Chapter 37 - The Day

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Fours days.

That is how long it has been since I have seen Jason.

I've been saying at Gigis with my mom and Drew. Hunter and Gigi have been nice enough to let us stay here. It's also so Hunter and Jason know that we are safe all together. My uncle went back home supposably it is safe for him home because the gang has been working on their plan for the last four days.

And I'm going crazy because I have no clue what they are doing. They haven't told us anything at all. We've barely talked to any of them. I got a good morning text from Jason, but that's it for today. It's around one in the afternoon, but still. I'm worried. I have no idea what's going on. I hate not knowing.

We told the kids that their daddies are on a business trip. So they are pretty calm about not seeing them. Drew is grumpy today and I just hope it's not because of Jason. I mean, I know that's why I'm grumpy today. I miss him. A lot actually.

It just proves I can not ever live without him. No matter how crazy my thoughts could be, I could never let him move without me. We are a family and he is the love of my life.

I wish I knew what was going on. I hope they are safe.

**Jasons P.O.V**

"One more hour till they get here, McCann" Travis told me. I nodded as I loaded my gun with more bullets. Today is the day we get them.

"What should we do until then?" Cameron asked me. I looked over at him and leaned back against my chair.

"We sit and wait" I said with a smirk. I looked down at my watch and saw it is almost three in the afternoon.

The last time I really talked to Mackenzie was yesterday before they had dinner. I've been trying to keep my phone off, but there are points where I just miss her so much, I just need to hear her voice. I turned my phone on this morning to text her good morning, then I turned it right back off. When this is all over I can go right back home to her and Drew. I miss them so much and it's been a couple of days since I last saw them.

"I can't believe this is working so far" I heard Johnson say. I looked up at him with a smirk and nodded. I'm happy as fuck this plan is working. I'm very confident it will go completely through as planned.

"They are fucking idiots for going up against us" I said with a chuckle.

So three days ago, we kidnapped Chase and we brought him to the basement of this house we have on the other side of the island. It's the house that I put Mackenzie in when a crazy lunatic was running around trying to find me.

Anyway, we searched his phone and his apartment. He had files of all of our information. He's sick. We also found out his real name. This is the best part, he's related to Ralph. It's Ralph nephew. His real name is Carson Harvey. It explains why he was so willing to do this for Ralph even though I had never done any business with him.

The day we kidnapped him, we beat the shit out of him until he talked. The little bitch told us everything. He was never part of any crime or any gang, he was always just a teacher. But Ralph and his son said if he helped them that he would get part of my money and have whatever he wants. People do crazy things for a million dollars, huh. We also found out that they are the only three people who know where we live. Which means I could easily kill them and we will be safe here again. Also their whole 'I need help' was just so they could lure me out there and kill me or get the police on me. I figured as much.

Two days ago, we finally convinced him to lure Ralph and his son out here. We held a gun to his head as he called Ralph and told him that we are planning to move so if they want to get revenge they had to act fast and that they could come stay with him and gave him the address to this house. He said he would be waiting in the basement with all the information they would need.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now