Chapter 28 - New Years

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"If you need anything, I will come right home" I told my mom as I started to put on my heels. She laughed at me. I looked up at her with a serious look. "I'm being serious. I will"

"Just have fun. Don't worry about it. I know where everything is in this house and Drew is going to sleep in less than an hour anyway" She made a point.

"What are you going to do after he goes to sleep?" I asked her. I feel bad she will be alone.

"I'm going to probably watch movies on the couch" she told me. I nodded then finished putting on my heels. "You look beautiful" she told me and I smiled a little.

"Thank you" I said back. "I'm excited. A lot of our friends well, Jasons friends who became my friends too, flew in today so we are seeing people we haven't seen in a long time. It's going to be so fun" I told her. She smiled again.

"Well, I'm glad you are going to be having fun" She said then I heard my phone ding. So I walked over to my dresser and grabbed it to see Gigi text me saying, 'I have a surprise for you'.

Oh god, I wonder what is it. Maybe it's just my favorite alcohol. I'm just kidding, but I actually have no idea what it could be.

I put my phone down then looked back up at my mom. She is sitting at the edge of my bed, she sat with me while I got ready. Jason is down stairs with Drew.

"And you guys are getting a ride there?" She asked me confused.

"Yes, we got a driver" I told her.

"Good" she said back with a smile.


So Gigi's surprise was big. Something I did not expect at all.

Becca and Alissa are here!

It's been a long time since the four of us got together. Many years, actually.

"You look great" I heard Becca say to me. I looked over at her with a smile.

"You do too" I said back and took a sip from my drink. "So your husband is okay with you vacationing here for the holiday without him?" I asked her. Becca did get married two years ago.

"Yes, he can be very chill." She told me with a laugh.

"Maybe I'll find a husband here" Alissa said causing us to laugh. I looked down at my phone once I felt it buzz. I saw Jason texted me a picture. I looked up and looked around and didn't see him so I looked back down at my phone and opened his text. I smiled once I saw he sent a picture of him and I that we took earlier. (Picture is at the top of the page)

Me: i love that. where are you?

Jason: out back smoking with some of the boys

Me: okayyyyy

I locked my phone and slid it into my purse.

"Shots anyone?" I asked getting their attention.

"Hell yes" Gigi said grabbed a bottle of vodka. I laughed. This night is very much needed. We have about an hour until midnight.

"Mackenzie" I heard behind me. I looked behind me to see Ryan. I smiled and turned towards him.

"What's up, Ry?" I asked him.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" He asked and I nodded. I followed him to the other side of the room.

"What's going on?"

"Okay so I know I am drunk, but who is that blonde girl with you? I don't remember meeting her. She's gorgeous" he said making me smile wide.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now