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"That's the point love" He says in a whisper. I look around to see no body looking at us thankfully. "Be my girlfriend?" He whispers again I look down smiling to myself.

"Hmm I don't know" I say playing with him. A grin comes across his face as well. "Pretty please" He says looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But can we stay secret for a while. I don't have the energy to deal with Pansy being a jealous little bitch or our friends constantly going on." I say. "Deal!" He says while pulling away from me. We walk to our friends table and sit down. None of them had seen what had just happened. We talk for a while until I see Hooch running up to me. "Ms.Bailey" She says finally reaching me. I stand up to face her.

"Yes?" I ask. "Will you be the seeker for Slytherin? I forgot to ask you when you came out of the infirmary." She asks.

"Of course!" I say excitedly. "Great. Slytherin have a match on Friday. Your training seasons start today and go on everyday until Friday. Oh and Mr.Malfoy, seeing as Bailey is the new seeker you are now a beater." She says turning to face Draco before running off. I sit back down with a big smile on my face. "Whats got you so Happy?" Cedric asks while elbowing me in the ribs.

"I just found out I'm seeker for the Slytherin team" I say with a big grin on my face. "That's bloody brilliant." Ron says while stuffing his mouth. "When's your next game" Ginny asks.

"Friday" I say.

"HOLY SHIT IT'S TUESDAY" I say panicking because I only have 3 days to practise. "Calm down Nat. You're going to do great" Fred says trying to calm me down. My mind starts to race. I look up to see Miles, Adrian and Graham from the quidditch team walking towards me. I stand up to greet them. "Congrats Nat. Hooch just told us the news" Graham says as I pull him into a hug. "Training is at 5 PM sharp. Don't be late!" Adrian says as I hug Miles. We keep talking and I look down at Draco to see him looking at the boys with his face covered in jealousy. I shove his back pushing him forward a bit. He looks at me and I just raise my eyebrows.

"Well I better get back to my friends" I say waving goodbye to them. "Who where they?" Harry asks.

"Oh there the guys from the Slytherin quidditch team." I see Ron giving me a glare.

"We're not all foul human beings. That's just a stereotype. Most of us are actually really nice." I say angrily at him. George and Fred let out a little snigger. I look at Draco to see him staring at the two slices of his toast angrily.

"What did the toast do to you?" I ask in a joking way. He gives me a glare and looks back to his toast.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Just don't like you flirting with other guys that's all." He says coldly.

"Draco We've been dating for not even an hour and you're already jealous and don't trust me." I say while turning my whole body to face him. "It's not that I don't trust you. I don't trust the guys" He says.

"Don't worry Draco. You have no competition." I say while putting my hand on his hand that is sitting on his lap. "Ooohh" I hear Fred and George say. I turn to look at them.

"Merlins beard what now" I say in an annoyed tone. "Nothing. Why don't you give us a replay of what happened on your date" George says in a playful tone. I pick up my book and throw it at his head. He ducks just in time for it to miss him.

"I'd watch my words if I were you." I say in an angry but playful way. "Oh someones angry. Must be that time of the month" He says. My eyes widen and Everyone stops laughing. Hermione and Ginny look at each other and start sniggering. I stand up holding my book in my hand. I stand behind him and hit him hard across the head with the book. "Oww" He says rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry. My hand slipped." I say in a sarcastic tone. I pick up my bad and head to my first class. "You deserved that" I hear Ron say as I walk away. As I'm walking down the hall I feel a cold set of hands wrap around my waist. I turn around to see Draco towering over me. He pushes me into the wall. He starts to lean down to my face expecting a kiss.

"Draco not here." I say pushing him away. "Then where" He says as if hes a five year old child. I laugh and start to walk away. "Why do you keep walking away from me" He says running after me. I turn around so quickly that he nearly trips over me.

"Because you'll always chase after me" I say jokingly while rubbing the side of his cheek. "You're playing a dangerous game here Nat" He says pulling me close to him.

"Oh ya? So are you." I say moving even closer. We where about to kiss when we hear our friends come out of the great hall. I pull apart from each other quickly and start to pretend that we where just talking. We couldn't help but be awkward. "Oh hey Nat. Hey Draco" Cedric says while walking over to us. "Oh um hi. Gotta go get to class. You know Snape. He'll kill me if I'm late" He says awkwardly while running off.

"Draco we don't have potions first class" I say trying to get him to stay. "Well-um I-i um" He says before quickly running off. "What the bloody Hell was that about" Ginny asks.

"I-I don't know" I say confused and kind of upset that he would just run off like that. "Well that was strange" Hermione says. I'm about to talk when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn to see someone I hoped I would never see again. "Hey Nat. Miss me?" They say while getting up from the wall they're leaning on......

(Sorry it took me so long)

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