Chapter 26 - Merry Christmas

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As I walked out of the room, I heard the tv playing down stairs quietly. I heard the shower running from the bathroom down the hall and knew it was Dylan. Everyone is awake then. They let me sleep in.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw my mom sitting on the couch staring and smiling in the direction of the fire place. I looked over as I kept walking to see someone with a black hoodie on facing Drew as Drew sat by the fire smiling and giggling. I knew it wasn't just anyone. I knew that figure all too well.

"Mommy look who's here!" Drew yelled as he saw me. This was the last thing I expected to wake up too. Jason turned around and gave me a small smile.

"Merry Christmas, Angel" he said with a bigger smile. I couldn't help, but to smile at the sight of him.

"Hi" I said and laughed a bit.

Am I dreaming? I never ever thought the day would come that Jason would step foot in this town again. He must really want to fix us. He started to walk my way as I got closer.

"I couldn't miss Christmas" He said as he stood in front of me. I didn't say anything, I just wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly to him.

"Merry Christmas" I said as I kept hugging him. I felt him pull his head away and then felt him kiss the side of my head. I pulled away and looked up at him. "I thought this was too dangerous?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"What's one day going to do? I know how to be lowkey" he said with a smile. I playfully rolled my eyes with a small smile then walked passed him to Drew.

"We waited for you to wake up so we can open presents together" Drew said as he smiled up at me.

"Awe thank you. Go ahead and open them" I said then leaned down and kissed the top of his head. I walked over to my mom as she smiled widely over at me. "Did you know he was coming?" I asked her as I sat down next to her. I watched as Jason sat on the ground next to Drew as Drew started to open up presents.

"No. He just showed up at the door an hour ago" She told me. "He had his hoodie up like he does now, sunglasses on, his head down. He was so worried someone was going to see him" She said with a laugh. I laughed too.

"Yeah, well I'm surprised he came. He always refused to come back" I told her.

"Well, he loves you guys and couldn't spend Christmas without you both. And after everything that happened, him coming somewhere where he is wanted by the police just to be able to make things right with you, shows a lot, Mack" My mom made a point.

I just nodded then looked back over at Jason and Drew. They both look so happy. Jason noticed I was staring and looked over at me. He winked then looked back at Drew. I smiled again. I guess this holiday won't be so bad after all. I'm sure me and him will talk about everything again this afternoon.


"I can not believe she just handed you the keys" I said to Jason as I laughed. My mom is letting us take her car because Jason said he wants to take me to a few places. Without getting out of the car, of course. I have no idea what his plan is. My moms car windows are tinted so no one will be able to see us.

"Because she trust me with her car" Jason said back with a smirk. "And she loves me, thank god" he joked and I laughed again.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now