"Green, my favourite"

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I turn to look at who said it. I see Pansy sniggering with her friends. I feel my body fill with rage. Cedric notices something is wrong. I see a space open beside her and start making my way slowly down to her. I get to the seat and sit down beside Pansy. Draco rushes over and sits the other side of me. My friends still standing up in the row to see what I'm about to do.

"You know pansy" I say turning to her. "I always thought you were weird but I never knew you where a full blown psycho who has to do mean things to people in order to keep her friends." I say while grabbing a green apple.

"Anyways I have to go" I say quickly. I lean into her ear and whisper "Try shit like that again and you won't be able to walk again." I take a few bites into my apple and stand up from the bench. I walk over beside Draco and hand him the apple I bit into. He turns to me and says "Green my favourite" And bites into it. I'm walking to my friends when I realise everyone heard what I said including telling Pansy if she did that again she wouldn't be able to walk. I walk to the Gryfindor table with confidence. "What the bloody hell was that Nat." Fred says as we all sit down.

"I don't know. I wasn't planning on saying anything but when I did I got a little sidetracked and I knew she liked Draco so I tried to make her jealous and I don't know." I say quickly. "It was bloody brilliant." Hermione says nudging me in the ribcage. I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn to see Draco starring at me. Our eyes meet and we winks at me. I feel a heat rush to my cheeks so I turn away hoping he doesn't see.

Dinner is nearly over and I feel one hundred times better. Seeing as I was passed out for 2 days I'm not suprised. I get up and start to make my way ouy when I feel Draco grab my hand. "Wait for me" He says tryong to catch up. We walk together to the common room and sit down. We talk for a while before I decide to go to bed. He helps me up the stairs and puts me on my bed. He's about to leave when I say.

"Draco wait." He turns around and says "What's up?"

"Can you get me a jumper." I say. "Where are they?" He asks walking back into my dorm. I guide him to where they are an dhe pulls one out. He pulls it over my head and tells me to lie down. I do what he says and he pulls the blanket over me.(I forgot to mention that you have a dorm to yourself) "Goodnight Natalia." He says starting to walk out. "Goodnight Draco." I say already starting to dose off. He walks out and closes the door softly and I fall asleep.

It's the next morning and I wake up to the pain all over my body again. It's not as bad today but it's still sore. I have a cold shower and throw on my uniform and robes. I make my way to the common room to see Draco sitting there again. When he sees me his face lights up. He quickly gets to his feet and helps me the rest of the way down the stairs.

We walk into breakfast and he goes to sit with the Slytherins and I go and sit down beside Fred and Hermione. "Walking in with Draco again are we" George says hitting me in the ribs. I wince in pain and he instantly apologizes.

We walk into the great hall. "Are you still in pain?" Hermione ask while touching my arm.

"I'm fine." I say lying to her. "Well the nurse gave us a spell to get rid of your pain" Ron says while lifting up his wand.

"Ron no offense but if I wanted anyone to do the spell I would ask Hermione." I say putting his wand down. I hear Fred and George laugh beside me. "It's ok I would too." He says. We all laugh and Hermione does the spell. I instantly feel better

The first class I have is Divination. Luckily Hermione, Harry and Ron have that class. We all make our way down and sit down.

The next class we have is magical creature. Hermione, Ron and Harry have that class as well. we all make our way down to Hagrids Hut. He tells us he has a treat for us and guides us into the forrest. "Make a group of there. And open your book to page 49." Hagrid says as he starts to walk away. "How exactly do we do that." Draco says in a snarky reply. "Well stroke the spine of course."Hagrid says finally walking away. I turn and keep walking. Neville trys to open his book and it instantly starts trying to bite hum.

We finally get to where we're supposed to be and put our books and bags down. "I think there funny."Hermione says in and annoyed tone. "Oh ya really funny. Teribbily witty" Draco says in a sarcastic tone. "God this places gone to the dogs. Wait till my father hears that dumbeldores got this oath teaching classes" He says while laughing with Crabbe and Goyle. "Shut up Malfoy" Harry says starting to walk to him. I follow Harry up along with Ron and Hermione.

He puts his bag down and starts walking towards him. He looks at me while he walking up with a smile on his face. A circle has now formed around us. He looks behind Harry. "Dementor, Dementor." He says pointing into the air. We all whip our heads around to see nothing. He runs back to his friends and start laughing. I grab Harrys shoulder and turn him around While flipping Draco off. to let him know I'm mad at him. The smile instantly drops off his face.Hagrid appears again and shows us a beatiful creature. "This is buckbeak" He says pointing at it.

The class goes on until Hagrid says "Right who wants to pet him. Everyone steps back leaving me and Harry standing in the front. "Harry and Natalia." He says. We both look at each other. Hagrid tells us to walk up one after another. Harry walks up first and nearly gets attacked. I walk up and bow and buckbeak does the same back. I slowly make my way up and pet it. "Very good Natalia. Now time to ride it." He says lifting me onto it.

"Hagrid stop." I say trying to get him to drop me but its no good. He sets me up properly on buckbeack and we suddenly take off. We fly around the outside of the Hogwarts castle and down by the lake. It's refreshing. I get back and hear everyone cheering for me. Hagrid picks me up and puts me on the ground. He leans down and says "How am I doing on my first day?"

"Brilliant. Professor". I say. I look into the crowd to see Draco making his way to buckbeak insulting it the whole way. "Draco stop. Draco step back." Hagrid says trying to call Draco back. Buckbeak goes onto its back legs and cut Dracos arm. He falls to the ground and Hagrid calls buckbeak off. I run over to Draco. "Its killed me. Its killed me." He says holding his arm. I start to laugh and help him up.

"Stop being so dramatic Draco" I say while throwing his other arm over my shoulder.

"I'll bring him to the infirmary." I shout back to Hagrid. I look at him to make sure hes ok with that. He nods and we walk off.

We get to the hospital wings and I open the doors and sit Draco down gently on one of the beds. He's groaning as if he just lost his arm. The nurse comes over and puts some bandages on his arm and puts it in a sling. After a while he's still groaning and the nurse just says in an annoyed "Your fine malfoy you can go."

we both stand up and leave to go to dinner. He sits down beside some girls and starts telling them he could of lost his arm. I walk over to beside him.

"What are you lying for Malfoy" I say and I see his face turn red with embarassment

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