Chapter 7 - Trust Me

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"This is bullshit" I mumbled to myself as I sat down on the couch. It's only been like two minutes since Jason walked out the door.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and went Johnson's contact and started to call him. I know he is with Jason now and I'm going to make it clear, I'm not staying here. I want my son, I want to see family. This isn't fair.

"Yeah Mack?" He answered like he sounds frustrated.

"I do not want to stay here, Johnson" I told him and he sighed loudly.

"Mackenzie, you have to-"

"No I don't. Please just put me on a plane. Please" I begged him. I heard a groan in the background which I knew was Jason meaning I'm on speaker so he could hear me.

"Turn back around" I heard Jason in the back. "Bring me back there right now" he demanded. He sounds extremely pissed off.

"Calm down, Mc-"

"Turn around" he demanded then the call ended. Well, I guess Jason is coming back to yell at me. Maybe I can convince him to not let me stay here. I really don't think it's fair that I can't go back to my hometown. My son is now almost there. I should be too.

I stood up from the couch as I heard the car door slam shut. Better prepare myself for this one. The front door swung up and there was an angry Jason. He opened the door wide open and stepped to the side of the door.

"You want out? Go." He angrily said. I just stared at him confused. I feel like he's testing me. "But there is no plane to get you out of here. If you wanna roam around the island and get found by this guy trying to kill us all, go ahead. Be my guest. Since you won't let me protect you, go ahead" he said with no emotion and crossed his arms. I sighed loudly and shook my head as I looked away. "Do I have to lock you in the basement or something? What do I have to do for you to just stay here?" He asked me getting loud again.

"Um don't lock me in the basement" I said and rolled my eyes.

"And here we go" he mumbled after he saw me roll my eyes. He walked over to me slowly until he was standing in front of me. "Please" he quietly said. "Please just stay here. I will make sure every single window and door is locked. If god forbid someone were to show up here, in the main bedroom upstairs, there is a hidden room in the closet. You just have to push on the back wall and a small door opens. Please, Angel. I'm begging you to stay here. Can you just listen to me? Can you just trust me?" He asked as he grabbed one of my hands and held it in his two hands.

I should just listen to him. He wouldn't both Drew or I in danger. He has kept me protected for over eight years now. I took a deep breath then nodded.

"Okay" I said quietly. He let go of my hand and pulled my body into his. He held me tightly so I hugged back tightly as well. "Please be safe"

"I always am" he said back then pulled away. He pressed his lips against mine in a long passionate kiss. After he pulled, he stared into my eyes and I felt more calm. "I love you, Angel. Don't ever forget that"

"I never would. I love you too" I said back. He kissed me once more then let go of me. He gave me a forced smile then started to walk towards the door.

"I'll be back soon" he said before walking out the door. I sighed as I quickly walked over and locked it. Well, all doors and windows are locked which is good. The blinds are shut. It also sounds like it started to rain. I walked over to the window and pulled the blind back a little so I can look outside. And it is raining, great. I hope the guys are careful.

I walked over to the stairs and walked up to the second floor again. I want to double check the windows are locked and also see the hidden room Jason was talking about. Just in case I need to use it.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now