After The Run Away- Jason McCann - Chapter 1

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Number Three of Three books! Plus I wrote Jasons POV of all three books, check that out on my page!

After finishing this series back in 2018, I am now putting out a third book in 2021 :) I've thought long and hard about it and decided it would be fun to give you guys one last book to this series

Enjoy :)


It has been five years since Jason, the gang, and I have moved to this little island where we can not be found. There are little towns on this island as well. So we aren't alone. There are schools and everything a normal town has. Thank god. It's the best place for us and the safest for our little boy, Drew.

It has also been two months since Jason and I broke up... Yes, that is right, we are no longer together after being together for eight years. We stopped seeing eye to eye and things were getting difficult. Truthfully maybe I'm just going a little crazy on this island. Maybe we all are. Or not and I'm just trying to find an excuse. I don't know.

Jason has been staying at Travis and Cameron's house. He still comes here almost every day. Most of his clothes and items are still here. He either stays here for the day with Drew or he just comes to pick him up. I would never take him out of his life. He needs his father. And I'm not evil. I love Jason. And I love the bond him and Drew share.

We didn't get a divorce, we just said we were done. So technically we are still married. It hasn't been easy. The break up was not easy. I love him with everything in me still. That never stopped. And he still tells me he loves me. But back then we were fighting way too much. It wasn't healthy and it wasn't something we wanted to bring around Drew. We just needed a break.

Maybe we will get back together, I don't know. It's kind of hard being around each other. There is so much tenstion between us. I think maybe there are a lot of things we are holding back from each other. Maybe things we didn't get to say when making the decision to break up. Life is weird to say the least.

So like I said, Jason is staying with Travis and Cameron at their house. They live right across the street from Hunter and Gigi. Gigi has lived here the whole time. Right after we moved here, she came as well. Things are easier with her here. Also, Hunter and her have a beautiful two year old girl together.

And Johnson actually got married to a sweet girl he met here on the island. They have a house together right down the street from me.

Gigi is a teacher at the school Drew goes to so she takes him to and from school, which helps a lot. Again, she makes things easier. The gang still makes a crazy amount of money, but I don't know how and I don't ask questions.

Right now, I am in the kitchen preparing dinner. It's almost done. Drew is in the living room watching some cartoon. He is a great kid, I don't know how I got so lucky to have a child who behaves and is so kind. He's my whole world.

I heard the front door open and figured it was Jason or Gigi.

"Daddy!" I heard Drew tell excitedly. And it is Jason. I guess it's a good thing I made a little extra food. He doesn't come for dinner every night, but I still decide to make extra. I guess out of habit.

"Hi buddy" I heard Jason's voice. I continued to cook and just thought about Jason. Lately he has been on my mind a lot more again. I have no idea why. "Hey" I heard Jason say from behind me.

"Hi" I said back as I turned around and faced him. Like always, he looks good. He walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. "Staying for dinner?" I asked him and he nodded.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now