Full blown psycho

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(Trigger warning: there are scenes in this chapter that may be sensitive for some readers. Please read at your own


The outfit

I storm out down to the Great hall

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I storm out down to the Great hall. Ginny, Cedric, Fred, George, Hermione, Ron ,Harry and Draco following close behind me. I burst the doors open and look around quickly for Pansy.

"Nat you don't have to do this" Hermione say putting her hand on my shoulder. I see Pansy and I shove her hand off. I quickly make my way over to her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I say while walking towards her. "What Bailey want a recap of what happened last time you crossed me" she says confidently.

"See Pansy I think you forgot that at the start of the year I told you I used to throw knifes"
I say. I pick one off the table and throw it past her head and hits somones fork. She touched her hand to her ear. "You cut me" she says angrily.

"Aw going to cry" I say sarcastically. "Your going to pay for that" she says. She goes to grab my hair but I hit her hand away. She proceeds to try and hit me. I eventually grab her hair and pull her head back.

"Stay the fuck away from me and Draco. Or you'll regret it. Got it?" I whisper into her ear. I let her hair go and throw her to the ground. I turn around and walk off quickly. Draco and my friends walk quickly behind me. We start walking down the hall. Me and Draco hang back like we always do to talk. Everything's going fine until Pansy comes running out of the great hall. "STUPIFY!" She screams. I turn around quickly but get sent flying back. My back hits against a wall and I fall to the floor.

"Shit" I say trying to get off the floor but I can't move. "What the actual fuck Pansy" Draco shouts while running over to me. Pansy shouts some spell I don't quite catch that causes everyone around us to have to stay behind this like barrier. A crowd has now come out from the great hall. It's just me and her in this bubble like thing. "Aw not so strong now are we Bailey." She says. I quickly stand up.

"What the hell do you want Pansy" I say in an annoyed tone. "Draco. But as long as your around I won't get him" she says.

"See here we go again with the full blown psycho." I say rolling my eyes. "See this time. I will win. I will get Draco" she says. She pulls her wand out quickly. "CRUCIO" she says. Suddenly I feel unbearable pain all over my body. I let out a scream and fall to the floor. I let out multiple blood curdling screams before Dumbeldore and Mcgonagall run over. Dumbeldore walks over to Pansy and Mcgonagall rushes over to me. "Malfoy help me get her back to her dorm." Mcgonagall says. They both throw my hands over their shoulders.

"Ow" I say still in pain. They carry me to my dorm and set me down on the bed. "Have a little rest. When you feel up to it you can go ahead and take a shower" Mcgonagall say. I close my eyes and everything goes dark.

I wake up to the sound of somone rustling around in my dorm. I open my eyes to see all my friends sitting on the empty beds.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?"  I scream while sitting up. They all jump. "Bloody hell" Ron says holding his chest. I burst out laughing. "How do you always make jokes in serious times" Hermione says.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just naturally funny"I say sarcastically. "I think your all mistaken" Fred starts to say. "We're the funny ones" George finishes.

"Not anymore I guess" I say standing up. "Woah Nat be careful" Harry says.

"Oh shush. I'll be fine." I say walking around the room like nothing happened.

"I'm going to have a shower. Wait here if you want but to be honest. I dont really care" I say while grabbing a towel. I walk into the bathroom and get into the shower. I look at my arms and stomach to see there all bruised. The same goes for my legs. I roll my eyes and quickly wash my hair. I hop out and throw some clothes on.

The outfit

I walk back into my room to see them all sitting there

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I walk back into my room to see them all sitting there. I sit on my bed and we start talking when Draco burst through the door. He looks around panicked. He looks and me and his face goes into a grin. He runs up to me and pulls me into a big hug. He holds me up in the air for a few seconds. Our friends give each other a few glances and they all leave.

"Draco." I say. He puts me down finally. "I have something to ask you" he says in a. Scared tone.

"What is it?" I ask. "Will you be my girlfriend. Like I don't want to hide it this time. I want everyone to kno-" he starts to say but before her finishes his sentences I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. "I'll take that as a yes" he says while putting his hands on my hips.

"Yes it is" I say grinning. He pulls me in for another kiss before we head to the common room. We walk in and he instantly throws his arm over my shoulder. "See you two finally got together again" Fred says

"Oh shut up" I say bumping into his shoulder. Draco and I decide to keep us a secret but only for about a week until Pansy calms down. We all walk into the great hall for breakfast. Everyone turns and whispers when they see me walk in.

Breakfast is over and I head back to my dorm to get some of the stuff I left for class. I walk into my dorm and head straight for my bed grabbing my bag. Suddenly the door slams shut and I turn around startled.

"Noah. What are you doing here?" I say turning around fully. He walk over time and puts some of my hair behind my ear.

"Don't touch me" I say pushing his hands away. His friends walk in and start to help him get me down. I put up a fight but they over power me. They push me onto the bed and tie my hands and legs to the bedpost.

"Please don't" I say tears coming to my eyes but there's nothing I can do. There going to do it. I plead with them not to but they don't stop. I'm stuck......

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