The fall

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I look down to my feet not wanting to look at his face. Everyone starts booing and shouting. I see Draco look around not knowing what's happening until he looks over to me. His face fills up with anger. Noah stands in front of me with a big smile as if he was proud of something. I need to show him I'm strong. I can't back away or he's going to win. I can't. I let my lip curve into a little smile. I look up to him with a confident look on my face. I let my lips curve fully into a smile. I put out my hand for him to shake as a sign of respect. Everyone starts cheering when they see me smile and look at him. The grin fades off his face. He doesn't shake my hand so I shrug it off and get onto my broom. The balls fly up in the air and within seconds everyone speeds off. I quickly fly to the sidelines to get out of every ones way.

I'm looking around fro the snitch when I see Noah flying after something. I look in front of him slightly to see the snitch. I speed up until I'm beside him. H elooks at e and trys to speed up but he just stays beside me. We continue to fly beside each other. The snitch starts to fly up as do we. We're above the clouds when I finally catch the snitch. I sit still and open my arms to see the snitch. Noah turns to look at me. "Congrats" He says in an annoyed tone while flying closer to me. I start to fly to the ground. We're just under the clouds where everyone can see us when he grabs me off my broom.

"Noah what the hell" I say looking down to see that if i fall there's no saving me. "Wouldn't be awful if my hand was to.. Slip" He says right before letting go of me. I let out a slight shriek and get ready to hit the ground. Suddenly everythings goes black.

I open my eyes to see that I'm sitting in my dorm. I get up confused as to how I got there and start to get ready for classes.


We get ready and head out onto the pitch. Although Nat has missed a few training seasons she's still brilliant. We stand in a row getting ready fro the Hufflepuff team to line up and shake our hands. All the chasers beaters and the keeper comes out but no seeker. Then I see Noah walk in front of Nat. I look over with rage filling up my body. She puts her head down as she can't bear to look at him. Everyone no matter what house they where in started booing. Even the Hufflepuffs where booing. Of course they did this. The hufflepuff quidditch team where ruthless. They would stop at nothing to win. He grins over the fact that shes scared of him. I see her lips curve up into a slight smile. She starts to look up at him standing her ground. She looks into his eyes and puts her hand out for him to shake. His grin fades and hers grows more. She knows that she won and she's happy with herself. He turns and gets on his broom without shaking her hand. She does the same. 

"Good luck Nat you're going to do great." I say before getting on my broom. Hooch throws the balls up in the air and we all speed off. My position is pretty boring seeing as all I do is hit a ball away from my team mates. I look around for Nat when I see her heading up into the clouds with Noah beside her. I know there going to be up there for a while so i put my attention back on the game. 

They've been gone for a while so i look back up. I see Nat coming out of the clouds slowly. I start cheering knowing that she's got it. Everyone else notices and they all start cheering as well. All is going fine until we see Noah snatch her off her broom. She grab onto his hand hoping that he won't drop her. After a few seconds he lets go of his grasp and she starts falling to the floor. Dumbeldore isn't at this match so there's no spell he can say to save her. She hits the ground and I rush down after her. I hop off my broom quickly and fall to my knees beside her. No one comes near us. They all watch us thinking the worst.

"Com on Nat. Wake up. Open your eyes" I say with tears forming in my eyes. There was a very slim chance that she would be ok. I place her limp head on my lap and grab her hand. Everyone was just silent, and watching us. I check her pulse and I can't find one.

"She has no pulse" I say quietly to myself. I place my forehead on her chest. I start to feel tears drip down my face. I hear other people start to cry. I look up to see Hermione hugging Ron with her head burried in his chest. I place my head back on her chest when I feel it fill up. I lift my head up quickly not being able to tell if I'm going mental ot nat. I put my ear over her mouth and hear and feel her breath. I quickly lift her up and carry her in my arms. I leave the stadium quickly and everyone trails behind me. I sit her down on the infirmary bed. Everyone from the school all years, All houses try and squish into the infirmary to see whats happening. I see Noah come to the front of the crowd and I nearly strangle him.......


 I wake up in my dorm in my bed. My body aches all over. I look at the time and see it's nearly lunch. I know I've been asleep for maybe a few days so I get up quickly and start to brush my hair. The door opens and I turn to see my friends. "You're awake" Hermione says while running to hug me followed by Ginny, Cedric, Fred, George, Ron and Harry but no Draco. I get dressed quickly and throw on an outfit. I make my way down to the great hall with my friends behind me. We're already late to lunch so we walk quickly. I walk in the great hall doors to see Draco and Pansy holding hands and kissing.........

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