Chapter 29 - No One Is To Blame

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"Forget work, stay here" I jokingly said to my mom causing her to laugh.

"I wish" she said back with a smile. She leaves tomorrow morning. Today is the third so it's been two days since New Years. We just had dinner and Drew was extra tired so he went to sleep early.

"Do you guys want me to get anything before I come sit down?" Jason asked us.

"No I'm okay, thank you" My mom answered him then he looked over at me.

"I can do it, I have to go to the bathroom anyway" I said as I stood up. My moms phone started to ring so I looked over at her. She looked down at her phone and a confused look came across her face. "Who is it?" I asked her.

"The hospital. Maybe they are asking when I'm coming back to work, but they know so I don't know" she said then quickly answered. I looked over at Jason who shrugged, but didn't move from where he was standing I guess he is curious to see what's up as well. I heard my mom gasp so I quickly look over at her. She looked up at me with sadness in her eyes.

Oh no. Something is wrong. My mom said a few more things quietly to the phone then put her phone down. I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"Mom what's going on" I asked as she stood up and walked over to me.

"It's your dad, Hun" she started to say, but it sounded like she couldn't even talk.

"W-what's wrong with him? Is he okay?" I asked her quickly. She glanced over at Jason before looking me in the eyes again. She looks so sad. Oh no.

**Jasons P.O.V.**

"He was really sick in the hospital and didn't tell anyone. Not even me. He passed away tonight" Andrea (Mack's mom) told Mackenzie. Oh god. This isn't good. I watched as Mackenzie just stared back at her mom with confusion and sadness all over her face. She's speechless.

"He's gone?" Mackenzie managed to say. I feel awful for her. I don't want my girl to feel this type of pain.

"Yes" Her mom answered her quietly as she nodded.

"I never got to say goodbye. I hated him because of you" Mackenzie said as she looked over at me. Ouch. I went to talk, but she continued. "It's all your fault" she said as tears ran down her face.

"Mackenzie" I heard Andrea snap at her. Mackenzie walked over to me.

"My entire life I had no problems with him until you walked into my life. My love for you made me hate my father because of his disappointment. So I stopped talking to him and now he is dead. It's because of you. I never got to make peace with him or say goodbye" She cried to me. I just stood there and didn't say anything as I stared at her.

I mean she is right. It is my fault they weren't talking anymore, but it is not my fault he is dead.

"You hated him" I said in a low tone.

"Because of you!" She yelled.

I know she isn't angry at me. She is just hurt and upset because of her dad being gone. But I understand. I wasn't on the best terms with my dad when he died. Him and I actually fought the day before. So I had to live with that too.

Although I learned how to cope in a way she can't. I used the gang as a distraction from my parents death. And well, every death I had dealt with.

"Mackenzie stop this. You don't mean it" Mack's mom said.

"It's fine. I can take it" I said back as I looked at her and she gave me a sad look. Then I looked back at Mackenzie. "Okay, it is my fault you guys stopped talking, but it is not my fault he is dead-" she cut me off.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now