Chapter 11 - The New Teacher

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"I can't believe it's going to be thanksgiving soon" I said to Gigi as we walked out of her classroom. She wanted me to help her decorate it for thanksgiving and take down the Halloween decorations.

School ended about an hour ago and Drew is outside in the playground with Jason.

"I know, this year is just going by so fast" she agreed shaking her head.

As we walked down the hallway, I noticed a guy walk out of the main office and I've never seen him before. And I know everyone in the school.

"Oh meet one of the new teachers. He is going to sub in for Drew's teacher since she's pregnant" Gigi told me. That makes more sense.

"I was wondering about who was going to stand in for her" I said nodding.

"Mr. Walsh!" Gigi called for him and he turned around quickly looking confused at first, but then began to smile. He's somewhat young, maybe around my age. He has dark hair and I think blue eyes. Kind of like Jason's twin, Justin. All the female teachers must drool over him.

"You can call me Chase" He said to Gigi as he walked over to us. He kept a smile on his face.

"This is Drew's mother and also my best friend so you'll be seeing her a lot around here" Gigi said and laughed a little. He smiled over at me so I smiled back to be polite and he held his hand out to shake mine.

"Chase Walsh. It's nice to meet you, Ms..?"

"Mrs Bieber. Mackenzie Bieber" I told him as I shook his hand. I still love the fact that I can introduce myself by Jason's last name and fake last name. "It's nice to meet you too" He gave me one last smile then looked over at Gigi.

"When you have a minute do you think we could go over a few things? Most of the teachers already left and I just would like a little advice" Chase asked Gigi and I looked over at her to see her smile and nod.

"Of course, just let me drop this off in the office first" she told him as she held a packet in her hand.

"I have to go now, but I'll see you later?" I asked Gigi. "You and Hunter going over to Johnson's for dinner too?"

"We'll be there" She said and smiled. "I'll see you there" She said then started to walk away. So I gave Chase a smile then turned around and walked out the doors that lead to the play ground. I saw Jason and Drew by the swings.

"Wait!" I heard behind me as I heard the doors open again. I looked back to see Chase now standing at the doors. I looked at him confused. "I just wanted to say that if Drew ever needs help at all or if you guys need anything, let me know and I'd be more than happy to help" He told me and I began to smile.

"Thank you. That's so sweet of you" I told him and he smiled again. He looked behind me then looked back at me.

"Is that Drew's father with him? If you don't mind me asking" He asked and I looked over my shoulder to see Drew on the swings and Jason standing there. He glared over at us then rolled his eyes as he looked away. Typical Jason. I faced towards Chase again.

"It is. That's my husband, Justin" I told him. I actually hate calling him Justin to other people because it makes me think of his brother and I just do not want to think about me and his brother.

"Oh your husband" he said in a little shock. Why? That's weird. "Well it was great meeting you and if you need anything, you know where to find me" He told me then gave me one last smile and started to walk inside so I turned around and started to walk towards Jason and Drew. Jason has his hands in his jeans pockets and is just staring at me.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now