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(Trigger warning: there are scenes in this chapter that may be sensitive for some readers. Please read at your own


I was sitting at the Slytherin table across from Crabbe and Goyle when Natalia burst through the door. She rushes over to Tyler. She starts talking to him but it looks more like there arguing. I saw her pull a Gryfindor tie out of her pocket and shove it in his face.

"Shit" I say quietly to myself. "What's wrong Draco" Crabbe asks.

"Nothing" I replie while watching her rush over to the girls in the Gryfindor table. I can't really hear what's happening but I see one of the girls stand up. Natalia practically throws the tie at her and rushes back over to Tyler. "Michelle." She quietly screams at him. I quickly get up from my seat and rush behind her to hear her say "you are a monster from hell."
Tyler goes on to say that he can cheat because he's a guy.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I say as my body full with rage. I go to move forward when Hermione grabs my arm. "She can do this herself. She's strong she doesn't need your help" she says quietly. I back down and let Natalia fight her battle. She ends up punching Tyler and walk away. I start to laugh. "Something funny Malfoy" he says with blood dripping out his nose.

"Ya I enjoy watching people get what they deserve" I say. I look around to see people start to stand up and try and leave to find Natalia.

"EVERYONE SIT DOWN" I shout. Everyone instantly sits down.

"STOP BEING SO GOD DAMN NOSEY" I shout while storming out to find Natalia. Cedric, Harry, Hermione and the weasleys all stand at the door to stop people from leaving. I walk down the corridor to see Natalia crying. I quickly run to her and pull her into a hug. She breaks down in my arms and we both slide to the floor together. "How could he do this to me" she says while still crying.

"He's stupid." I say while starting to play with her hair. "Maybe I'm just not good enough" She says.

"What!" I say while pulling her out of my chest. I couldn't believe that he made her think that of herself. She's the most amazing girl ever and and awful boy made her think she's not good enough.

"Don't ever say that again. You are good enough. You're more than good enough. And if he's too stupid to see that it's his loss" I say looking deep into her eyes. I pull her back into me. She lies on my stomach playing with my rings while I play with her hair. I can't help but feel angry. I get up quickly and start walking into the great hall. I can hear her quite footsteps trying to catch up to me.

"What the hell is wrong with you Davis". I say while walking up to him. "You are not a man. You are nothing but a little boy" I say. I grab Natalias hand and walk up to the Gryfindor table. I make sure to sit her beside Cedric. Cedric ask if she's ok and she try's to convince him she's fine but I can see tears coming to her eyes again. I lean in close to her ear.

"He doesn't deserve you. Show him your strong Nat. Show him that he lost" I whisper trying to make her feel better. I see the corners of her mouth perk up into a smile. The rest of lunch goes by fine. I think she forgot about it because she seemed to be enjoying herself.

We all start walking to the Gryfindor common room. Natalia stays behind us.

"Hey you ok?" I say walking beside her. "I'm fine just want to think for a bit." She says looking up at me.

"I'll leave you to it." I say running back up to the group. We get to the Gryfindor common rooms and sit down. We start talking for a minute when I notice Natalia isn't with us.

"Guys where's Nat" I say interrupting Cedric. They all look around. "She must of gone back to her dorm" Ginny says.

"I'm going to check are you lot coming or not." I say quickly standing up. They all do the same and we walk to the Slytherin dorms. The door to her dorm is locked. I kick it open quickly to see no one inside. We all start to panick. This isn't like her. She always tells us where she's going. We start to run around the castle to find her. We're about to go back to the Gryfindor common room when we hear Natalia scream from the astronomy tower. We all look at each other and run to the astronomy tower.


I feel a hand grab me and pull me into an empty classroom. I turn around to see Blaise, Tyler and Pansy standing behind me smiling.

"What do you want" I say trying to get out of Blaises grip. None of them say anything. Pansy walks towards me till she right infront of my face and punches me in the nose. I wipe the blood from my nose and look back at them. They don't say anything again until Blaise comes up to me and kisses me. I try and push him away but he won't get off.

"Get off me Blaise" I say and he finally gets off. Tyler starts walking up to me. He stands infront of me and starts taking off my uniform. I try and stop him but he doesn't. Blaise and Pansy watch in amusement. I finally push him off and try and run. I run down the corridor when Tyler catches up with me. He picks me up and through a me over his shoulder.

"Let me go" I say hitting him and kicking the air. He carry's me up to the astronomy tower with Blaise and Pansy following close behind. We get to the tower and they put me in the corner. Pansy says a spell that I didn't hear and ropes instantly tie around me. I try and grab my wand. But it's no use I can't move.

"Let me go. What the hell is wrong with you guys" I say still trying to get free. They talk for a while before finally turning to me. Tyler walks up to me cupping my face in his hand. I pull my face away. He hits me and walks away. Pansy walks up to me this time. "You should have left when you had the chance." She whispers into my ear. She grabs my hair and starts dragging me to the edge of the astronomy tower. I let out a loud scream in pain. They finally untie me. When they aren't looking I make a sprint for the exit. Of course Blaise catches me this time. He picks me up and throws me over the railing of the astronomy tower so I'm now standing on the edge.

"What the hell are you doing." I say trying to get back over. "Your not going anywhere.....But down" pansy says. Suddenly the door burst open and a big group of people run up the stairs. It's Draco and all my friends. "Blaise now" Pansy shouts quickly. Blaise grabs my hand and pushes them off the rail while pushing me backwards. My foot slips off the ledge and I start falling...............

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