The first task

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"What the fuck!" Ginny says angrily while standing up.

"Ginny I got this," I say while keeping my eyes on Milicent. As she sits back down the whole hall is silent.

"You really messed up this time," I say while walking closer to Milicent.

"I'd watch your back from now on. Because trust me I can ruin your life. Or I could do that right now. It seems very easy to beat your head in and just tell everyone it was self-defence. So watch yourself. I'm going to let you go this time. But if you ever do shit like this again, I won't hesitate to kill you." I say into her ear. I pull back from her ear and look at her face to see she looks terrified.

"If I where you, I would start running before I change my mind," I say. She instantly starts running and I sit back down. "What the bloody hell was that," Ron says with a wide smile across his face. Everyone looks at me with shock.

"What? It's not like I'm actually going to kill her. I just wanted to scare her a bit" I say while grabbing a green apple. They all burst out laughing

24th of November

Today is the first task of the Triwizard tournament. I haven't left my room much after what happened. When I did it was always to see my friends. Once I left because Hagrid wanted to show me what the first task is. Sadly its dragons. I told Cedric and Fleur obviously. I wake up and start to get ready. I come out of the shower to see Fleur pacing around the room nervously.

"Are you alright?" I ask. "Ya just a bit nervous" She replies. "I'm going to get changed," She tells me. I go back into the bathroom and get changed as well. I leave my hair down and throw on a top and some pants. I don't do my makeup.

I make my way to the great hall for a bit of breakfast. I walk in to see Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George are already sitting down.

"Hi, guys," I say while sitting down. "Hi, Nat how are you?" Hermione asks.

"Shitting bricks but," I say jokingly. Fred and George laugh and we continue to eat.

It's now time for the first task. I go to my dorm and get ready before heading down. I do my hair.

Her hair

I quickly make my way down to the are for the champions

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I quickly make my way down to the are for the champions. I get there and as soon as I pull back the tarp Fleur hugs me.

"What's this for?" I ask. "I'm just super nervous," She says as she starts to pace around. I go over to my sitting area. Fleur, Cedric and I all talk until Dumbeldore and the Minister of magic come in along with other teachers. Everyone pulls their dragons out of the hat leaving me with the Norwegian Wormtail. Cedric is first to go out.

"Good luck Ced," I say as he walks out. Then it was Krum then Fleur. I'm sitting and thinking to myself when Dumbeldore comes into me. "It's your turn, Bailey," He says quietly. I stand up and walk slowly over to the tarp, pull it back and walk out.

I walk out and I don't see any dragon. All I can hear is people chanting my name. Everyone goes silent. I look around before I start to walk towards the egg when something large hits the ground to the left side of me and again on the right causing me to fall backwards. I look at the dragon and get up quickly when I realise it's going to shoot fire at me. It does exactly that but I make it out of the way in time. I run down and jump onto a rock. I'm barely able to hold my grip but after a few seconds, I'm able to climb up. I'm near the top of the rock when something hits the ground right beside my head.

"Shit," I say quietly to myself. I fall down the side of the rock again but this time the dragons tail catches me mid-air and flings me up. I fall and hit the hard floor. I run behind a rock when I hear Hermione shouting "Your wand Natalia" I quickly wave my wand in the air and shout.

"Accio broom" I stay behind the rock as it blocks me from the dragon's fire. I look around the side to see my broom flying towards me. I jump on it right before the dragon shoots fire at me. I try and circle to get the egg but just as I reach down to get it the dragon engulfs it in fire. I start to fly out of the task are when the dragon breaks out of its chains. I fly out of the arena and towards the school. I lose the dragon and start to make my way back to the challenge area when te dragon hits me off my broom. I start to slide down the roof. I grab onto a piece that's sticking out.

"What the fuck do I do?" I'm thinking to myself. I get to the edge to see my broom under me. I let go and grab onto my broom quickly while falling. I slide it under my legs and take off again. I'm flying around when I see the bridge. I decide to fly through one of the arches as it might lose the dragon for a while. The dragon starts to fall and I make my way back to the challenge area. As soon as everyone sees me they all start cheering. I fly towards the egg and pick it up.

We're back in the Slytherin common room. Fred and George have me lifted on their shoulders while everyone crowds around and chants my name. All of the Slytherins are there and all my friends from Gyriffindor are there as well. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Even though Gryffindors and Slytherins are never friends They all seem to be talking. "Well go ahead, Nat. Open it" Seamus says.

"Who wants me to open it?" I ask. Everyone cheers and Fred and George put me down. I twist open the top and the edges fall. This awful screeching noise comes out. Everyone covers their ears and I close it back up quickly. Everyone stands quietly for a minute until I start to sort of laugh. "What the hell was that," Milicent says as she walks into the common room. Everyone looks at me and I just roll my eyes. "And why the hell are there Gryffindors in here. There all half-bloods or mudbloods" She says in disgust.

"Jesus Milicent you never know when to shut up do you," I say jumping off the table and walking towards her. "Here to threaten me again," She says.

"Oh no. Not this time" I start to say.

"I'm here celebrating my win with my friends," I say to her. "What friends," She says thinking she's hilarious. I put my hand up to my ear.

"Do you hear anyone laughing cause I don't?" I say to her. "Anyways can you leave," She says walking over to the couch.

"Ya, No" I say. "What do you mean no," She says walking up to me again.

"I'm staying," I say angrily. "Watch yourself," She says coming closer to me.

"Don't test me" I say keeping eye contact with her. "Go ahead then. Hit me" She says still not moving.

"Happily," I say smiling.......

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