Chapter 34 - The Past

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It's been about two weeks since I came home from the hospital. I've been completely fine and I was before so I still don't understand what happened. I have been better and happier though. I realize I can't take life for granted. We could go at any moment.

Although I do feel like there is always a problem after another. I can't let that get to me. Life is life I guess.

Right now I'm in the kitchen with Jason. We just finished cleaning up after breakfast.

I finally looked down at my phone to see two missed calls from my uncle Nick. He never calls me.

"That's weird" I said out loud. I should call him back.

"What?" I heard Jason ask. I started to call him back and looked up at Jason.

"My uncle Nick called me twice" I told him as I listen to the phone ring. "No answer" I said as it went to voice mail. I made sure my ringer was on and put my phone back down.

"Do you think it's important?" Jason asked as he looked at me confused.

"It must be. I mean, he never calls me" I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"I have to tell you something" Jason said as he shook his head and took a deep breath. He put both hands on the counter.

"What is it?" I asked concerned since he isn't acting right.

"I woke up with a really weird gut feeling. I don't know what, but I just feel like something isn't right. Johnson's on his way here. I called him over. I need to make sure everything with the gang is fine" He told me. I don't want to say this out loud so I won't, but any time Jason has a weird gut feeling something bad happens. So now I'm really worried.

"Oh no" I said quietly. I wasn't sure what to say back. I heard the front door open and Jason quickly walked out of the kitchen. I followed behind. I saw Johnson standing in the living room.

"So I asked all the guys, that live on this island, if everything is okay and they all said yes. I didn't tell them anything though" Johnson told Jason. Jason just nodded and took another deep breath.

"I don't know, man. I don't feel right" Jason said back to him. Before anyone could talk, Jason's phone started to ring from his pocket. He pulled it out and a confused look came across his face as he looked down at it.

"Who is it?" I asked him.

"A random number" He answered then he answered the phone saying, "Hello?" Johnson and I just stared at him in silence. After a long minute, Jason finally spoke up.

"How did you get my number?" Jason asked angrily. Johnson and I looked over at each other confused before looked back at Jason. "No" he said shaking his head. I can tell he is pissed. I wonder who it is. I have a bad feeling now too. Between my uncle calling me and now someone called Jason. I know it's not my uncle because he would have said something. "No I left that place a long time ago and not one person over there matters to me anymore besides my gang. I finished helping people a long time ago. You're on your own, Ralph" I heard him say and my eyes widened.

"Ralph?" Johnson questioned loudly. Jason nodded. How the hell did he get Jason's number?

"I said no. After Alex died, you got arrested and Johnson had to take me in. You stopped caring about how I was doing. Even when you got out. Alex was gone and you didn't give a fuck about me anymore. I used to stick up for you and tell everyone how decent of a guy you were. Fuck you and your son. I'm not helping you" Jason said then hung up. He took a deep breath and you can tell he was trying to control his angry.

"He wants you to help him? With what?" Johnson asked confused.

"How did he get your number?" I asked too. "Do you think this has to do with why my uncle called me?" I asked trying to put the pieces together.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now