Chapter 18 - Please Remember Soon

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Before I start this chapter, I would just like to say thank you so everyone who has been following along with this series and commenting and liking!

I opened this app the other morning to see this!!

This made me so extremely happy and I hope this third book makes it up there soon with the first two!!!

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This made me so extremely happy and I hope this third book makes it up there soon with the first two!!!

Thank you guys so much and enjoy this next chapter :)

**Jasons P.O.V**

It's been three weeks since Mackenzies accident and she can finally come home tomorrow morning. Her mom and Gigi are actually at the house right now doing the extra, like putting up a welcome home banner and making her a cake.

And I will be sleeping in the guest bed room considering Mackenzie isn't ready to share a bed with me yet. I understand though, but I wish it wasn't that way. I miss sharing the bed and holding her and waking up to her face every morning.

In better news, she's had progress. Over the past few days, she has remembered things from her childhood and a little bit of her growing up. But of course it's all before she met me. So she remembers her parents, her brother, her whole family, little things from her childhood, Gigi, Becca, Alissa, and I think that's it. It's huge progress, but there's still so much she has to remember. Me included.

"Ready?" I heard Mackenzies voice. I looked up to see her walking out of the bathroom, well limping because of her foot. I'm sitting at the end of her bed waiting so we can go through my phone to show her videos of her and her life.

"As long as you are" I said with a smile then stood up. She smiled and nodded. She sat down on the bed then scooted over then looked up at me.

"You want me to sit there?" I asked her and she nodded. I couldn't help, but to smile a little wider. I sat down next to her and pulled my phone from my sweatshirt pocket. We sat with our shoulders pressed against each other which we haven't since before the accident. I missed being close and happy with her.


It's now seven pm and I spent so many hours showing Mackenzie videos and more pictures of us over the last eight years. We were laughing and smiling and it felt so fucking good. I felt almost normal again. I would do anything to go back how it was. I'm working on it though.

We put the phone done about twenty minutes ago and we're now just hanging out until I go home in an hour. I wish she was coming with me tonight. But tomorrow she finally will be.

"Tell me about our house. I know I'm going to see it tomorrow, but I want to hear about it" she said to me as she put her cup of water back down on the table next to the bed. She's sitting on the hospital bed and I'm sitting in one of the chairs next to the bed.

"Well, it's really nice. You picked it out and we both love it there. We have a big back yard with a pool. There was one bedroom downstairs so we made it Drew's play room which is right next to a little office I have" I explained to her. She slowly nodded.

"How many bedrooms upstairs?" She asked causing me to chuckle.

"You want to know every room?" I asked and she nodded as she started to smile a bit.

"There are three bedrooms upstairs. Ours, Drew's, and a guest room. Each room has its own bathroom." I told her.

"Wow" she said back quietly. I smiled too. She's so cute. "Well how about the cars? Tell me I didn't crash your car" she said with a pout.

"No you didn't. And even if you did, I wouldn't care because the only thing that matters is that you're okay" I told her and she began to smile a little.

"What kind of car do you have and what kind did I have?" She asked without a smile now.

"Cars" I corrected her with a chuckle. She began to look confused. "I have two cars myself and you have- well one now, but you had two" I explained to her.

"Are we like" she paused for a second before continuing to say, "rich?" I started to laugh and her cheeks get red over the fact I was laughing at her.

"Yeah babygirl" I said back with a smirk and she nodded. I laughed again and she smiled over at me.

"Don't laugh at me" She said back and crossed her arms. She tried to pretend to look serious, but her smile wouldn't go away.

"I'm not. You're just too cute" I said back to her. Her cheeks got red again. "I can't wait to take you home tomorrow" I told her.

"I can't wait too. I also can't wait to get out of here."


"Jason, breathe honey" I heard Mackenzies mom say with a laugh. I gave her a little smile as I turned to her.

"I'm okay" I told her and she crossed her arms.

"You've been pacing for the last ten minutes" She said and I stood still and sighed.

"Okay, I'm just nervous" I admitted and stayed standing by my back door while she sits on the couch. We are at my house making sure everything is perfect. Not like Mackenzie will remember it anyway, but still I want it perfect here for her.

Gigi and Travis went to get Mackenzie to bring her home. They should be back any minute now. Drew is with Hunter at his house playing with Mia. We didn't want it to be too overwhelming so Drew will be coming home later on. It's about eleven in the morning and I've been up since six because I could barely sleep. I don't get much sleep anymore these days.

"Why are you nervous?" She asked me. I took a deep breath before answering.

"I-I don't know. Things have been going well, I think I'm just scared she won't ever remember the life we have together and the love we share. Or the bond she has with Drew. Or the fact that she's not only my wife, but my best friend, my absolute everything. It hurts so badly knowing that now the person I am so in love with, doesn't love me. I can't just tell her everything and expect her to just be in love with me-"

"I will remember again" I heard Mackenzies soft voice. I looked over quickly to see her standing in the door way. Gigi was smiling behind her, same with Travis.

"I hope so" I said back quietly. She carefully and slowly started to walk over to me. I just stared at her as she did.

"I will try my hardest to remember you, Jason" She told me as she stood in front of me. She grabbed my hands tightly in hers. "I want to remember our love and I will. I want to love you. You've been so kind and patient with me. You and everyone else has shown me the type of love that I am given and the love that I show to others. You've shown me a lot about our relationship and I will make sure I do everything I can to remember." She told me.

I love you so much.

I want to tell her that, but I won't be able to take it when she doesn't say it back.

So I didn't say anything. I just pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on me.

Please remember soon, Angel. Please.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now