Chapter 59 - Its All Ours

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"And honestly, I feel like this is something that will be fixed soon." I told Ava. I been hanging out with Ava for about an hour now. I'm telling her about Jason's issue. I don't want to call it an addiction. It makes me sick to my stomach and that word scares me. It's been two days since I found out about what's going on with Jason...

"You think so?" She asked me. I nodded.

"I think it's something that it just helping him deal for now. He's always had battles with himself and this is something that puts a stop on it for the moment and helps his mind. Although it doesn't excuse the fact he is taking them still, but he was so depended on it for two weeks straight, it's something I know he will lean off of." I explained and she nodded slowly.

"That make sense. What battles does he have with himself? I mean, not to sound rude, but he is Jason McCann, everyone knows what he has done and after all these years is he beating him self up over the people that lost their lives because of him?" She asked me and she said in slowly almost like she was scared to ask. I sighed and looked away. I don't know how to answer that. "I'm sorry I'm not trying to offend you" she said quietly and I looked back at her then shook my head.

"No it's okay" I said back. "He deals with stuff that he takes medication for. Believe it or not, but over the last few years he began to get anxiety so he doesn't know how to deal with that so obviously that bothers him. His whole life he's had trauma and it scarred him. His whole life he felt like he had to be someone who was strong and no emotions and could handle anything. So with having a family all he wants to do is be the best father he could be and be sweet and caring and full of emotions, but sometimes his past tries to keep up with him. He is just still focused on being the best man. But you know how past can be" I explained to her again.

"That makes sense. That must be a lot to handle" she said and I nodded agreeing.

"Yeah, but he handles it well most of the time-" I stopped talking once the door opened. I saw Cameron walk in.

"Jason's here to get you" He told me. I nodded then looked over at Ava.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked her and she nodded. She glanced over at Cameron then looked at the wall. She's still giving him the cold shoulder, but I do not blame her. I wouldn't talk to him either. I stood up and walked out of the room with Cameron following.

"He seems really good today. He looks happy" Cameron told me as we walked up the stairs.

"Good. That makes me happy" I said with a smile. We reached the first floor and there was Jason talking with Travis. He smiled over at me.

"Ready to go, Angel?" He asked me. I nodded and he grabbed my hand.

"Bye guys" I said to the boys before I walked with Jason out of the house.

"I have something to tell you" he told me as we walked towards the car.

"What is it? Good news I'm assuming?" I asked him. As we reached the car, he stopped walking and pulled me to him. I smiled up at him. This is the happiest he has seemed since he got back.

"Good news. Great news" he said as he nodded. He grabbed onto both my hands.

"Is this about where you have been all day?" I asked with a giggle. He nodded again.

"So I bought a huge property today" he told me and my eyes widened. "We are going to build a house. Your dream house. Whatever you want, you will get. It's the same distance to the beach like our house now, but kind of on the other side of the island. We can put that double stair case you always said you wanted. A bigger yard, a bigger pool, a hot tub built into the pool. Literally anything we want. We will have more bedrooms so that the baby gets a room and we can still have a guest bedroom and a playroom for the kids" He told me and I felt so much happiness inside.

"Really?" I asked in shock as I smiled wider. He nodded.

"I swear. It's going to be perfect. And no more missions for me. I'm done putting myself in danger. You and the kids will always be safe. We are also going to make the house gated so you need a code to get into the property. This life will be better for you" he told me and I felt some tears fall.

"Jason, what made you do that? After all the years of living here?" I asked him, but with a big smile still so he knows I'm happy about it.

"I just feel like we need something bigger and we need a change. A change without leaving here because this is our home forever now" he told me and I nodded.

"That sounds great. I'm so happy. When can we start?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"We can meet with someone today if we really want to" he told me.

"Can I see the property?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Let's go, baby girl" he said then opened the car door for me.


"This is so much space" I said as I looked around. We are standing in the middle of land that will be our new home.

"I know. It's perfect" he said back. I looked over at him to see him standing there staring at me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. "This is all ours" he said and I giggled out of happiness.

"It's all ours" I said back and leaned up to kiss him.

"It's like a new beginning. I'm making changes. You'll never worry about my safety again. I'm making sure I'm a better person for real this time. No drugs to help me feel better, no sketchy shit to get me money. I found a new way for it all. And plus you and the kids are all I need. I can't wait for our baby to come" He told me and I felt so overwhelmed with happiness that I felt some tears fall.

"You have no idea how happy this makes me. I can not wait for everything."

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine so passionately. "I love you so much" he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you so much too, Jason" I said back before pressing our lips together again.

I have a feeling everything is going to be so different. But the absolute best change ever. And it's about time...

The End...

As sad as I am, the series is actually over this time...

I love this series so much and I am very proud of it. I just do not want to drag it out and make it boring. I've ran out of ideas and I want to leave it in a place where it isn't completely dragged out.

I'm proud of all three books and I hope this last one was as good as the first two! I just want to say thank you to everyone who read all three. My work means the world to me and I'm so happy I can share it with people who may enjoy it as well.

Thank you all so so much. I hate to say goodbye to the series, but I think it's time.

I have another Justin series if you guys would like to check that out as well. And I also just released the first chapter to a new Justin book! So if you would like to check those out, please do :)

I love you guys <3

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now