Chapter 24 - Please

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This year has been hell. The first few months were great like usual. Then Jason and I started fighting for almost a month straight.

Then we broke up for two months.

Then there was a crazy guy who wanted to take down Jason.

Then I thought Jason cheated on me (which I was wrong), but still the anxiety that came along with that.

Then I lose my memory for a month and a half.

And now this.

"Can't sleep?" I heard behind me. I looked behind me to see Gigi. I'm sitting in her backyard with a blanket wrapped around me keeping me warm.

"Nope" I answered quietly. "Getting ready for work?" I asked her as she walked over to me.

"Yeah, I could call out if you want-" I cut her off.

"No no, go I'll be fine. I'm going to go to Lauren's in a bit" I told her. She nodded.

"Did you sleep at all?" She asked. I sighed.

"Barely. I finally went to sleep at like three then woke up an hour ago" I answered her. It's six in the morning now. I only slept two hours.

"I'm going to get ready then I'll be right back" Gigi told me then quickly went inside.

Gigi usually takes Drew to school with her so at least I know he will make it to school today. I hope Jason got him up. I don't know why I'm doubting. He is a good dad. I'm just scared.

Last night wasn't normal at all. I don't even know if he has texted or called me. Probably not. My phone is inside. I should probably get myself up. I stood up slowly. I walked into the house and saw Hunter sitting at the kitchen table with Mia. He looked over at me with a little smile.

"Morning, Mack" he said as he nodded at me then put his attention back on Mia as she was eating.

"Good morning" I said back to him as I walked over to the couch. I threw my phone there last night and never touched it after that.


"I-I don't get it" I cried to Gigi. "He was so mean to me. I did nothing wrong" I said as tears streamed down my face. I kept my voice down so I don't wake up Mia. She is a very light sleeper. I hope I didn't wake up Drew. He doesn't need to hear all of that.

"I know you did nothing wrong. Just breathe, okay? He was drunk and that is no excuse for what he did, but he will realize when he wakes up how wrong he was" Gigi tried to tell me as she put her hands on my shoulders. "Just sit and relax okay?"

"I want to just go lay down and think" I told her. She nodded and let go of me.

"The guest bedroom is all yours" she told me with a small smile. I just nodded. I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked down at my lock screen. It's almost eleven already. My eyes traveled to the picture of me, Jason, and Drew. I shook my head then tossed my phone onto the couch. I don't want to look at it. I didn't deserve to get treated the way I did tonight.

**End Of Flashback**

I picked up my phone to see Jason called me at three thirty in the morning. But there were no texts from him. Just that one call. Maybe I should call him. See if he answers. Do I call him first though? I mean he did call in the middle of the night. Maybe it was an accident.

I took a deep breath as I clicked on his contact. I put the phome to my ear and was ready for the ringing, but it went straight to voice mail. His phone is off. I sighed and shook my head.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now