The match

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The rest of the Slytherins followed Nat out and lined up waiting for the Gryffindor team to come out. Once they did they all instantly noticed the badges. Every single team member wearing one but Nat. Nat refused to look at Draco. She couldn't believe he'd actually wear one.

"Captains shake hands" Madam Hooch ordered. Angelina and Montague met in the middle and it seemed as if Montague was trying to break Angelina's hand although she never flinched. Nat noticed and 'accidently' dropped her broom making it hit his head and release his grip on Angelina's hand.

"Oh I'm sorry," She said dully not even looking at him. "My hand slipped"

Harry, Ron, NAelina, Fred, George, Katie, and Alicia looked at her with wide smiles. She smiled back as the Slytherin team glared at her.

"Mount your brooms," MAdam hooch said loudly. Everyone did and she blew the whistle. The balls shot into the air. Everyone raced towards their positions with the chasers going for the quaffle. Angelina got it first with Nat on her heels as she flew towards the Slytherin hoops.

"NAT WATCH OUT" Nat heard someone yell she looked behind her and saw a bludger going straight for Angelina's head. She quickly grabbed the end of Angelina's broom before flying out of the way of the bludger.

"And Bailey saves Johnson from a nasty injury" Lee commentated.

"WHAT THE HELL BAILEY" Montague yelled as he flew over. Madam Hooch had blown the whistle and the game was paused. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?"

"I was thinking the bludger was going for her head" Nat yelled back as the crowd listened with Angelina hovering beside nat. "Sorry I didn't want to see her in the hospital wing with a fucking hole in her head"

"You should of let it go" Montague spoke back.

"Oh fuck off Montague," Nat said angrily. "If YOU want to play dirty that's fully your choice but don't get mad at me because I didn't want to"

"YOU GOT TOLD MONTAGUE," Lee said loudly as Nat flew away.


The game was over. Gryffindor had won. Nat was getting changed in the dressing room when she heard some commotion outside. She walked out onto the pitch to see Draco and the Slytherin team talking to harry, George, Fred and the rest of the Gryffindor team.

"Did you like my lyrics?" She heard Draco say as she walked closer. "We wanted to write another couple of verses!" Nat stood silently where Draco couldn't see her. "But we couldn't find rhymes for fat and ugly - we wanted to sing about his mother see-"

NAt was about to say something but Angelina bet her to it saying "Talk about sour grapes"

"We couldn't fit in useless loser either" Draco began. "For his father, you know-"

Fred and George heard instantly looking at Malfoy. "Leave it" Angelina called out taking Fred's arm. "Leave it Fred, let him tell, he's just sore he lost the jumped-up little"

"But you like the Weasleys don't you potter" Draco began again. "Spend holidays there and everything don't you? Can't see how you stand the stink, but I suppose when you've been dragged up by muggles even the Weasleys hovel smells ok"

Harry had to grab onto George while Nat looked disgusted at Draco. She couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth.

"Draco!" She said at once. His head snapped around as she walked over standing with the Gryffindors. "What the hell are you doing?"

It was taking Angelina, Alicia and Katie to stop Fred from jumping on Draco.

"Or perhaps" Draco continued. "You can remember what your mother's house smelt like potter"

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