird in here," the Irish accent rang through my ears. I chuckled, making my shoulders raise then drop slightly.

"I'll be out in a second!" Zayn called from the back. Niall and myself took a seat in the waiting chairs. We made small talk about school tomorrow and how we have to bring gym cloths. We don't like the idea of running. Twinning.

        A couple minutes later, Zayn popped out, not looking at us and going around to the desk. "Hello, my name is Zayn Malik. What can I do for you today?" He looked tired; bags were under his eyes, they were noticable but that's all.

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