Blaise Zambini

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"Watch it Zambini," I say to him. "What are you talking about?" He asks trying to seem clueless.

"Move your hands," I say angrily. "If you say so," He says. He moves his has quickly and squeezes my ass.

"What the hell," I say pushing him off of me. Everyone watches in silence. "You told me to move my hands," He says. 

"Ya back to my waist you idiot," I say. "You should have made that clear." He says with a grin on his face.

"No, I shouldn't have to you numpty," I say angrily. "God I would hate to be you, parents," He says.

"What?" I say in a confused tone. "They're dead and you still disappoint them," He says he says in a disgusted tone while looking me up and down. "And sooner or later you are going to disappoint them all over again," He says loudly. I stare at him for a minute. I can't believe he just said that. Everyone watches in anticipation.

"Grow the fuck up Blaise," I say in an angry and annoyed tone. I start to walk towards the door and purposely bump into his shoulder on my way out. I walk straight out and don't look back. I've been walking for a few minutes when George comes running up behind me. "Nat you need to come back," He says out of breath

"Why? and why are you in such a rush?" I ask. "Blaise and Draco got into a fight," He says still out of breath.

"For fucks sake," I say rolling my eyes. I start sprinting back. I nearly fall into the wall when I get there. I look in to see Draco and Blaise throwing punches at each other. I run into the room quickly.

"Move," I say to the group of people surrounding them. I get into the middle. My friends are trying to pull Draco back and Blaise's friends are trying to pull him back.

"Draco stop!" I say trying to pull him back but he doesn't move.

"Will the both of you stop," I say angrily.

"For fucks sake," I say quietly yo myself.

"STOP!" I shout. Everyone goes quiet and the boys stop fighting.

"What in the actual fuck were you both thinking?" I say angrily. "He was being a dick," Draco replies. "What-" Blaise starts to say.

"Blaise shut up," I say interrupting him.

"I can deal with him myself," I say to Draco. I look at them for a minute.

"Right if that's all I'm leaving," I say. I start to leave.

"And I swear to god if I hear that you two are fighting again I will fucking kill you both," I say turning around before walking out. Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Dean, Seamus and Neville follow me. Our classes are over now and it is a Friday so I want to get changed into my own clothes. We head back to the Slytherin Common room.

"I'm going to get changed. You guys wait here" I say running up the stairs quickly

I run back down the stairs to see Draco sitting in the common room as well. I go over and sit with everyone. We sit for a while before heading to the great hall for dinner. We're walking down the isles when Blaise starts trying to talk to me. I Don't reply I just glare at him.

(Next part is said like in the song Nightmare by Hasley. The talking starts at 0:52)

"Come on little lady give us a smile." He says. I instantly get mad. I stop walking and turn to face him.

"No, I ain't got nothing to smile about" I start saying. "What?" He asks confused.

"I got no one to smile for, I waited a while for a moment to say," I say calmly.

"I DON'T OWE YOU A GOD DAMN THING!" I angrily shout. Just as I finish talking (When the beat drops in the song) All the windows in the hall shatter. I cover my head with my arms. After a few seconds, I look up to see the floor covered in glass. I look around in shock. I look around at people to see everyone looks angry and terrified at the same time. "What the hell did you do?" Blaise asks angrily.

"I-I didn't do anything" I reply...... 


As soon as McGonagall told Nat and Zambini to dance I kept my eye on him to make sure he didn't try anything. A few minutes had gone by so I thought It would be ok but just as I look away he grabs Nat's ass. She pushes him off and starts getting mad at him. Blaise being Blaise tried to blame it on her. Then he got offended and his one defence mechanism is to call out peoples weaknesses so he started talking about Nat's parents. I start to walk to him when Tyler holds me back.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say angrily pushing him off of me. He shrugs. When I turn back to Nat she walks off. We all stand quietly for a few seconds.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask angrily breaking the silence. "She was asking for it" He replies.

"She was defending herself." I ay angrily. "Stay out of it Malfoy," Blaise says angrily.

"No. Why should I? You were being a dick" I say angrily. "And she was being a bitch and a prude." He starts to say. I roll my eyes and start to walk away. "Too bad Noah wasn't there. It would have been funny to see her have a panic attack or some shit like that. Like the weak bitch she is" He says. My body fills up with rage and before I know it I've turned around and punched him in the face.

"She is stronger than you ever have or will be," I say getting close to him. Suddenly he hits me back. Then it turns into a full-on fistfight. It goes on for a few seconds before I hear Nat shout. "STOP!" She shouts angrily. I didn't even notice her walk in. Hse starts to get mad at us before leaving again. She leaves and we stand quietly for a few seconds.

"Leave her the fuck alone. Alright," I say to Blaise before quickly following behind them. When I catch with them Nat is already changed and walking into the common room. We sit and talk for a while before going to get food. We get into the great hall and Blaise tries to talk to Nat again but she ignores him until she finally snaps. She yells and all the windows shatter. I try to reach her to block her from the glass but its too late. All the glass had already fallen to the floor.

"What the fuck" I say quietly to myself. "What the hell did you do?" Blaise asks angrily. "I-I don't know" She replies. Blaise starts to get mad at her.

"Fuck off Blaise," I say going up and wrapping my arm around Nat and walking away. I look at her face to notice she cut her cheek. I get a napkin and start to dab the blood off when Dumbeldore starts to speak. "Current events have to lead to us having to shut down Hogwarts for a while. You will all go home for around 2 weeks. You will come back 2 weeks before the yule ball. You will all be leaving tonight so pack your stuff." He says. We all turn to each other before leaving to pack our stuff.......

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