Chapter 39 - Great News

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"I know you want to go look, but I-I don't know if I can right now" I told Lauren as I sat down on my bed. Jason is in the shower and I feel like I'm ready to throw up everywhere.

"Are you nervous?" She asked me. She wants to take me dress shopping.

Jason and I decided to have the vows renewal ceremony a few weeks after his birthday so we have a month. We want it to be soon because we both are just so excited. It's just going to be something small and simple. And on the beach. My mom is flying in, of course. So is Jason's brother. My mom hasn't met Justin so it's going to be funny when she sees two.

But anyway, all I really need is the perfect white dress. Nothing crazy because this isn't an actual wedding, but something elegant and simple. I do get to walk down the aisle though which will be fun. Even if I'm walking alone. And Drew being apart of this makes everything more perfect.

"I'm not nervous" I told Lauren. "I just don't feel to great. I woke up feeling nauseous. I've been holding down my throw up" I said then groaned. This sucks.

"Wait" She paused making me confused. "You felt like this yesterday too, right?" She asked me.

"Uh yeah" I answered her.

"Just in the morning or the whole day? How were you feeling?" She asked me quickly.

"I mean I felt better as the day went on. It was only in-" I stopped talking as it hit me. "The morning" I continued slowly.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked.

"Yes" I answered back. What if this is morning sickness because I could be pregnant? "Holy fuck" I whispered.

"What?" I heard Jason's voice. I looked over to see him walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I'm suddenly feeling a little better.

"Lauren let me call you back" I told her then hung up as I stood up. "I felt sick yesterday morning. Only in the morning. And today I woke up feeling the same way" I started to tell him. He looked at me confused. "Morning sickness" I told him slowly. Then you can tell he figured it out when a small smile began to appear on his face.

"W-what?" He asked me with a smile still. "Do you think you could be pregnant?" He asked me with excitement in his voice.

"There's a chance" I said back and began to smile too.

"Oh my god, Angel" he said as he walked over to me. "Let's go buy a test" He said causing me to giggle at his excitement. I nodded quickly.

"Yeah let's go" I said back and he grabbed my face then kissed me. "I don't want to get our hopes up, babe" I told him as he pulled away.

"I know" he said nodding. He winked at me as he backed away. "I'll change fast" he said then turned around and headed towards our closet. I'm not going to get too excited because there was a time where I felt sick in the morning, took a test and I wasn't pregnant.

Also after having a miscarriage because of the car accident, I just hope it doesn't fuck with my next pregnancy. If that's possible, I don't know. You know me and my over thinking.

But I'm ready to have another child. So is Jason. I'm excited, but I'm not going to think too into it considering we don't even know if I am.


"I'm nervous" I told Jason as I looked back up at him. He still looked excited. We are currently sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for the results.

"How much longer?" He asked me and I laughed. I grabbed my phone to see it says ten seconds on the timer. I opened my mouth to tell him until I heard the front door shut.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now