Sirius Black

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We all decide to go to our dorms for once. Usually we stay up and talk. But we're all exhausted. I part with everyone near the Gryfindor common room. I start to make my way to the dungeons when I see someone following me. I start to speed up my pace. I'm walking past a classroom when I feel someone push me into it. I try to run out by the grab me. I pull out my wand

"Lumos" I say and a light comes out of my wand. The person comes closer and I see it's Sirius Black. I'm about to scream but he puts his hand over my mouth. "Shh" He says holding his finger up to his lip. Tears start to come into his eyes. "I-I just wanted to see what you look like. All grown up" he says. He rushes out of the room. I rush out behind him and look around to see he's gone.

I start to run back to the common room. I burst through the door to see Draco sitting down. I stands up instantly. "Whats wrong Nat" he says while walking towards me.

"I-it's s-s-Sirius b-black" I say holding onto his arms as I feel like I'm about to pass out. He guides me up to my room and sits me down on my bed. He tells me to lay down and try and sleep. It takes me about and hour but I finally fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning. I get into my uniform and head to the common room where I see Draco waiting for me like he always does. We start walking to the great hall. He doesn't say anything about what happened last night. We get to the great hall and the day goes on as normal.

It's lunch and all of our classes are over. "Nat" I hear Harry say running up behind me. "Buckbeak attacked another student. The court trial was today we need to go see hagrid" Hermione says. I get changed and we head down. "Hagrid how was it" Hermione said. "Well first they took turns talking about why we where there. I said my piece. The father asked for the worst." Hagrid says quickly.

"Oh no. You've been sacked" I say thinking the worst. "No. Buckbeaks been sentenced to death" he says throwing a rock into the river. We head back to his hut because the minister is coming soon. "We'll stay with you Hagrid" Hermione says. "You'll do no such thing" he says. We get interupted by something hitting me in the back of the head.

"Ow" I say as I turn around. I see Dumbeldore and the minister walking to the hut. We leave right as they walk in and hide behind the pumpkins. When there not looking we sprit back up to the castle. We stand and watch from a distance. Suddenly scanners bites Ron. "Scabbers" he says as the rat runs away from him and he chases after it.

"Ron" I say running after him. He finally stops outside the whomping willow. Ron's face twist into a scared expression. He points behind us. We turn to see a big black dog. It jumps over our head and grabs Ron's foot pulling him into the whomping willow. We chase after him until one of the willows branches hit us sending us flying backwards.

"Are you guys alright" I say while helping them up. Hermione gets swung around by one of the branches. She grabs Harry's shirt and pushes him In. I somehow dive in avoiding the willows branches and Hermione falls in on top of us.

"Where does this lead" I say looking around. "I think I have an idea" Harry says while walking forward we follow him until we're in a house. We see Ron sitting in the bed and run over to him. "It's not a dog. It's a human" Ron says while pointing behind the door. We turn around to see Sirius. Hermione runs in front of Harry. "If you want to kill Harry your going to have to kill me first."she says. "No only one will die tonight" he says walking closer. "And it'll be you" Harry says. Some how Harry ends up on top of him.

"Harry no" I say. Suddenly lupin walks in and disarms Harry. Harry gets up and Lupin greats Sirius as an old friend. "I trusted you. He's a werewolf" Hermione says. They start talking to each other. I zone out thinking about how hes the fact my parents are dead. I zone back in when I hear a big bang. I look to see snape passed out.

"Harry what did you do" I say grabbing his shoulder. Sirius goes up and grabs scabbers. Him and Professor Lupin start trying to hit it as it runs away. It's about to go through a hole in the wall when it suddenly turns into a 30 year old man. They pull him out of the hole. He sees me and Harry and rushes over to us. He grabs onto my shoulders. "Natalia. Me and your mother where the best of friends." He says pulling me so close that I can smell his breath. 

"Don't touch me" I say pushing him off. "Don't talk to my god daughter like that" Sirius says holding his wand up to Peter.

"G-God daughter" I say shocked. "Yes Natalia. Sirius is your god father." Lupin says. I don't smile I don't frown I just stand there. The man I thought sold my parents out to the dark lord was my godfather. And Rons rat turned out to be the man who sold my parents out. "Lets kill him" Sirius says. Peter runs up to me again. "You're kind like your father. I know it. Please spare me." He says. "How dare you talk about Emily when you where the one who sold her out" Sirus says while pushing him back.

"Wait. We'll take him back to the castle" I say. Peter instantly drops to my feet. "Thank you. Thank you" He says. 

"Get off. I said we'll take you to the castle. After that the dementors can have you." I say while pulling my foot away from him. We leave shrieking shack. We get out and Harry starts to talk to Sirius for a while. Me and Hermione help Ron with his leg. "Harry" Hermione shouts and points at the moon. It's a full moon. We all turn to lupin. Sirius runs up to him and tries to stop him from changing. Lupin drops his wand and Peter picks it up. Harry disarms him but it's too late, He's already turning back into a rat. Lupin send Sirius flying into a bush. Harry and I start to carry ron away when hermione tells us to wait. she Tries to talk to Lupin but he howls. She moves back.

"There you are" Snapes says as he runs out of the whomping willow and grabs onto us. He hears Lupin growl behind us and turns to him. Snape puts his arms around us holding us together. We all fall to the ground. Lupin is about to attack Harry when Sirius comes out of no where as a dog. He starts fighting with Lupin. He ends up running away trying to guide Lupin some where else. Harry runs after them.

"Harry" I yell as I start to run after him. I run behind Harry just as he hits Lupin with a rock. He starts coming towards us when suddenly we hear another wolf howl in the distance. We both look at Sirius to see him turn back into a man and start heading towards a lake. We both run after him. When we get to the lake Hes laying on the floor.

"Sirius" I say as I run up and turn him over to reveal that hes covered in cuts. "Sirius" Harry says while raising his voice. I look up and see the lake starting to freeze over.

"Harry" I say and point to the lake. We look up to see dementors circling around us. They all start coming down and trying to suck out our souls. Harry stands up and tries to get rid of them. After a few tries he falls to the floor. Hes about to give up when we see a bright shining light coming from across the lake. I look over to see the light taking the form of a phoenix. All the dementors fly away and Harry and Sirius both pass out. I carry them both back to the castle. I get in and Dumbeldore instantly rushes towards me. He takes sirius from me and I lead Harry to the infirmary where I see Ron and Hermione. I put Harry on a bed quickly and Hermione runs up to me and gives me a hug. "How are you feeling" She says pulling me into a hug.

"I'm not sure" I say. I start to feel lightheaded. I see Draco burst through the door. He runs up to me just in time to catch me as I drop to the floor. All I can see is black. I look around the floor to see my friends lifeless again. I'm back in the dream. But this time it turns out different.......

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