Chapter 52 - Three Days

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I ignored everything around me as I sit bouncing my leg up and down trying to not go crazy.

Three days is how long it has been since I heard from Jason. Not a text. Not a call. Nothing.

Three fucking days.

So I'm trying not to think the worst, but that's all I could think about. What if he isn't okay? The whole gang is here, but I've tuned them out for... I don't even know how long.

I suddenly snapped out of it once I felt hands on my shoulders and saw Travis kneeled down in front of me as I sit on the couch.

"Say something please" He begged and kept his hands on my shoulder.

"Like what?" I quietly asked. "How about the fact that we have no idea where he even is because they left Paris a few days ago?" I asked in the same low tone.

"You know we can figure this out" he said as he moved his hands and sat down next to me.

"Maybe he doesn't have phone service" I heard Cameron say. I stared at the floor again. The worst thoughts are going through my head.

"I don't have a bad feeling. I'm sure they could be really busy with no phone service where they are." I heard Johnson say. I felt someone sit on the other side of me and put their hand on my back. I looked over to see who was touching me. It was Justin. I looked back at the floor.

"Want to get fresh air?" He asked me.

"No" I managed to answer him.

"Want to go on a ride?" Travis asked me.

"No" I answered him too.

"You can't be like this when Drew gets out of school, Mack. He is going to know something is wrong." I heard Johnson say to me. I looked over at Travis who is looking at me with a worried look.

"I'll go on a ride" I quietly told him. He nodded and stood up. So I stood up to and just headed for the front door. I felt someone's hand on my arm making me stop. I looked back to see Justin. I can't even look at him. All I can see is Jason with blue eyes and dark hair.

"Do you want me to come?" He asked me in a soft tone. I shook my head and he let go of my hand. He looked a little offended. But I don't have it in me to explain myself. He should know why any way. I just faced forward again and walked for the front door. Travis opened the door for me and let me walk out first. The warm yet fresh air felt kind of nice.

"I think I know why you didn't want him to come" I heard Travis say as we walked towards his car.

"He's literally Jason" I said back to him.

"I figured. I understand though" He said then opened the passenger door for me.

"Thank you" I said as I got in. He just nodded and shut the door before walking around the car and getting in.

"Where should we go?" Travis asked me as he started up the car.

"Maybe make a left out of here" I suggested as he pulled out of the driveway. My phone started to ring and I looked down quickly only to see Justin called me. I sighed loudly.

"Who is it?" Travis asked me.

"Justin" I answered.

"Already? Maybe they heard something." He said and I agree, maybe it's something.

"Hey" I answered and put it on speaker.

"So you're gonna be like that again?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked him. Travis shot me a confused look and I shrugged.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now