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Chapter Three of 'The Boy In The Basement':

I rushed to my room, eager to get on my laptop. I opened the door, and stopped. It was now dark, and scary looking. I gulped and searched the room for anything unusual. Nothing. My hand searched the wall for the light. The light flickered on, and I walked in feeling safer already.

I don't know why, but I believe that light protects me from all danger. It's just something that I've grown used to thinking since I was a child.

My bag was still on the bed, and my Dad had brought in the rest of my boxes. Boxes were scattered all over my room. I decided that I am unpacking tomorrow.

I hopped on my bed and dug through my bag. My laptop was in there as well as my charger. I powered on the computer and waited for it to turn on fully. Thankfully Mom had got us Internet here. I hope it works well, the house being old and all.

Am I allowed to come in?

I looked at the door way, and saw nothing. I could feel someone in the room with me. "Um, sure." I said. I wasn't sure of my decision, but what the hell.

The bed dipped down, and I could see where Harry was supposedly sitting. I smelled peppermint. I gulped and I ignored the fact that he's on the bed with me.

I scare you. Don't I?

"No." I said. I heard a chuckle, and it sent shivers down my spine. He needs to knock that off, because goosebumps are going to end up staying visible on my skin.

I went to Google and began doing my research.


"What's your last name?" I asked and looked over to where Harry was sitting. Instead, I could see all of him. "Jesus Christ!" I jumped. 

"Don't do that!" I said and rubbed my eyes. He frowned slightly and looked down. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He apologized.


Harry Styles? That actually fits rather well. Doesn't sound rubbish like half the peoples names in this town. 

"Harry Styles" I typed in Google, and pressed 'Enter'. Many results came up, but one stood out the most to me. I moved my curser over the second site.

"Harry Styles: Brutally murdered in Styles' home in 1914."H-he was murdered? In 1941?! That was so long ago.. I clicked on the link and immediately began reading. I couldn't stop my eyes.

"Harry Styles was found down in his house basement, brutally murdered. His parents fled from the area, not able to take Harry with him. He was murdered at the age of 21, and his murderers have not been found. When we investigated the scene, blood was everywhere, and his heart was not pumping. When we took him in the hospital to have a closer analysis, bruises covered this boy from head to toe. He had five broken ribs, bruised eye, broken wrist and ankle. He had internal bleeding, leading him to death."

What the hell happened here? No wonder why that basement gave me the creeps! Harry was murdered down there! Poor, poor lad. A tear had fallen down my cheek and onto my keyboard. I couldn't help it.

This made me see Harry differently. This scared me, and I know it scared him. His parents left without taking Harry with them, causing him to die. How horrible is that?

"Y-your twenty-one?" I asked and wiped my tears. Harry was looking at me glumly.  

"Yes." Harry whispered. He'd probably be over the age one-hundred by now, seeing that it's almost 2015.

I'm actually 121 years old.

I was still looking at him when he told me. "Wow. You are old." I teased, causing him to let a small smile shine. Although, his smile quickly faded and he looked down at his folded hands. I heard a sniffle arose from him.

"H-Harry? Why are you crying?" I asked. I turned my body to face him. He was transparent, and gray. But, he felt so real.

I miss my old life, I miss my mom and dad. And, my sister.

"Y-you have a sister?" Harry looked up at me and nodded. He sniffled and wiped away the falling tears.

Her name was Gemma. She was older than me. And, I have no idea where she went.

My heart began to swell. This hurt knowing he was the only one out of his family that has been murdered. His family got out in time, and he has no idea what happened to his oldest sister. It never said anything about her in the article that I was reading.

I looked away from Harry and back down at the laptop in front of me. I scrolled down the article, and there was an old black and white photo.

There was an older woman with dark hair, and she wore a floral, white dress with a apron tied around her waist. Standing next to her was a man in a gray suit. Since it was an old back and white picture, I could not tell what colour these details are.

The man was wearing a suit, and a tie. He had a small smile plastered on his lip. His hands were on a woman's shoulders. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her dark hair was pulled back into a neat, high bun. She wore high-waisted shorts, and a long sleeved shirt.

Beside her was a man. He had such curly hair, it invaded his eyes. His eyes sparkled, even though it was a black and white photo, his eyes still twinkled. He had a tall frame. His torso was long, and his shoulders were broad. He had long legs.

He wore the same outfit as he did as he died. The white sweater, black jeans, back boots. It was Harry.

"That's me. That's Gemma, um, that's my step-dad, David, and then that's my wonderful mum, Anne." Harry smiled widely as he pointed to to each person on the computer screen. I smiled widely as he showed me each of his family members.

He was cold, and it was radiating onto me. I shivered, and Harry pulled back. "Sorry, I forgot." Harry apologized. I shrugged. 

"You're okay." I chuckled.

I looked back at the computer and looked more closely at each of the Styles' members. I realized that they were on the porch of the house that I am in right now. It looked a lot better in the picture than it did right now.

This was my last picture before I.. um.. died.

I frowned and exited out of this page, and Google. I quickly shut the computer and slid it aside. I got up off from my bed, and walked towards the door. "Well?" I asked and held onto the door.

Harry looked up at me with sad eyes. "What?" He asked. 

"Um, I am going to sleep." I stated and rubbed my forehead. 

"I-I can't stay with you?" Harry asked. 

"No! Get out!" I pointed to the door. Harry looked down and then he disappeared.

I sighed and closed my bedroom door. I changed before turning off my lights, and running onto my bed. I laid still that whole night.

I just want a friend...

The Boy In The Basement// h.s AU✅Where stories live. Discover now