Chapter 32 - See You Again

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As I started to wake up, I felt my head on my arms and myself sitting up. And I hear a woman talking.

Who? I opened my eyes and picked up my head to see I'm in a classroom...

What the hell? Wait a minute, this is not just any classroom. This is in the high school I went to.

I'm so confused. I looked around to see students I went to school with. And they didn't age at all. I looked down at my hand to see no wedding ring. I looked back up at the teacher to see it's Ms White, my junior year history teacher.

What is going on? Why is it like I went back in time? That's not possible. Before I could do anything else, the bell rang. I quickly got up and ran out of the room. I stopped once I got into the hallway to look around.

"Mackenzie!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see Alissa.

"Hey Liss" I said in a confused tone. She's smiling and again, she has not aged either. She started to walk, so I walked along side of her.

"I think we're going to Beccas after to get ready for the party. Are you sure you don't want to come?" She asked me. I stopped walking so she did too. If I'm not wrong, she said the exact same thing to me this exact day.

Am I repeating that day some how?

"Maybe" I answered her to see what she says. I swear if she says think about it...

"Think about it at least" she said with a smile. Holy shit.

"I will" I said back with a forced smile. I looked down at my bag and reached into trying to find my phone. And there it is. I quickly pulled it out. I went into my contacts and searched Jasons name and there was nothing. Well duh if this is the day I met him, I don't have it. I looked up and shook my head knowing it's pointless. But then I remembered, this is lunch period now which means the gang could be outside. "Hey Liss" I said getting her attention. She looked up at me and nodded. "I'm going to go outside real quick, but I'll meet you at lunch okay?" I asked back to her. And she started to smirk.

"Is Cody out there?" She asked with a laugh.

"Ew. No, I just need to get something from my car" I told her and she nodded.

"Okay, see you soon" she said then walked away. I quickly walked towards the front door. I hope they are out there. Jason needs to be out there. I walked through the doors and I was right. The gang was there, but I didn't see Jason. I see Travis, Hunter, Cameron, and Kade.

Oh my god Kade. I watched as he laughed at something. I miss him. He was like a little brother to me. Without thinking, I quickly walked over to them. They noticed and looked at me confused.

"Hey Mackenzie" Hunter said in a confused tone.

"Oh hey, you're tutoring me tonight" Travis said with a smile.

"I am" I said back with a smile.

"Um what's up?" Hunter asked still confused. "Did Gigi set you up to this? Because last I checked she blocked me" he asked me. I laughed and shook my head.

"No she didn't. I just wanted to come say hi" I said with a shrug. I sound stupid probably.

"You hate me" Hunter said crossing his arms. I shook my head.

"I'm Kade" I heard from my right. I looked over and smiled.

"I know. Hi Kade" I said sweetly. He smiled at me. God I wish he was still alive. But this feels so real. Like way too real.

"You want something don't you?" Hunter asked getting my attention. I looked back over at him. He chuckled. "Well you hate me because of Gigi, you don't talk to any of us-" Travis cut him off.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now