"I'm sure I'll be fine"

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The three of us follow Mcgonagall to her office. "Now Bailey can you please explain to me why you were using a spell on Pansy" She says looking dissapointed. "She was trying to force herself on Cedric. I wasn't just going to stand there and watch" I say slightly raising my voice. She turns to cedric. "Is this true." She says staring at him. He nods and she turns back to me. "Well Bailey you should of got a teacher. Rules are rules and I'm afraid I'll have to put you back into the Slytherin dorms and classes with all the Slytherins. As for you Pansy you will serve a week of detetion." She says. "For what?" Pansy says in disguts. "For trying to force yourself on another student. Now you all may leave" We all turn to leave. By the time we're finshed it's dinner.

It had been around 2 hours since it happened so of course everyone in hogwarts already knows. We walk in and all eyes are on us. I grab Cedrics hand and we rush over to the Gryfindor table when I hear somone say. "She was just jelous that Cedric was making a move on Pansy." I stop dead in my tracks. Everyone had heard what they said. Cedric trys to make me keep wlaking but I turn around to see flint sniggering to himself. It made me mad that pwoplw called Cedric and I the couple of Hogwarts. We are just friends and will never be anything more. (In this story Cedric is on of the guys who will just be your friend)

"Oh so is that what you think happened." I say looking him dead in the eyes. "Ya it is." He says standing up. I look up at him and see him towering over me but I stand my ground and keep eye contact.

"Ok and wheres your proof. Oh thats right you dont have any. Because whatever you say it right. Am I right flint." He looks dowm at me with fire in his eyes. I feel somone pull me away and I see Blaise pulling him away. My friends guide me to the Gryfindor table. I sit down and tell them about how i have to go back to the slytherin dorms. "Thats so unfair. You where just defending Cedric." Hermione says angrily. "There's nothing I can do now. Her choice has been made" I say sounding disapointed. Dinner ends quicker than I wnated it to and I have to make my way back to the Slytherin common rooms. I get in to see the common room empty. I let out a sigh of relief and walk over to the couch. I decide to get started on my homework when I hear someone walk in. I don't bother to look at who it is. "Bailey" they say. I look over to see Flint.

"Flint" I say with a tone of disgust in my voice. "Very Brave what you did in the great hall" he says. I just roll my eyes. "You should learn if your going to be staying with the Slytherins that no one ever crosses me." I put my book down and turn to him.

"Well sorry to say but I guess things are going to change" I say and get up to leave. Just as I'm about to go up to the dorms he grabs my hand. "You better watch yourself Bailey" he says.

"I'm sure I'll be fine" I say pulling my hand away from his. I try to make my way around the couch when he pushes me back into the wall.

"What the hell flint!" I say after hitting my back against the wall. "I'm serious Bailey watch yourself"   I roll my eyes when suddenly he goes to hit me. I dodge his punch. When he try's again. He keeps trying when Draco walks in. As soon as Draco sees us Flint punches me. "WHAT THE HELL FLINT!" Draco screams at him. Flint turns to look at Draco regretting what he did. People start coming out of their dorms to hear what the streaming's about. They all see me with a bloody nose and a bust lip and Draco trying to kill Flint. He pins Fling against the wall.

"Draco stop" I say trying to pull him off worried he might actually kill him. He doesn't move he just keeps screaming. I keep trying to get him off until I finally shout

"DRACO GET OFF HIM" I finally pull Draco off. Flint stays where he is when I turn to him.

"Leave" I say but he just looks at me

"NOW!" I say and he finally runs off. I turn back to Draco.


I walk into the common room to see Flint throwing punches at Natalia and her dodging them. She gets distracted by me walking in and Flint finally punches her. I feel my whole body heat up filling with rage.

"WHAT THE HELL FLINT?" I say while storming over to him not even checking to see if Natalia was ok. I pinned him against the wall screaming at him. Everyone had come out of their dorms to see what was happening. Natalia was trying to pull me off but I refused to move. She finally screamed and pulled me off. I looked at her for a second and then she told Flint and everyone else to leave. I looked at her and saw she had a bloody nose and bust lip. I walk up to her touching her bruised face. She flinches and I immediately say sorry worried that I hurt her. "No it's alright Draco I'm fine" she says looking into my eyes. I start rushing around looking for a tissue to clean her face with. I come back and sit her down on the couch. "Draco?" She asks

"Yes" I reply trying to get the blood off from under her nose. "Why did you do that. Why did you get so angry" she asks. "I don't know. I-I guess I just. I don't know" I say stuttering. I go get a wet towel and put it on the cuts on the side of her face. As soon as I do she instantly grabs my wrist and holds it tightly while tightly shutting her eyes.

"It'll only hurt for a second" I say cupping her face in my hand. She lets a little nod and I keep dabbing ho the blood. How could Flint do this to her. She's so innocent. Sure she has and attitude but that's the best part of her. Otherwise she the sweetest person I've met. I feel an awful feeling in my stomach to see her in pain. I finish clearing up her face.

"Natalia?" I say and she looks up at me. "Are you ok. Like are you really ok." I ask looking at her deeply. I see tears come to her eyes. "I don't know. It's just a lot. I don't have any friends in Slytherin but I have no choice but to be here" she says looking at her hand.

"I'm your friend" I say putting my hand on hers. She looks up at me and pulls me into a hug. We sit in the common room and talk for a while before she decides to go to bed. I make my way up to the dorm to see Flint sitting awake on his bed. I ignore him knowing that if I don't I'll end up doing something I'll regret.  "What the bloody hell was that about Malfoy" he says angrily.

"What?" I ask. "Why where you sticking up for her". He says standing up and walking to me.

"Because Flint she's my friend" I say turning to look him dead in the eyes.  He sits back on his bed as do I. I sit still for a minute wondering what could of happened if I hadn't walked in. Flint isn't the type of guy to stop once he's started. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to kill her. It gives me a weird feeling to think that he could do something like that to Natalia. I eventually drift to sleep.

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