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"Don't do that again" He says while coming closer to me. We play flirt all the time so I know exactly what to say to wind him up.

"Whatever" I say while starting to walk out. "Get back here." He says while grabbing my arm and pulling me back in.

"Make me" I say with a grin on my face while moving closer to him. He puts his hands on the wall right beside my head. "Is that an attitude I hear" He says while looking down to my lips with a grin on his face.

"I don't know is it?" I say while looking up to his eyes. "That's not acceptable" He says. "I guess I'll have to punish you" he says while leaning into my ear to whisper and wrapping his hand around my neck

"Do it I dare you" I say in a whisper. He looks into my eyes for a few seconds before crashing his lips onto mine. My stomach instantly fills with butterflys. He moves his hand from my neck down to my waiste and pulling me closer eliminating any space between us.I lean into him and tangle my hands in his hair deepening the kiss. We pull away after what feels like forever but I'm not complaining. He looks at me with a smile on his face. He leads me out of the closet and walk back to the Gryfindor common room to see our friends. We walk in to see them all staring at us.

"What?" I say while sitting down. "So where were you two then" Hermione says with a grin on her face. I feel my face start to blush. Draco answers before they notice something is off. "Snape wanted help cleaning up after potions because Goyle spilt his everywhere." He answers. "That's weird because I saw you bothe walking down the hall together straight after class and then you suddenly.... Dissapeared." Ron says in a suspicous tone.

"Clearly your seeing things again Ron." I say. "Again?" he says in a worried tone.

"Ya in first year when you asked if we could see the ghost flying around the common room. We all said Ya but none of us ever saw it" I say. His face twist into a very concerned look. George, Fred and I start bursting out laughing along by the others who just laugh a little. "What's so funny? I'm seeing things and your all laughing." He says while his voice cracks

"No you dopey Git. You're not seeing things." I say while still laughing. His face goes to a relieved look. We all burst out laughing. After a few hours I decide to head back to my dorm. I head to bed happy about what happened with me and Draco. I wake up to someone knocking on my door. I hop up. "It's Draco. Are you alright you're taking a long time." He says from outside. I look at my clock and notice the time.

"Oh ya I just woke up late. I'll be down in a few." I say while starting to get into my unifrom. I quickly change and run down the stairs. Draco and I walk to the great hall talking the whole way there. We walk in to see all of our friends looking at us. We sit down and none of them say anything.

"What now?" I say while grabbing a piece of toast. "Nothing just you two walking in late to something again" Fred says.

"First of all we always walk in together. Second of all I just woke up late." I say. "What made you so tired?" George says. I pick up my toast and throw it at his head.

"Get your head out of the gutter." I say while grabbing another piece. Everyone laughs and we go back to talking like normal.

It's potions class. Sadly I don't have it with any of my friends besides Draco but of course Snape puts me sitting beside Millicent and Draco beside Crabbe. Snape has his back turned to us when I get a note in the shape of a crane on my desk. I open it and start to read it.

The note
Meet me at the astronomy tower at 9. Wear something nice. It's a date

I look back at Draco and nod. I wonder what he has planned. Class feels like it takes ages to finish. I rush my way to dinner and sit down. "Where's Draco?" Ginny asks me.

"I don't know" I say. "Oh just thought you would seeing as you two have been so close lately" She says picking up some food with a grin on her face.

"What do you mean?" I ask while putting down my drink. "Nothing just you two have been with each other more often" she continues. I roll my eyes and start eating. I start to take a drink when Fred says "so what are you wearing for your date." My eyes widen and I spit my drink out by accident.

"What?" I ask. "Your date. Some guy named Theodore Nott told me you two are going on a date" He says. My eyes widen when I realize who it is.

"Did he ask you like a question." I ask. "Ya?"Fred says.

"What did you say" I say quickly trying to get and answer out of him. "I said ok" He says confused.

"Shit. Theodore is one of the guys in Slytherin that has some sort of obsession with me. He's tried this with other people. He'll ask them if we're going on a date and if they say ya or ok then he expects me to go" I say quickly.  "That's kinda weird" Ron says.

"Ya no shit" I say rolling my eyes. Suddenly I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Theodore. "Ready for our date later" He says.

"Theodore I'm not going on a date with you I told you this already" I say while picking up my stuff to leave because he won't leave me alone till I'm in my dorm. "But you're friend said we where" He says sadly.

"You can't ask my friends if you can go on a date with me you have to ask me. And I've already told you no" I say still picking up my stuff. I can't seem to find my quill anywhere. "Come on just one date" He says.

"No Theodore" I say angrily because I can't find my quill. He's about to say something when I hear people get up and stand in front of me. I look up to see Cedric, Fred, George, Ron ,Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Seamus and Dean standing in front me. "She said no Theodore" Cedric says. "I'm not talking to you Theodore replies.

"What are you guys doing" I whisper to Hermione. "Trying to get him to leave you alone" She replies. "Just Feck off" Seamus says but Theodore refuses to leave. I walk back out to the front of everyone.

"Theodore I said no. Stop trying. It's not going to happen" I say angrily. "I'm not going to stop trying." He says back.

"Then from now on I would watch your food. It's very easy to slip some peanut butter in there" I say knowing he's allergic to peanuts. He walks off angrily. "What was that about" Dean asks. Everyone turns to see what you answer.

"He's allergic to peanuts" I say while gathering my stuff again. "So your going to give him an allergic reaction." Neville says.

"I'm not actually going to I just wanted to scare him off." I say.

"Anyways I'm going to bed" I say and I walk out of the great hall. It's nearly nine so I start getting ready for my date with Draco......

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