Chapter 42 - This Is Bullshit

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"Stop" I said to Jason as I got into bed. He walked into the house only minutes after me, but I went right to our room so I could go to sleep. Well, try to sleep. I have so much on my mind.

"No, Mack-" I cut him off.

"I don't want to talk, Jason. I'm going to sleep" I told him as I laid down and put the blankets over me. I faced away from Jason.

"No, I want to know what that was all about" he said and I felt the bed move like he sat on it. I ignored him. "I'm talking to you" he said with attitude.

"Well I'm going to sleep" I said quietly and shut my eyes.

"Nah, you're not doing this shit" He said and put his hand on my shoulder pulling me over so I was laying face up. My eyes shot open to see him hovering over me. "Be honest, what were you trying to do by breaking into their house and going into the room with Ava" He demanded.

"I wasn't lying to you, Jason" I snapped at him again. "I just want to make sure she wasn't getting abused and that she was okay and eating. I didn't have any intention on letting her go so she could rat you guys out to the cops" I told him honestly. He just stared down at me.

"Cameron wouldn't hurt her" He said and I scoffed.

"I want you to stop lying to me. I don't understand how you could look me in the eyes and lie to me. The other guys I don't care about, but you should know better. You lied about where you were going the night you guys kidnapped her, you lied about the club when I saw you with her, you all lied to me when you all said you would leave her alone. We don't lie to each other, Jason. I shouldn't have to question if you're lying to me or not" I ranted to him.

"I never lie to you. Yeah, I did those times, but it was because it was better off that you didn't know about this" He told me.

"That doesn't make it hurt any less. I don't want us lying to each other and keeping secrets" I said and he sighed. "And you hurt me tonight" I said as I felt myself wanting to cry. "Your grip on me hurt. I begged you to stop, but you were so angry with me, assuming I was doing the worst. You know me, Jason. I'm not dumb enough to send her running to the police" I said as I felt the tears fall out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Angel" he said in a softer tone. I just stared up at him. "I didn't want to hurt you. I just really was so pissed at you for going there. And breaking in."

"You guys wouldn't have let me talked to her if I asked" I said and he nodded.

"I know" he said back. He put his hand softly on my cheek and wiped away the few tears I let fall.

"Can I go to sleep now?" I quietly asked him. He nodded as he moved his hand. I went to turn over, but he stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked back up at him and he put his hand back on my cheek. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

"I love you, babe" he quietly said.

"I love you too. Goodnight" I said then he moved his hand again and I rolled over facing away from him. I got comfortable, but just stared at the wall. I want to sleep, but my mind is racing. Jason's phone started to ring making me a jump a little bit due to how quiet it was in here.

"Hey" I heard him answer quietly. "Really?" He sounded surprised. I wonder who he's talking to. "Alright I'll be right down" I'm assuming he's talking to Ryan since Ryan is on our couch. We told him he could sleep in the guest bedroom, but he wanted to fall asleep watching tv and we don't have one in the guest room. Oh well. I felt Jason get out off the bed. I'm just going to go to sleep. I'm so tired.

My eyes shot open when I heard the sound of glass breaking. I sat up quickly. What time is it? Where's Jason?

I grabbed my phone to see it's a little passed midnight. I been asleep for almost hour. I saw I had a text from Jason saying 'idk if ur asleep but I'll be right back. going to the store with ry'

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now