"Go to hell"

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I'm walking down the aisle every one's eyes on me. I turn to see Draco and all the other Slytherins giving me dirty looks. I smile and give them a wave. I finally get to the stool and sit down. 

"ah yes. A lot has changed since the first year. some treats are more dominant than others. Then again you still have the traits of all the houses. But where to put you. Hmmm very hard indeed. It must be....... SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat says. My eyes widen and all of Hogwarts gasp. I start to stand up and walk over to the Slytherin table. I go and sit beside some of the people who weren't that mean to me last year but they just happen to be sitting beside Draco. Dumbeldore finishes his speech and we all start eating.

 "So Bailey how did you manage to get into Slytherin," Draco asks

"Beats me. I don't even want to be here. It means I have to deal with you."

Everyone in Slytherin let out a little giggle. "How dare you speak to me like that you filthy little mudblood." He says turning to look at me.

"Aw I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings?" I say in a sarcastic tone

I turn to look at him. He looks at me in shock. The edge of his mouth slowly turns up into a grin. 

"You got a bit mouthy didn't you Bailey," Pansy says with a smile.

"Of course you would know how to use your mouth Pansy, "I say and turn to look at her.

Everyone in Slytherin starts laughing. 

 "Gosh, you turned into such a bitch. No wonder your parents hated you." She says before biting into an apple. "They probably killed themselves because they were so disappointed to have you," Pansy says coming close to me. 

"Pansy what the hell" I hear Draco say. No one knew about my real parents. They died when I was a baby. The family I have now was my father's brother and his wife. I never really knew my parents but it still upset me to know they were gone. I stand up to face her.

"Go to hell Pansy"

Everyone heard me and turned to see what was happening. 

I started to walk for the doors when Pansys says "I'll say hi to your parents while I'm there". She and other Slytherins start to laugh. I can't take it anymore and before I know it I'm walking up to her and punching her in the face. She falls to the floor holding her nose. I lean over her.

"Talk about my parents again Pansy and I will kill you"

I leave the great hall with Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny following me. They bring me to the Gryffindor common room to calm down. 

"That was bloody brilliant". Ron says as we all sit down. 

"Yes, but why did you do it?" Hermione asks. I know I have to tell them. They're my best friends.

"Um well. My parents died when I was around three. They died from an explosion while they were at a soccer match. After they died all I can remember is standing at my aunt and uncles doorstep crying while I waited for them to come to the door. I live with them now." I say feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm sorry Nat I shouldn't have asked," she says with sorrow in her eyes. 

"No, it's fine. It's about time I told you guys anyways." I say as I quickly wipe the tear from my cheek."Pansy somehow found out and started talking about them. I told her to go to hell and she said she would see my parents there. Before I knew it I was already walking back to her and punched her."

They're about to say something when Mcgonangall rushes into the common room. 

"Ms Bailey comes with me please." I get up and follow her to her office. "Now listen Ms Bailey I know you and Pansy have a bad past but that does not mean you can go around punching students. Now I know you have more friends in Gryfindor so I am putting you in most of the classes with your friends. I have also moved you into the Gryffindor dorms. You can still go into the Slytherin common rooms and dorms if you wish. Now as for punching Ms Parkison 5 points will be taken for Slytherin and you will also receive a week of detention. And if you ever do something like this again, I will be moving you back to Slytherin. Now be on your way." I leave her classroom feeling quite happy. I get to stay with my friends. I rush back to the room to tell them when I suddenly bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you." I look up to see Draco and I just roll my eyes.

"Are you not happy to see me, Bailey?" He says putting his arm on the wall

"Oh yes very happy. Now move." I say trying to get past him when he pushes me against the wall.

"Not so fast Bailey. How come you didn't tell us about your parents."

"Oh yes let me just give you another thing to make fun of me for. That's a great idea. Now move Malfoy." I say finally pushing past him. I finally make it back to the common room. I tell them all how my dorm is nowhere. We all head to bed because classes start tomorrow.

I wake up to Ginny telling me to get up. I hop out of bed and start getting ready. Most of my classes go fine until transfiguration. It's one of the classes I have without my friends. I turn into the doorway and all of the Slytherins looks at me. I go and make my way to the back of the class sitting at an empty bench. After about five minutes Draco walks in and sit beside me. He was about to say something to me when McGonagall walks in. The class is fine until Draco passes me a note

"Meet me in the dungeons at lunch,"  It says.

The class is over and I start heading to my next classes. It's soon lunch and I start making my way towards the great hall when I remembered Dracos note. I start to head towards the dungeons. I get there and don't see Draco anywhere. I decide to head back to the great when suddenly I feel a pair of hands on my hips. 

"You're going the wrong way." I turn to see Draco. I shove him off.

"What did you want Draco," I say in an annoyed tone.

"I want to know if you'll go on a date with me," Draco says leaning against the wall.

"Go on a date with you? Are you mad? Did you hit your head?" I say

"What of course not," He says

"Draco. Your one of the reasons I left Hogwarts for a year. your one of the reasons I got constant death threats and beaten up" I say.

"What death threats who beat you up?" He says looking confused.

"Don't act dumb Draco. You know why." I say while walking away. I make my way back to the great hall and sit by my friends. All the first and second years look at me like I'm crazy. I glare at them and they all look away. "Where have you been," Harry asks while grabbing some food."

"Ugh, It doesn't matter," I say while putting my head down on the table. We all start talking about our days while eating. Dinner is nearly over when the doors burst open. Everyone turns to see who it is. I turn to see Draco speed walking up the halls. I turn back to my food not wanting him to see me. 

"Nat why is he coming over here" Hermione whispers to me. Before I have a chance to answer I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Draco.

"What Malfoy," I say looking back down to my food. I realise it got so quiet because people want to know why he's talking to me

"You never answered my question." He says.

"I thought the answer was obvious," I say while starting to pack up my stuff.

"No, you walked away before you could answer," He says while I start to stand up. I look him dead in the eyes standing in front of him

"The answers no," I say

"What why?" He asks me. I roll my eyes and start to walk away but of course, he follows me just constantly asking why. Everyone is still listening to us. 

"Why?" He says grabbing my hand. I finally turn and face him.

"Because in 1st year you made my life a living hell," I say 

"No, I didn't. I didn't do anything" He says

"Jesus Draco because of you I nearly died." I snap and say raising my voice

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