Chapter 56 - What's Wrong?

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**Gigi's P.O.V**

I sighed as I grabbed Mia from out of the car and then shut the car door making sure she walked out of the way.

It's the second day since Jason was suppose to come home. Everyone's so worried.

As I started to follow Mia as she ran to the front door of Mackenizes house. But as we walked up the driveway, Hunter walked out of the door with a sad look on his face and with Drew with him. I knew right away something wasn't away.

"Daddy!" Mia yelled as she ran towards her father.

"Hi baby" Hunter said as he picked up Mia.

"What's wrong?" I instantly asked him.

"I'm going to stay out here with the kids and go for a walk. You should go in there and be with Mackenzie" He told me.

I didn't even question why. I just ran as fast as I can into the house. I heard sobbing the second I ran through the door.

Please, God, please don't let it be what I'm thinking. As quick as possible, I walked into the living room to see Johnson, Travis, Ryan, and Cameron standing around Mackenzie. Ryan was standing in front of her with his hands on her shoulders as he spoke to her quietly. She just stood there sobbing as she listened to him.

"What happened?" I asked as I walked closer. Everyone looked over at me besides Ryan and Mackenzie.

"How can you tell me to relax and breathe?" Mackenzie asked Ryan loudly. "This isn't okay. None of this is okay" she said before breaking down crying more. I walked closer.

"Someone tell me" I said as I looked back and fourth between the guys.

"She thinks he is dead somewhere" Johnson told me as he shook his head.

"Well w-what do you guys think?" I asked him quickly. He shrugged.

"I don't know anymore" he said then let out a breath. I looked back over at Mackenzie and then I stopped in front of Travis to get to her. She looked over at me with the saddest look in her eyes.

"I'm sure he is okay. He's Jason. He's always so safe" I told her as I put my hand on her back. She shook her head.

"It's been a week without hearing from him.  He wouldn't do this to us" She said through her cries. "He's probably d-dead" she said then sobbed harder.

"Don't say that. Please try to take a deep breath" I said in a soothing voice trying to help the best I can.

"Do you want water? I can get you water" I heard Ryan ask her.

"I want Jason!" She yelled then she started to hyperventilate.

"Hey, hey breathe Mackenzie" Johnson said as he stepped closer to her.

"I-I can't. I'm t-trying" she struggled to talk.

"Let's go sit down" I suggested. She shook her head and she was still struggling to get her breathing steady.

"Mackenzie, you need to try to breathe. Take a deep breath, I'll do it with you" Travis said to her.

"I-I can't" she still struggled. "I'm l-lightheaded. I feel l-like" she stopped talking and she put her hand on her chest.

"Mackenzie!" I raised my voice due to my nerves. "She's going to pass out. Let's help her get to the-" I stopped talking once her eyes shut and she started to go down, but Ryan and Travis grabbed her quickly.

"I think we need to take her to her doctor at the hospital." Johnson said to us.

"Yeah we should" I agreed nodding.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now