Love potion

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(This was from two chapters ago. I forgot to add it in)

"YOU. YOU DID THIS. ITS YOUR FAULT" I say angrily. I start to move towards him when Hermione pulls me back. "He's not worth it" she says. I turn back and give him a glare and walk off bumping him in the shoulder as I do. All my friends follow behind me.

It's been a week and a bit and it's so strange not having Nat around. I don't really talk as much now. She always brought out the best In me. "Hi Draco" Pansy says while sitting next to me. Shes helped me cope a bit but I still find her irritating and don't like her seeing as she did try and kill my girlfriend.

"What's up Pansy" I say. "Oh nothing. You look awful. Here drink this" she says handing me a cup. I take a mouthful and i start to feel dizzy. "Are you ok. Ok let's take you back to your dorm" she says while throwing my arm over her shoulder. We get back and she sits me on my bed. "I always knew there wouldn't be a way to be with you while natalias around" she starts saying.

"What?" I say confused while holding my head because I have a headache. "Don't you get it Draco. We where meant to be together" she says while moving closer to me. "And now we will be" she continues.

"What do you mean" I say before she hits me over the head with a book knocking me out.


I fall back into Draco's arms. "Nat" He says while falling slowly to the floor with me. I feel a pain go through my chest and I start coughing uncontrollably. "What's wrong. What's happening" Ginny asks starting to cry. "Nat what's wrong" Draco says while sitting me up. I continue to cough. People start crowding around to see what's happening. I put my hand over my mouth while coughing. Draco also sitting down beside me. "WHY ARE YOU ALL STANDING AROUND. SOMONE GET THE NURSE" Ginny screams with tears falling down her cheeks. I stop coughing for a second and see Draco.  He's trying his hardest to help.

"Draco" I say my voice raspy. I've stopped coughing. I just sit in Draco's arms and he continues to panic. Pansy sits down beside him. "She's fine Draco" she says trying to pull him away. "She's clearly not fine" he says pushing her hand away. "She is" she says again trying to pull him away. "Jesus get off." He says pushing her hands away again. "Why the fuck are you even touching me?" He continues.

"What?" I ask confused seeing as they are dating. "What do you mean Draco. I'm your girlfriend." She says. "No your not. I would never talk to you let alone go out with you." He says in an angry tone. "What" Pansy says angrily. "This is all your fault you stupid bitch." She says turning angrily to me.

"How is this my fault?" I ask sitting up. "Everything was fine until you woke up. After you showed up in the great hall he started acting distant" she says coming closer to me.

"That doesn't explain how it's my fault. I don't even know how he ended up with you. He hates you." I say slowly standing up. "My love potion was working fine until he saw you" she says instantly regretting it. Everyone gasps. "You used a love potion on me?" Draco says angrily while standing up. "N-no." She says stuttering.

"That's so stupid." I say silently to myself. "How come your not dying. I put more than enough poison in your drink to kill you" she says and quickly puts her hand over her mouth. "YOU DID WHAT" Draco says loudly. He starts walking towards her.

"Draco. I got this" I say while pulling him back.

"Clearly it didn't work." I say standing where I am. "It didn't. But this will" she says quickly picking up a knife and throwing it at me. I feel a sharp pain go through my stomach. I look down to see a knife in my stomach. I take a step back in shock.
"Nat-" Cedric says while walking towards me.

"I'm fine" I say pushing him away. I grab the knife and pull it out letting out a shriek of pain as I do. I drop the knife on the floor and fall back. Draco rushes over to me. He kneels down over me. I look up at him when I see Pansy standing over him with a knife. I quickly grab his hands and roll us out of the way.

"What the hell Pansy" I say. "If I can't have him no one can." She says standing holding the knife. She starts running towards him when I grab her hands to stop her from doing something stupid. She try's to stab me again a few times but I duck and she misses. Finally the teachers rush through the door. Someone cast a spell causing Pansy to move back. I fall to the floor with exhaustion. The other teachers rush over to me while Snape goes to hold Pansy back. My eyes start to feel heavy. I look up to see the teachers surrounding me and panicking before everything turns black....


The teachers rush in and stand close to Nat not knowing what to do. I see her eyes close and I rush over to her side. I grab her hand and hold it tight. The teachers notice and rush her to the infirmary. They tell me I can't stay there while there helping her so I leave and go back to my dorm. I change and have a shower because I'm covered in her blood. I finally finish and go back to my dorm. I get in and see the letter my father had left for me weeks ago still un opened.

"Shit" I say quietly to myself. I rush over to it and open it hoping it's nothing urgent. All his says is that he disappointed that my position got love in quidditch and that I should have tried harder. It also says to reply as soon as possible as he has business that he needs me to know about it. I set it back down and decide not to reply straight away.

It's the next day and I'm getting ready for breakfast. I walk into the great hall to see all the teachers sitting down at the end of the hall. They never usually do but I shrug it off and make my way to beside my friends.

"How's Nat?" I say while sitting down. "She hasn't woken yet but there still not sure if she'll be ok" Harry says. I look up at him quickly and see behind him Pansy still sitting at the Slytherin table.

"What the hell is she still doing here" I say angrily.

"How was she not expelled" I continue. "I don't know" Ginny says. I stand up quickly and walk towards her.

"What the hell are you doing here" I say practically shouting. The teachers rush down to us.

"How is she not expelled" I say to dumbeldore angrily. "We cannot do that Mr.Malfoy." He says.

"Why not? She might have killed Natalia." I say angrily. Everyone had heard and turned to us. "Malfoy you need to cool down. Walk around the school a bit" Snape says. I give him a glare and walk out of the great Hall. I'm so angry that I bump into Someone by accident.

"Oh I'm sorry" I say I look down to see a new boy. "Oh it's ok. I'm have you seen Natalia Bailey anywhere" he asks.

"Yeah why" I ask "she's a. Let's say old friend. I need to see her" he answers.

"You can't see her right now" I say. "Why the hell not" He says angrily.

"You just can't." I say. "The hell I can't. Where is she" he says angrily pushing past me and storming away. I quickly follow him.......

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