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It's a few weeks after the whole Noah thing and I'm in defense against the dark arts. Luckily I'm in the class with Natalia. Ever since her and Pansy have become friends nothing has come between us. According to everyone we're the Hogwarts power couple. Even people outside of Hogwarts know who we are.

We're learning about boggarts. People take turns going up and watching it turn into their fear. "Natalia your turn" lupin says. I'm excited to see what it turns into so I can use it against her. In a cute way of course. She walks forwards and the boggart turns into a huge ball of black smoke. It wraps itself around her.

After a few seconds it kind of clears. We can see her but she can't see us. She looks around on the floor frantically. We all look down to see what she's looking at when we see all of our friends lying on the floor lifeless. She looks up suddenly panicked. I pull out my wand and start to walk towards getting ready to say the riddikulus charm. "Mr.Malfoy don't. She needs to fight it off on her own" lupin says

"But" I start to say. "Draco. Don't" lupin says. I turn back to face Nat. She stands up quickly and turns her back to us. We all watch in anticipation as a cloaked figure comes out from behind the shadows. She starts to shake but try's to hide it and act strong. It starts to walk towards her when she holds her wand up and says "riddikulus". Suddenly the man turns into a punching bag and the dark smoke disappears. She turns around and looks at us. Everyone just stares at her. "Good job Natalia" lupin says trying to break the silence. She walks over to me quickly.

"Nat are you ok" I say. She wraps her arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around her shoulders. We stay holding each other for the rest of the class. "Draco your the last person" lupin says. I nod and walk up quickly. I stand in front of it. I expect it to turn into Voldemort when suddenly I see my dad standing in front of me.

"D-dad" I say quitly. He stands there for a few seconds when suddenly he pulls Natalia out from behind his back and holds his wand to her neck. I start to panic forgetting it's a boggart. I freeze. I can't move. "Riddikulus" I hear somone say behind me. Suddenly it turns into two bobble heads. Everyone turns to see Natalia standing with her wand facing it. She puts her wand away quickly. "Alright class I think that's enough for today" lupin says. Everyone groans and we run out of the classroom. Nat and I walk to the Slytherin common rooms together with my arm over her shoulder. We don't say anything to each other the whole time.

"Nat" I say when we finally get in to the common room. "It's alright Draco. I get it" she says cupping my face in her hand. I giver her a smile. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. "Hey!" She says while laughing. I run up the stairs to her dorm and throw her on the bed. I lean over her and give her a kiss.

"Get ready for the match" I whisper In her ear. She lets out a groan and gets up to get ready.

"I'll be In the common room" I say walking down the stairs. Nat had stopped playing quidditch for a while after the whole Noah thing. This is her first match back. The team and I decided not to tell anyone so it was a surprise. We where losing all of our matches because we didn't have Nat


Draco and I are walking back to the common room when he starts to say "Nat".

"it's alright Draco" I interupt cupping his face in my hand. I stare into his eyes for a second and he smiles at me. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I say while laughing. He carrys me up the stairs to my dorm and throws me on the bed, laughing the whole way. He leans over me and gives me a kiss. He brings his face down to my ear and whispers "Get ready for the match". I let out a groan and he stands up quickly and opens the door. I start to get up. "I'll be in the common room" He says while walking down the stairs. I quickly throw on my quidditch uniform and do my hair.

The hair

i run down the stairs quickly

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i run down the stairs quickly. Draco runs up to me and we leave the common room. We sneak around the halls carefully making sure no one sees me. It wasn't very hard seeing as everyone was still in class. We get down to the pitch and into the tent. We see the other people on the team and go up to great them. I'm still the only girl on the team but the guys and I where still really close. We decide to warm up a bit earlier as we don't want people to see me. We where training for about an hour when people start arriving. We go back into the tent so that I'm not seen. I start to get nervous again. I haven't played a match in weeks. Draco notices that I'm starting to get nervous. "Hey love. Are you ok?" He asks.

"Ya I'm fine. I say lying to him. "I know your lying. You have nothing to worry about." He says while wrapping his hand in mine. I start to play with his rings while we wait for Flint to bring us out. It feels like it's been about an hour when flint finally says that we're going out. We all line up behind flint. Me being in the back. "We should put Nat at the front" Adrian says right as we're about to walk out. "That'a a great idea" Miles says.

"Oh no it's fine" I say. "No you're going to the front" They say all lining up behind me. I take a deep breath in. I pull the tarp back and walk out to meet the gryffindor players. "Nat I didn't know you where playing today" Harry says with a big smile on his face as I walk in front of him. He pulls me in to a hug. "Hey no hugging the enemy" Flint says angrily.

"Suck a dick Flint" I say while holding up the middle finger to him. He rolls his eyes. The match starts and ends in what feels like 10 minutes. I caught the snitch relatively fast. We get to the ground and the first thing Harry does is runs up to me and gives me a big hug. "That was brilliant Nat" He says hugging me. All of my other friends come running down from the stands pulling me into hugs.

Fast forward a few weeks


Its the morning of the last day of school before the summer. I'm spending my summer with the Weasleys.(no surprise there). I already had my bags packed. I woke up about two hours earlier than usual. I walk down to the common room to see Draco sitting on the couch.

"How did you know id be awake" I ask him happily. "Just had a feeling" he says not getting up from the couch.

"One last time" I say happily. "How bout we do it a bit different this time" He says finally standing up and walking towards me.

"What do you mean?" I say with a grin on my face. Before I know it he kisses me. "Do you trust me?" He asks whispering in my ear.

"Of course I do" I say back. "Good" he says in a growl...........

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