Chapter 20 - Dug Up Memories

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It's been a week since Jason took me on that date. The date that was literally perfect. Things have been really good lately. I've slowly got back a few more memories. But of course, they are memories from before I met Jason. Maybe the next memory I get back will be me meeting him. Let's hope.

I heard the door bell ring, so I got up from the kitchen table and walked over. I answered the door to see people I didn't know. Two guys and a girl. They look very happy, am I suppose to know them?

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked quickly. They all began to laugh.

"Still funny" One of the guys said.

"Hi!" The girl said and started to walk towards me, but I put my hand up and took a step back. She began to look confused.

"Haha very funny, we're coming in" The other guy said.

"Jason!" I yelled for him. "No, you're not coming in" I said to them.

"Why not? Why are you being weird?" The guy said to me. I went to shut the door, but he put his foot between the door and the frame.

"Jason!" I called for him again. I heard his loud footsteps close.

"Damn, so it's like that now, huh?" The other guy said. I looked over to see Jason walking quickly to me confused.

"Babe, whats-" he stopped talking as he got to the door and saw who was here. He began to smile. "Hey guys. What are you guys doing here?" He asked started to dab up the guys.

"We decided to plan a surprise visit to everyone" The guy said. "We missed you guys" So I know them?

"Hi Ari, how are you?" Jason greeted the girl.

"Confused now, McCann" she said and looked back at me.

"Yeah, why is she being like this with us?" One of the guys asked Jason. Jason sighed and shook his head.

"Why don't you guys come in?" He invited them in. I stepped to the side and stayed quiet as I watched them walk in. They walked right into the living room and Jason turned to me quickly. "You okay?" He asked as he put his hand softly on my cheek.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I told him quietly. He nodded then softly kissed me. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the living room too.

"So what's going on?" One of the guys asked.

"A little over a month ago, Mackenzie was in a car accident and lost her memory-" The girl cut Jason off.

"Why didn't you guys tell us?" She asked angrily. "We could have been there for her"

"It would have been too much. It was already overwhelming having everyone who lives around her checking on her every two seconds. This is already hard enough of her" Jason told him.

"You still could have told us" One of the guys said.

"I've got some of my memories back over the past month. I remember the first seventeen years of my life, just up to the point where I met Jason" I finally spoke up.

"Well I'm Ariana. We used to be close" I just nodded.

"I'm Bates" The one guy introduced himself.

"And I'm Ronnie" The other one said.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could remember you guys" I told them.

"Do you think you'll get the rest of your memory back?" Ronnie asked me.

"Yes" I said nodding. "It might take a few months, but it is suppose to all come back to me" I told them.

"So you don't even remember Jason?" Bates asked me. I shook my head and looked over at Jason who looked a little sad. I looked back over at everyone else.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now