The hogwarts express

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When Harry came back he told them all that Snape was told to teach him Occulmocy. The Holidays came to an end and everyone walked around Grimmauld place seeming rather miserable. Not even Nat could cheer them up. She didn't want to leave that much either. She didn't want to leave Sirius on his own yet again with just Kreacher keeping him company. 

They were to be brought to platform 9 3/4 by knight bus escorted by Tonks and Lupin. Nat, Harry, Ron and Hermione walked into the kitchen that morning and saw them all in a quiet conversation. When they heard them come in they all immediately fell silent.

"Nat dear," Mrs Weasley said trying to distract them from what just happened. She came walking over quickly. "Draco sent you a package"

She handed Nat the package. The box wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It was longer than wide. NAt sat down before looking at it to see Dracos neat handwriting.

"Who's Draco?" Sirius asked sitting up slightly.

"Nat's boyfriend," George said absentmindedly making Nat glared at him. She hadn't told Sirius yet. 

"Boyfriend, you say?" Sirius said sounding overprotective. Nat nodded. "And how long have you been going out?" Sirius asked crossing his arms in front of him.

"Two years," Nat said with a smile. Tonks nearly choked on her water and Sirius looked shocked.

"Two years!" Tonks repeated trying not to cough.

"I thought you were going to say 2 months maybe," Sirius said.

"Oh, Nat I remember what you two used to be like," Lupin said a Nat tried not to laugh loudly. She hated how she acted in 3rd year. She used to cry over the smallest things and never stuck up for herself. "I won't lie I kinda wanted you two together"

"Guess you got your wish" Nat said with a smile as she began to open the package. It was filled with what looked like green paper. On top was a note. She picked up the Note first and read it.

To Nat 

I'm sorry you didn't get to spend Christmas at the manor but it wasn't safe for you there. Since I didn't get to see you for very long on Christmas I didn't get a chance to give you your Christmas present. This is only a bit of it. I'll give you the rest at Hogwarts. I love you.

From Draco.

Nat put down the not and pulled out the paper. In the box was a neatly wrapped brand new broom.

"I'm gonna kill him," Nat said. 

"What is it?" Fred asked looking in. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

"Just pull it out of the box," Tonks said impatiently. Nat pulled out the broom placing it on the table before putting the box on the floor. It was a brand new Firebolt 2.1. It was the newest broom that had come out that year and it only came out a few days before Christmas.

"Those are sold out in shops everywhere," Ginny said looking at it. 

"What's that on the end of the stick?" Harry asked pointing at the end of the broom. Nat looked closer. In the wood 'Nat The greatest chaser quidditch has ever seen' was carved in Dracos handwriting. Nat laughed loudly. 

"What is it?" Lupin asked with a smile. Nat was still laughing.

"It says 'Nat the greatest chaser quidditch had ever seen'" Fred said for her.

"I don't get it," Hermione said. 

"It's just Draco being Draco," Nat said rolling her eyes with a smile. 

The New Girl (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now