The aftermath

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It was a while after dinner and me, Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Cedric where walking together.  We've become good friends. I may have hated them but after getting to know them we all get along pretty well.

We where walking to the Slytherin common rooms when we saw Hermione, Ginny and Natalia walking out. Natalia looked amazing. She had a tight green plaid shirt and a tight white top on with a bag. I had zoned out but zoned back in quickly when I heard somone say "is this for your date"

I couldn't help but feel jealous. I tried to hide it but it was clear she could see it. She looks at her watch and says she's got to go but to meet her in the Gryfindor common room later.

We start to make our way to the common room. We all sit down and everyone starts talking. I can't help but think who is she going on a date with. I didn't know she was talking with anyone. People started to fill my head wondering who it is. I just hoped it wasn't zambini. I keep thinking quietly to myself while zoned out.

"Draco. Draco!" Ron says while waving his hand infront of my face zoning me back in.

"Sorry what?" I say. "You alright mate. You looked worried." He says with a hit of concerned in his voice.

"Oh ya I'm alright. Do any of you know who Natalia went on the date with" I say quickly. "No. Why wish it was you!" George says laughing.

"No I just hope it's not with that prick Zambini" I say rolling my eyes.

"It's not. She pointed out who it was to me in the great hall. Don't worry Draco it's not Zambini" Hermione says. I let out a breath of relief.

We all go back to talking when somone burst through the door.....


He grabs my wrist pulling me in close together. We look each other in the eyes with our lips nearly touching. We stand there for a few seconds before his lips crash onto mine. I lean into him wrapping my hands around his neck deepening the kiss. He wraps his hands around my waists.

We hear somone coming and we quickly pull apart. We hear filches voice. "Better get out of here before he catches us" Tyler says grabbing my hand. We both run back to the castle.

We get outside the Gryfindor common room. "Um Natalia I know it's really soon but I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously. I throw my hands around his shoulders.

"Of course" I say. I quickly plant a kiss on his lips before running into the Gryfindor common room. I stand at the door for a minute and turn around to all my friends looking at me. I can't help but contain my smile. I walk over to them and sit down. "So how was it" Hermione says excitedly.

"It was wonderful. He brought me on a picnic and then we went start gazing. We were about to leave" I say and I start to blush knowing what happens next.

"I mean we left because we heard filch coming" I say hoping no one notices that I left out a piece. "Sounds like your missing a piece there Nat. You were about to leave when." Fred says while George makes kissing noises in the background. I hit them both but I feel myself start to blush again. "Ooooh she's blushing" Ron says. I burry my head in a pillow so they can't see my face. "I think we know what happened lads" George says hitting the guys in the arms and they all start cheering except Draco.

"Fuck off" I say with a smile still on my face. I stand up and start to go to the door to walk back to the Slytherin dorms. I open the door to see filch walking towards the Gryfindor common room. I turn quickly running back to where everyone was.

"Filch is coming" I say. They all jump up and we start to run to the boys dorms. We get in and Harry holds his ear up to the door. "He's coming up here get in to the bathroom." Harry says shoving me, Hermione, Ginny, Cedric and Draco into the bathroom. He shuts the door.

"Ugh it smells vile in here." I say scrunching my face. I look around to see what the smell was when I hear filch bang on the door and say "who's in there."  I see Harry's invisibility cloak and quickly throw it over us. He finally burst through the door and looks around quickly before leaving. We made sure he was gone out of the common room to pull it off.

We walk back into where the beds off pulling off the invisibility cloak. "Bloody hell you scared me." Ron says jumping a little.  We all laugh and go downstairs and continue talking.  "So really what did happen." Hardy says breaking the silence.

I tell them what happened and that we're dating. They all think it's super cute. Well all besides Draco. He tried to look happy but it was obvious that he was angry sad and jealous. I look to check the time and see it's 4 am.

"Shit Draco, Cedric lets go it's 4 am." I say standing up quickly and dragging them up. We say bye to the rest of them and rush out quickly. Draco and I part ways with Cedric at the dungeons. Draco barley says goodnight and heads up the stairs.

He's been cold with me ever Since I came back from my date. I shrug it off telling myself that he's just tired. I run up the stairs and quickly change into a tank top, sweater and shorts.  I let my head hit the pillow and just think to myself.


I head up the stairs to my private dorm barley saying goodnight to Natalia. I couldn't help but feel jealous. I've liked her for ages but I can't let her know. I can't get her tangled up in all my family stuff. I thought if I was mean to her and push her away I would loose feeling but I just kept coming back to her. I couldn't stay away.

I get to my dorm to see Pansy sitting on my bed. "Where the hell where you" she says sitting up and crossing her arms.

"Piss off Pansy I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit today." I say walking to my cupboard to get out a sweater. "I'm not moving." She says crossing her arms and legs. I start to walk over to her with my clothes in my hand.

"Fine then I'll leave." I say leaning over her. I turn and quickly walk out. I know that Natalia has a room to herself so I go to her dorms. I knock on the door praying she's still up. "Draco what are you doing here" she says peaking her head around the door.

"Pansys in my room and won't leave. I was wondering if maybe I could stay her" I say quietly. "Of course come in." She says ushering me in quickly. I sit on one of the beds. "You wait here I'm gonna have a chat girl to girl with Pansy." She says hurrying out of the room. I try to stop her but before I know it she's gone.........

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